PHP 代码错误意外的字符串内容“”,期待“-”或标识符

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有以下工作代码,我想更改课程代码,所以我使用 MS Word 并将批量搜索替换为 00" 为 00b"


即使现在,如果我尝试将 00b" 切换回 00",它仍然不起作用


<script type="text/javascript">
    function rowHighlight() {
      for (i=0; i < document.getElementById("display-section1").CourseSelection.length; i++) {
        if (document.getElementById("CourseSelection" + i).checked == true) {
            document.getElementById("CourseSelection" + i).parentNode.className = 'highlight';
        } else {
            document.getElementById("CourseSelection" + i).parentNode.className = '';

.highlight {
  background-color: lightyellow;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['DEBUG']) && strlen($_REQUEST['DEBUG'])>0 ) {
    echo "Debug Information: Requested course ID: ".$_REQUEST['CourseID']."</pre>";

                $app =& JFactory::getApplication();


    $reqID = 0;
    $reqCode = "";

    $courseTitle = "";
    $noneOfTheAboveText = "None of these courses match my availability...";

    if ( isset($_REQUEST['CourseID']) && strlen($_REQUEST['CourseID'])>0 ) {
        $reqID = $_REQUEST['CourseID'];

    if ( isset($_REQUEST['CourseCode']) && strlen($_REQUEST['CourseCode'])>0 ) {
        $reqCode = $_REQUEST['CourseCode'];

if ( isset($_REQUEST['DEBUG']) && strlen($_REQUEST['DEBUG'])>0 ) {
echo "<pre>Referrer: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."\n";
echo "RequestedID: ".$reqID."\n";
echo "Requested Code: ".$reqCode ."\n";

if( $reqID == 0 && $reqCode == "" && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']!="" ) {

    //try to get course code from referring page
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"secrets")) { $reqCode="!GT100”; }
  if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"gem-identification")) { $reqCode="!GT200”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"epic")) { $reqCode="!FT100”; }
 if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"future-trends")) { $reqCode="!FT200”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"creative-drawing")) { $reqCode="!JD100”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"technical-drawing")) { $reqCode="!JD200”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"jewellery-illustration")) { $reqCode="!JD300”; }

if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"layout-of-jewellery")) { $reqCode="!JD400”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"fundamentals-of-digital")) { $reqCode="!DD100”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"intermediate-3d-modelling")) { $reqCode="!DD200”; }

    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"advanced-3d-modelling")) { $reqCode="!DD300”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"modelling-with-non-jewellery")) { $reqCode="!DD400”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"silver-modelling")) { $reqCode="!NM100”; }
   if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"sculptural-design")) { $reqCode="!NM200”; }

   if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"moulds-to-gold")) { $reqCode="!NM300”; }
   if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"metallurgy-masterclass")) { $reqCode="!NM400”; }

    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"metalwork")) { $reqCode="!MS100”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"and-stone-setting")) { $reqCode="!MS200”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"basic-stone-settings")) { $reqCode="!MS300”; }
   if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"casting-metals")) { $reqCode="!MS400”; }

    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"fashion-jewellery-knowledge")) { $reqCode="!FJ100”; }
   if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"versatile-fashion")) { $reqCode="!FJ200”; }
   if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"effectiveness-for-fashion")) { $reqCode="!FJ300”; }
   if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"master-fashion")) { $reqCode="!FJ400”; }

    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"fine-jewellery-design-diploma")) { $reqCode="!DipFJD"; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"precious-metal-arts-diploma")) { $reqCode="!!DipPMA"; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"fashion-jewellery-arts-diploma")) { $reqCode="!!DipFJA"; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"marketing")) { $reqCode="!MK100”; }
    if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"merchandising")) { $reqCode="!ME100”; }

 if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"entrepreneurship-certificate")) { $reqCode="!EN100”; }
 if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"operations-management-certificate")) { $reqCode="!RE100”; }

if ( isset($_REQUEST['DEBUG']) && strlen($_REQUEST['DEBUG'])>0 ) {
echo "Interpreted Request Code: ".$reqCode ."</pre>";

if( $reqID == 0 && $reqCode == "") { $reqCode="!GT100”; }

    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();

