是否可以通过(例如,“id”)进行排序和分组,并通过使用Lodash添加密钥的所有唯一值(例如:支付)来更新元素的值? 例如,这个数组可以在下面:
id: 1,
payout: 15,
numOfPeople: 4
id: 1,
payout: 12,
numOfPeople: 3
id: 2,
payout: 6,
numOfPeople: 5
id: 2,
payout: 10,
numOfPeople: 1
// Notice the Sum of all payout reflects the total sum of all
// payout with id=1 or id=2 (for a specific id Group)
id: 1,
payout: 27,
numOfPeople: 4
id: 1,
payout: 27,
numOfPeople: 3
id: 2,
payout: 16,
numOfPeople: 5
id: 2,
payout: 16,
numOfPeople: 1
const arr = [
id: 1,
payout: 15,
numOfPeople: 4,
id: 1,
payout: 12,
numOfPeople: 3,
id: 2,
payout: 6,
numOfPeople: 5,
id: 2,
payout: 10,
numOfPeople: 1,
const idPayoutMap = {};
let result = arr.map(x => {
if (idPayoutMap['' + x.id] !== undefined) {
x.payout = idPayoutMap['' + x.id];
} else {
x.payout = arr
.filter(y => y.id === x.id)
.reduce((totalPayout, y) => y.payout + totalPayout, 0);
idPayoutMap['' + x.id] = x.payout;
return x;