我想实现一个停留在屏幕底部的视图,可以使用平移手势进行扩展,就像在iOS的Uber应用程序中一样? Uber Home screen当向下拖动时,视图将是最小化的
很少有第三方库可以让您轻松工作。这是其中之一。 LNPopUpController。
或者,如果您想自定义代码并编写:使用一个视图控制器并在其上添加UIView。现在添加Pan Gesture以查看如下所示。
func handlePan(pan : UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let velocity = pan.velocityInView(self.superview).y //; print("Velocity : \(velocity)")
var location = pan.locationInView(self.superview!) //; print("Location : \(location)")
var movement = self.frame
movement.origin.x = 0
movement.origin.y = movement.origin.y + (velocity * 0.05) //; print("Frame.y : \(movement.origin.y)")
if pan.state == .Ended{
print("Gesture Ended")
}else if pan.state == .Began { print("Gesture Began")
let center = self.center
offset.y = location.y - center.y //; print("Offset.y : \(offset.y)")
}else{ print("Gesture else")
// Apply the initial offset.
location.x -= offset.x
location.y -= offset.y
//print("location.y : \(location.y)")
// Bound the item position inside the reference view.
location.x = self.superview!.frame.width / 2
// Apply the resulting item center.
snap = UISnapBehavior(item: self, snapToPoint: location)