如何解决 ASP .NET 集成测试中的可访问性参数不一致?

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我正在尝试为 ASP .NET WebApi 进行干净的集成测试。

这是Web应用程序工厂类。 它在扩展中使用的程序类是 api 项目的内部类。 (使用 InternalsVisibleTo 完成)

internal class DozerWebApplicationFactory : WebApplicationFactory<Program>
    //Omitted not useful


public class QuotesControllerTests

    private readonly DozerWebApplicationFactory _application;
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;

    public QuotesControllerTests()
        // Arrange/Setup
        _application = new DozerWebApplicationFactory();
        _httpClient = _application.CreateClient();


但我想使用 IClassFixture 类来做到这一点:

public class QuotesControllerTests : IClassFixture<DozerWebApplicationFactory>

    private readonly DozerWebApplicationFactory _application;
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;

    public QuotesControllerTests(DozerWebApplicationFactory application)
        // It doesn't work because this constructor is public (tests need to be public) but the Factory is internal due to program being internal as stated above.
        _application = application;
        _httpClient = _application.CreateClient();



CS0051    Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type 'DozerWebApplicationFactory' is less accessible than method 'QuotesControllerTests.QuotesControllerTests(DozerWebApplicationFactory)'

我该怎么做才能使其与 IClassFixture 一起工作?

c# asp.net api testing integration-testing

一个选项是在测试项目中创建一种“持有者” - 它可以是公共类,但包含对内部类的引用:

public class DozerFactoryHolder
    internal DozerWebApplicationFactory Factory { get; set; }


public class QuotesControllerTests : IClassFixture<DozerFactoryHolder>
    private readonly DozerWebApplicationFactory _application;

    public QuotesControllerTests(DozerFactoryHolder holder)
        _application = holder.Factory;
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