    $anSQLClause =  "SELECT ScheduledEventID, ScheduledEventName, " .
                    "   ScheduledEventTimeCode, ScheduledEventTime, " .
                    "   ScheduledEventInstructor, ScheduledEventPart, " .
                    "   ScheduledEventDate, ScheduledEventCode, ScheduledEventShortName, " .
                    "   ProductID, ShortName, Title, Description, BGColor, FGColor, URL, MaxPax, Hours " .
                    " FROM j30_coursecalendar INNER JOIN j30_coursecalendar_descriptions ON j30_coursecalendar.ScheduledEventCode=j30_coursecalendar_descriptions.ProductID";
    $orderbyClause = " ORDER BY ScheduledEventID, ScheduledEventPart";
    $whereClause =  " WHERE ScheduledEventDate >= CURRENT_DATE() ";
    if ($reqID>0 && $reqCode=="") {
        $whereClause .= "  AND ScheduledEventID=".$reqID;
    } else {
        $whereClause .= "  AND LCASE(ProductID)=\"". strtolower($reqCode)."\"";



if ( isset($_REQUEST['DEBUG']) && strlen($_REQUEST['DEBUG'])>0 ) {
echo "<pre>".$anSQLClause.$whereClause.$orderbyClause."</pre>";

        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
    if(count($rows)>0) {
        foreach ($rows as $row) {

            if ( array_key_exists($row->ScheduledEventID,$Courses) ) {
                $anEvnt = $Courses[$row->ScheduledEventID];
                $anEvnt->AddPart($row->ScheduledEventPart, strtotime($row->ScheduledEventDate));
            } elseif ($row->ScheduledEventPart=="1") {
                $anEvnt = new CalendarEvent(    $row->ScheduledEventID,
                $anEvnt->AddPart($row->ScheduledEventPart, strtotime($row->ScheduledEventDate));    
                $Courses[$row->ScheduledEventID] = $anEvnt;
                $courseTitle = $row->ScheduledEventName;
                $reqCode = $row->ProductID;
        } // end for over each row

    if ($courseTitle == "") {
        $noneOfTheAboveText = "The next schedules of this Blended-learning course may start as early as end of March/ early April 2023. To join the waitlist and be the first to be offered a slot in our new Bugis campus, please submit the form below.";
        if ($reqCode!="") {
            $anSQLClause =  "SELECT Title FROM j30_coursecalendar_descriptions WHERE LCASE(ProductID)='".strtolower($reqCode)."'";

            $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
            if (sizeOf($rows)>0) {
            } else {
                $courseTitle = "JDMIS Courses";
        if ($courseTitle == "") {
            $courseTitle = "JDMIS Courses";

    if ( isset($_REQUEST['DEBUG']) && strlen($_REQUEST['DEBUG'])>0 ) {

    class calendarEvent {
        var $ID = null;
        var $Name = null;
        var $TimeCode = null;
        var $EventTime = null;
        var $Instructor = null;
        var $ProductCode = null;
        var $Parts = array();
        var $ShortName = null;

        var $ProductID = null;
        var $Title = null;
        var $Description = null;
        var $BGColor = null;
        var $FGColor = null;
        var $URL = null;
        var $MaxPax = null;
        var $Hours = null;

        function __construct($anID, $aName, $aTimeCode, $aTime, $anInstructor, $aProductCode, $aShortName, $aProductID, $aTitle, $aDescription, $aBGColor, $aFGColor, $aURL, $aMaxPax, $aHours){
            $this->ID = $anID;
            $this->Name = $aName;
            $this->TimeCode = $aTimeCode;
            $this->EventTime = $aTime;
            $this->Instructor = $anInstructor;
            $this->ProductCode = $aProductCode;
            $this->ShortName = $aShortName;
            $this->ProductID = $aProductID;
            $this->Title = $aTitle;
            $this->Description = $aDescription;
            $this->BGColor = $aBGColor;
            $this->FGColor = $aFGColor;
            $this->URL = $aURL;

        function GetPartNumber($aDate){
            if ( array_key_exists(getDateKey($aDate),$this->Parts)==true ) {
                return $this->Parts[getDateKey($aDate)]->PartNumber;
            } else {
                return 0;
        function AddPart($aPart, $aDate) {
            if (  array_key_exists(  getDateKey($aDate),  $this->Parts)  ) {
                echo "<!--H1><font color=red>WARNING Duplicate Event Date Found! ".date("j/M/y",$aDate)."<FONT></H1-->";
            } else {
                $anEventPart = new EventPart($aPart, $aDate);
                $this->Parts[getDateKey($aDate)] = &$anEventPart;

    class EventPart {
        var $PartNumber = null;
        var $PartDate = null;
        function __construct($pn, $pd){
            $this->PartNumber = $pn;
            $this->PartDate = $pd;

    function getDateKey($aDate) {
        return "DTE:".date("j/M/y",$aDate);

        $user = &JFactory::getUser();

