将数据添加到表中时,我无法将值从一个单元格转移到另一个单元格。 VBA 代码未优化

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我在 Excel 中有两个表格,一个名为“Calendar”,另一个名为“PlanTable”。

左表是日历,右表是计划表enter image description here


假设我们取日期为 2024 年 7 月 1 日,我们看到在那天的右表中,机器(在“Utilaj”列下)R1R3R9 工作,每个机器旁边是当天的计划(在“计划”栏下)。



这是我的按钮代码:“Calculeaza Fapt”第四个按钮。

Sub Refresh()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim planTbl As ListObject
    Dim calendarTbl As ListObject
    Dim selectedDate As String
    Dim utilaj As String
    Dim r As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim workerCount As Long
    Dim planValue As Double
    Dim faptValue As Double
    Dim workerDict As Object
    Dim utilajKey As Variant

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set planTbl = ws.ListObjects("PlanTable")
    Set calendarTbl = ws.ListObjects("Calendar")

    ' Initialize dictionary to count workers
    Set workerDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    ' Loop through the dates in the PlanTable
    For Each r In planTbl.ListColumns("Data").DataBodyRange
        selectedDate = Format(r.Value, "dd-mmm-yy")
        Debug.Print "Processing date: " & selectedDate
        ' Reset workerDict for each date
        ' Count the number of workers for each Utilaj on the selected date from the Calendar table
        For Each cell In calendarTbl.ListColumns("Data").DataBodyRange
            If Format(cell.Value, "dd-mmm-yy") = selectedDate Then
                utilaj = cell.Offset(0, calendarTbl.ListColumns("Utilaj").Index - calendarTbl.ListColumns("Data").Index).Value
                If workerDict.exists(utilaj) Then
                    workerDict(utilaj) = workerDict(utilaj) + 1
                    workerDict.Add utilaj, 1
                End If
            End If
        Next cell
        ' Debugging output
        For Each utilajKey In workerDict.Keys
            Debug.Print "Utilaj: " & utilajKey & ", Workers: " & workerDict(utilajKey)
        Next utilajKey
        ' Divide the Plan value by the number of workers and assign to the Fapt column in the Calendar table
        utilaj = r.Offset(0, planTbl.ListColumns("Utilaj").Index - planTbl.ListColumns("Data").Index).Value
        planValue = r.Offset(0, planTbl.ListColumns("Plan").Index - planTbl.ListColumns("Data").Index).Value

        If workerDict.exists(utilaj) Then
            workerCount = workerDict(utilaj)
            faptValue = planValue / workerCount

            ' Update the Calendar table
            For Each cell In calendarTbl.ListColumns("Data").DataBodyRange
                If Format(cell.Value, "dd-mmm-yy") = selectedDate And _
                   cell.Offset(0, calendarTbl.ListColumns("Utilaj").Index - calendarTbl.ListColumns("Data").Index).Value = utilaj Then
                    cell.Offset(0, calendarTbl.ListColumns("Plan").Index - calendarTbl.ListColumns("Data").Index).Value = faptValue
                End If
            Next cell

            Debug.Print "Assigned Fapt value: " & faptValue & " to Utilaj: " & utilaj
            Debug.Print "No workers found for Utilaj: " & utilaj & " on date: " & selectedDate
        End If
    Next r

    MsgBox "Values updated successfully!"

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Sub

我尝试使用 chatGpt 没有多大帮助

excel vba

如果我正确理解了这个问题,我认为你不需要 VBA。

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