使用 OR-Tools 解决“护士调度”问题的连续轮班?

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我正在使用 OR-Tools 尝试解决类似于“护士调度问题”的问题,但每个护士(或者在我的例子中,学生)的轮班长度不同。我目前的方法是将轮班划分为最小公分母的区块(在我的例子中为 5 分钟),并要求:

  1. 这些块必须是连续的
  2. 我还对学生何时有空/没有空设置了限制。我当前的下面的代码似乎大部分有效,但我发现奇怪的情况没有找到解决方案。例如,在下面的简单示例中,如果我限制 Alice 在块 3 和 4 期间不可用(从零开始索引),则求解器将失败,即使存在解。任何其他约束集(具有可行的解决方案)都有效并符合上述要求。我在定义约束时做错了什么吗?有没有更好的方法来实现这个?我看过


from ortools.sat.python import cp_model #assign student[0] to be a placeholder, stands for "no students during this time" student_names = ['none','Alice'] #number of sessions per student; i.e. Alice needs 1 session student_sessions = [0,1] #how many 5-minute blocks for each student's sessions; i.e. Alice's sessions are 3x5 minutes long student_blocks = [0,3] #constraints, in the form (student,day,block); i.e. Alice can't be scheduled in block 3 on day 0 constraints = [(1,0,3)] #define the length of the day num_blocks = 6 #define the number of days in the week num_days = 1 num_students = len(student_sessions) print('Scheduling',num_students-1,'students') #recall that student[0] is just a placeholder students = range(num_students) blocks = range(num_blocks) days = range(num_days) #create the model model = cp_model.CpModel() #create the primary variable 'slots', a list of booleans with coordinates given by student, day, block slots = {} for s in students: for d in days: for b in blocks: slots[(s,d,b)] = model.NewBoolVar('block_s%id%ib%i' % (s,d,b)) #no more than 1 student per block for d in days: for b in blocks: model.Add(sum(slots[(s,d,b)] for s in students)==1) #require the total number of blocks per student = # sessions x blocks per session for s in students[1:]: #we always skip over constraints for student[0]; they can fill in everything else total = 0 for d in days: for b in blocks: total += slots[(s,d,b)] model.Add(total == int(student_sessions[s]*student_blocks[s])) #each day, student should either have no blocks, or a number of blocks equaling their session length for d in days: for s in students[1:]: blocked = model.NewBoolVar('blocking') noblock = model.NewBoolVar('noblock') model.Add(sum(slots[(s,d,b)] for b in blocks)==student_blocks[s]).OnlyEnforceIf(blocked) model.Add(sum(slots[(s,d,b)] for b in blocks)==0).OnlyEnforceIf(noblock) model.AddBoolOr([blocked,noblock]) # require session continuity, i.e. all a students blocks should be sequential, not spread out over a day for d in days: for s in students[1:]: for b in blocks[:-(student_blocks[s])]: cont = model.NewBoolVar('cont') startBlock = model.NewBoolVar('startBlock') model.Add(sum([slots[(s,d,b)]])==0).OnlyEnforceIf(startBlock) model.Add(sum(slots[(s,d,b+i)] for i in range(student_blocks[s]))==student_blocks[s]).OnlyEnforceIf(cont) model.AddBoolXOr([startBlock,cont]) for ct in constraints: model.Add(slots[ct]==0) solver = cp_model.CpSolver() solver.Solve(model) for d in days: print('Day',d) for b in blocks: for s in students: if solver.Value(slots[(s,d,b)])==1: print(student_names[s],'in block',b)

job-scheduling or-tools constraint-programming cp-sat

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model def negated_bounded_span(works, start, length): """Filters an isolated sub-sequence of variables assined to True. Extract the span of Boolean variables [start, start + length), negate them, and if there is variables to the left/right of this span, surround the span by them in non negated form. Args: works: a list of variables to extract the span from. start: the start to the span. length: the length of the span. Returns: a list of variables which conjunction will be false if the sub-list is assigned to True, and correctly bounded by variables assigned to False, or by the start or end of works. """ sequence = [] # Left border (start of works, or works[start - 1]) if start > 0: sequence.append(works[start - 1]) for i in range(length): sequence.append(works[start + i].Not()) # Right border (end of works or works[start + length]) if start + length < len(works): sequence.append(works[start + length]) return sequence #assign student[0] to be a placeholder, stands for "no students during this time" student_names = ['none','Alice'] #number of sessions per student; i.e. Alice needs 1 session student_sessions = [0,1] #how many 5-minute blocks for each student's sessions; i.e. Alice's sessions are 3x5 minutes long student_blocks = [0,3] #constraints, in the form (student,day,block); i.e. Alice can't be scheduled in block 3 on day 0 constraints = [(1,0,5)] #define the length of the day num_blocks = 6 #define the number of days in the week num_days = 1 num_students = len(student_sessions) print('Scheduling',num_students-1,'students') #recall that student[0] is just a placeholder students = range(num_students) blocks = range(num_blocks) days = range(num_days) #create the model model = cp_model.CpModel() #create the primary variable 'slots', a list of booleans with coordinates given by student, day, block slots = {} for s in students: for d in days: for b in blocks: slots[(s,d,b)] = model.NewBoolVar('block_s%id%ib%i' % (s,d,b)) #no more than 1 student per block for d in days: for b in blocks: model.Add(sum(slots[(s,d,b)] for s in students)==1) #require the total number of blocks per student = # sessions x blocks per session for s in students[1:]: #we always skip over constraints for student[0]; they can fill in everything else total = 0 for d in days: for b in blocks: total += slots[(s,d,b)] model.Add(total == int(student_sessions[s]*student_blocks[s])) #each day, student should either have no blocks, or a number of blocks equaling their session length for d in days: for s in students[1:]: blocked = model.NewBoolVar('blocking') noblock = model.NewBoolVar('noblock') model.Add(sum(slots[(s,d,b)] for b in blocks)==student_blocks[s]).OnlyEnforceIf(blocked) model.Add(sum(slots[(s,d,b)] for b in blocks)==0).OnlyEnforceIf(noblock) model.AddBoolOr([blocked,noblock]) #require sessions be the correct length for s in students[1:]: for d in days: sts = [slots[(s,d,b)] for b in blocks] for length in range(1, student_blocks[s]): for start in range(len(sts) - length + 1): model.AddBoolOr(negated_bounded_span(sts, start, length)) for ct in constraints: model.Add(slots[ct]==0) solver = cp_model.CpSolver() solver.Solve(model) for d in days: print('Day',d) for b in blocks: for s in students: if solver.Value(slots[(s,d,b)])==1: print(student_names[s],'in block',b)

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