<td width="100%" style="padding:5px; border-bottom:1px solid #e2e2e2;">
                        <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                            <tr style="background-color:#fafafb">
                                <td style="padding:7px;"><strong>Your Preferred Course Selection:</strong></td>
                                <td style="padding:7px;">
                                    foreach ($Courses as $anEvent) {

if (stristr($anEvent->ProductID, '!!')) {
  //Ignore - this is a request for a diploma course
} else {
  if (stristr($anEvent->ShortName, 'dip') && stristr($anEvent->ShortName, ':') ) {
if (!$hideThisModuleWithinDip && ($radioCount<7 || $anEvent->ID==$reqID)) {

foreach($anEvent->Parts as $aPart) {
$PartOneDate = $aPart->PartDate;
if ($reqID==$anEvent->ID) { $checkedString="CHECKED"; $highlightClass=" highlight";}
                                        $strOut.= '<div class="'.$highlightClass.'"><INPUT TYPE="radio" '.$checkedString.' id="CourseSelection'.$radioCount.'" NAME="CourseSelection" onClick="rowHighlight();" VALUE="'. $anEvent->Name . ' starting on ' . date("D, j M y", $PartOneDate ) . ' between ' . $anEvent->EventTime .' (' . $anEvent->ID . ')"> ';
                                        $strOut.= "<span class=\"coursename\"> ". $anEvent->Name ."</SPAN><br>";
                                        $strOut.= "<span class=\"coursesubheader\">      ". " between " . $anEvent->EventTime . "     Taught by ". $anEvent->Instructor ."</SPAN><br>";
                                        foreach ($anEvent->Parts as $aPart) {
                                            $strOut.= "         Part " . $aPart->PartNumber . ":   " . date("D, j M y", $aPart->PartDate ) . "<br>";
                                        $strOut.= "</input></div><br>\n";
} //end loop to limit course count
                                    } //End loop over courses

                                    echo $strOut;
echo "<!-- INTERNAL: code='" . $reqCode . "' ID='" . $reqID ."' Referrer=". $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . " -->";
if($reqID=="") { $checkedString="CHECKED"; $highlightClass="highlight";}

<div class="<?=$highlightClass?>">
    <INPUT TYPE="radio" id="CourseSelection0" NAME="CourseSelection" VALUE="None of these courses match my availability..." <?=$checkedString?> onClick="rowHighlight();" >
    <span class="coursename">
    <div style="margin:0 0 0 35px">
        So please let us know:<br>
        When you would prefer to start: 
        <select name="LevelOfInterest" class="SmallTextBox">
            <option selected="selected" value="in the next few days">in the next few days</option>
            <option value="in 1-2 weeks">in 1-2 weeks</option>
            <option value="in 2-4 weeks">in 2-4 weeks</option>
            <option value="in 1-2 months">in 1-2 months</option>
            <option value="after 2 or more months">after 2 or more months</option>
        <br>What schedules suit you best...
        <div style="margin:0 0 0 60px">
            <input type="checkbox" name="Availability[]" value="WeekDays" checked="checked" /> Week Days (9/10am-5/6pm)<br>
            <!--input type="checkbox" name="Availability[]" value="WeekNights" checked="checked" /> Week Nights (7pm-9/10pm)<br-->
            <input type="checkbox" name="Availability[]" value="Weekends" checked="checked" /> Week Ends (11am-6/7pm)<br>

  if (isset($_GET['utm_source'])) {
    setcookie( "utm_source",
               time()+(2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60), "/");
    $trackerresult.=" Set Source: " . $_GET['utm_source'] ;
  if (isset($_GET['utm_medium'])) {
    setcookie( "utm_medium",
               time()+(2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60), "/");
   $trackerresult.=" Set Medium: " . $_GET['utm_medium'] ;
  if (isset($_GET['utm_campaign'])) {
    setcookie( "utm_campaign",
               time()+(2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60), "/");
    $trackerresult.=" Set Campaign: " . $_GET['utm_campaign'] ;
  if (isset($_GET['amb'])) {
    setcookie( "amb",
               time()+(30 * 24 * 60 * 60), "/");
    $trackerresult.=" Set Campaign: " . $_GET['amb'] ;
  if ($trackerresult == "") {
     $trackerresult.="No UTM Data Found";
console.log("UTMTracker Running - result: <?php echo $trackerresult; ?>");

<input name="utm_source" value="<?=$_COOKIE['utm_source']?>" type="hidden">
<input name="utm_medium" value="<?=$_COOKIE['utm_medium']?>" type="hidden">
<input name="utm_campaign" value="<?=$_COOKIE['utm_campaign']?>" type="hidden">
<input name="REFERER" value="<?=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']?>" type="hidden">

php replace syntax syntax-error

我检查了我们的代码,错误是你的 $reqCode 语句没有正确关闭: 看看

if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"secrets")) { $reqCode="!GT100”; }





你正在使用 -> (”) 代替正确的双引号 -> (”)

您必须更正所有 if() 语句。

提示/建议: 避免使用 MICROSOFT WORD 进行编码。使用一些 IDE/文本编辑器,如 SUBLIME TEXT、VSCODE 等

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