我不经常使用js / jquery,并且已经获得了这段非常好的代码来获得我想要的输出。
var c=1;
$("product.clone").clone(false).find("#Monday, label[for='Monday'] ").val("").attr({'id' : 'Monday_'+(c), 'for' : 'Monday_'+(c)} ).end().removeClass('clone').appendTo("#additional_products")
.find("#Tuesday, label[for='Tuesday'] ").val("").attr({'id' : 'Tuesday_'+(c), 'for' : 'Tuesday_'+(c)} ).end().removeClass('clone').appendTo("#additional_products")
.find("#Wednesday, label[for='Wednesday'] ").val("").attr({'id' : 'Wednesday_'+(c), 'for' : 'Wednesday_'+(c)} ).end().removeClass('clone').appendTo("#additional_products")
.find("#Thursday, label[for='Thursday'] ").val("").attr({'id' : 'Thursday_'+(c), 'for' : 'Thursday_'+(c)} ).end().removeClass('clone').appendTo("#additional_products")
.find("#Friday, label[for='Friday'] ").val("").attr({'id' : 'Friday_'+(c), 'for' : 'Friday_'+(c)} ).end().removeClass('clone').appendTo("#additional_products")
.find("#Saturday, label[for='Friday'] ").val("").attr({'id' : 'Saturday_'+(c), 'for' : 'Saturday_'+(c)} ).end().removeClass('clone').appendTo("#additional_products")
.find("#Sunday, label[for='Sunday'] ").val("").attr({'id' : 'Sunday_'+(c), 'for' : 'Sunday_'+(c)} ).end().removeClass('clone').appendTo("#additional_products")
$("a#rp").click(function () {
if ($("product").length != 1) {
<div class="control">
<input id="Monday_1" name="Monday[]" type="checkbox" value="" class="is-checkradio is-white" for="Monday_1"> <label for="Monday_1" id="Monday_1">Monday</label>
<input id="Tuesday_1" name="Tuesday[]" type="checkbox" value="" class="is-checkradio is-white" for="Tuesday_1"> <label for="Tuesday_1" id="Tuesday_1">Tuesday</label>
<input id="Wednesday_1" name="Wednesday[]" type="checkbox" value="" class="is-checkradio is-white" for="Wednesday_1"> <label for="Wednesday_1" id="Wednesday_1">Wednesday</label>
<input id="Thursday_1" name="Thursday[]" type="checkbox" value="" class="is-checkradio is-white" for="Thursday_1"> <label for="Thursday_1" id="Thursday_1">Thursday</label>
<input id="Friday_1" name="Friday[]" type="checkbox" value="" class="is-checkradio is-white" for="Friday_1"> <label for="Friday_1" id="Friday_1">Friday</label>
<input id="Saturday_1" name="Saturday[]" type="checkbox" value="" class="is-checkradio is-white" for="Saturday_1"> <label for="Saturday">Saturday</label>
<input id="Sunday_1" name="Sunday[]" type="checkbox" value="" class="is-checkradio is-white" for="Sunday_1"> <label for="Sunday_1" id="Sunday_1">Sunday</label>
// Define an index counter
var idx = 0;
/* Define month object
|| properties are predetermined by the month's
|| characteristics.
//* ADD/DEL extra slash at position 1
var FEB = {
short: "FEB",
long: "February",
totalDays: 28,
firstDay: 4
// Call genMonth(FEB) passing the FEB Object
/* Uncomment this and comment the FEB object */
/* This is just show that this code can accept data on any month
|| as long as it's in the proper format.
/* ADD/DEL slash at position 1
var MAY = {
short: "MAY",
long: "May",
totalDays: 31,
firstDay: 2
function genMonth(MMM) {
// Reference table
var month = document.querySelector('table');
// Set table id and caption
month.id = MMM.short;
month.firstElementChild.setAttribute('name', MMM.long);
// Get properties of FEB
var dQty = MMM.totalDays;
var xInit = MMM.firstDay;
// First loop is for the weeks offset to 5 loops
for (let w = 0; w < 5; w++) {
// Each row is inserted
var week = month.insertRow();
// On each row an iteration for each day of the week
for (let d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
// if counter is more than there are days in the month...
if (idx >= dQty) {
// stop loop
// Insert a new cell into row
var day = week.insertCell();
/* if d is more or equal to the first day or...
|| it's past the 1st week
if (d >= xInit || w >= 1) {
// Increment counter
/* Insert a Template Literal into each cell.
|| Note that there are unique values for #ids
|| interpolated in this Template Literal
day.innerHTML = `
<input id='day${idx}' class='chx' type='checkbox'>
<label for='day${idx}'></label>
table {
width: 500px;
table-layout: fixed;
border-collapse: collapse;
th {
width: 16%;
td {
border: 1px solid #000
.chx {
display: none
label {
display: inline-block;
height: 50px;
width: 100%;
background: rgba(247, 207, 89, 0.4);
float: left;
label::before {
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-size: 1.5rem;
content: "\f096";
.chx:checked+label::before {
content: "\f046";
sup {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
float: left;
caption::after {
content: attr(name);
font-size: 2rem;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<table id=''>
<caption name=''></caption>
这适用于一个工作日,我需要添加类似于jisaacstone的东西这个 .each & echo json_encode($days)的最后答案
<?php foreach($days as $day){
$weekday = $day;};
var c=1;
var day = '<?php echo $weekday ;?>';
.find('#' + day).attr('id', day +'_' +
.find("label[for='<?php echo $day; ?>']").attr('for', day + '_' +