@app.route('/', methods=['post'])
def webhook():
# endpoint for processing incoming messaging events
data = request.get_json()
print(data) # you may not want to log every incoming message in production, but it's good for testing
if data["object"] == "page":
for entry in data["entry"]:
for messaging_event in entry["messaging"]:
if messaging_event.get("message"): # someone sent us a message
sender_id = messaging_event["sender"]["id"] # the Facebook ID of the person sending you the message
recipient_id = messaging_event["recipient"]["id"] # the recipient's ID, which should be your page's facebook ID
message_text = messaging_event["message"]["text"] # the message's text
responseai = response(message_text, sender_id)
send_message(sender_id, responseai)
if messaging_event.get("delivery"): # delivery confirmation
if messaging_event.get("optin"): # optin confirmation
if messaging_event.get("postback"): # user clicked/tapped "postback" button in earlier message
return "Ok", 200
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def verify():
# when the endpoint is registered as a web hook, it must echo back
# the 'hub.challenge' value it receives in the query arguments
if request.args.get("hub.mode") == "subscribe" and request.args.get("hub.challenge"):
if not request.args.get("hub.verify_token") == os.environs["VERIFY_TOKEN"]:
return "Verification token mismatch", 403
return request.args["hub.challenge"], 200
return "Hello World", 200
当我访问我的Flahost所在的localhost:5000时,浏览器上只显示Hello World。我怎么知道web-hook功能正常?它还应该显示'Ok'吗?
command-line client。
curl -X GET "localhost:5000/?hub.verify_token=<YOUR_VERIFY_TOKEN>&hub.challenge=CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED&hub.mode=subscribe"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "localhost:5000/" -d '{"sender":{"id":"<PSID>"}, "recipient":{"id":"<PAGE_ID>"}, "timestamp":1458692752478, "message":{"mid":"mid.1457764197618:41d102a3e1ae206a38", "text":"hello, world!", "quick_reply": {"payload": "<DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD>"}}}'
请参阅Messenger Platform入门文档的Setting Up Your Webhook section和message received event,了解处理消息事件时的预期细节。
另一个选择是write Python tests覆盖相同:
import os
import pytest
import your_flask_module
def client():
your_flask_module.app.config['TESTING'] = True
yield your_flask_module.app.test_client()
def test_register(client):
args = {
'hub.verify_token': os.environ["VERIFY_TOKEN"],
'hub.challenge': 'CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED',
'hub.mode': 'subscribe',
rv = client.get('/', params=args)
assert b'CHALLANGE_ACCEPTED' in rv.data
def test_message_event(client):
event = {
"sender": {"id": "<PSID>"},
"recipient": {"id":"<PAGE_ID>"},
"timestamp": 1458692752478,
"message": {
"mid": "mid.1457764197618:41d102a3e1ae206a38",
"text": "hello, world!",
"quick_reply": {
rv = client.post('/', json=event)
assert rv.status_code == 200