由于从 talend api tester 导出的 json 无法直接导入到 postman 中,因此您可以 编写一个转换器来更改其格式,以便可以被 postman 的导入器接受(我希望这将在 github 中得到官方支持,因为它是一个开放问题。)。
Python 中的示例转换器如下:
import json
# Open and read the Talend API Tester collection JSON file
with open('export_file.json', 'r') as f:
talend_data = json.load(f)["entities"]
# Create new Postman collection objects
for folder in talend_data:
folder_name = folder["entity"]["name"]
postman_collection = {
"info": {
"name": folder_name,
"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
"item": [] # all subfolders
# Loop through the requests in the Talend collection and add them to the Postman collection
for subfolder in folder["children"]:
postman_subfolder = {
"name": subfolder["entity"]["name"],
"item": []
for request in subfolder["children"]:
request = request["entity"]
name = request["name"]
method = request["method"]["name"]
protocol = request["uri"]["scheme"]["name"]
uri = protocol + "://" + request["uri"]["host"] + request["uri"]["path"]
headers = []
for header in request["headers"]:
header_key = header["name"]
header_value = header["value"]
"key": header_key,
"value" : header_value,
"type": "text"
postman_request = {
"name": name,
"protocolProfileBehavior": {
"disableBodyPruning": "true"
"request": {
"method": method,
"header": headers,
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": []
"url": {
"raw": str(uri),
"protocol": protocol
"response": []
# Write the Postman collection JSON to a file
with open(str(folder_name) + '.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(postman_collection, f)
对Zhaoyu 张的答案进行了一些改进,以适应我的端点集合,但仍然只提供部分支持,您可能需要根据自己的用例进一步调整它。
import json
# Open and read the Talend API Tester collection JSON file
with open('export_file.json', 'r') as f:
talend_data = json.load(f)["entities"]
def handleEntity(entity, postman_parent):
type = entity["entity"]["type"]
if (type != "Request"):
postman_subfolder = {
"name": entity["entity"]["name"],
"item": []
for subfolder in entity["children"]:
handleEntity(subfolder, postman_subfolder)
request = entity["entity"]
name = request["name"]
method = request["method"]["name"]
protocol = request["uri"]["scheme"]["name"]
uri = protocol + "://" + request["uri"]["host"] + request["uri"]["path"]
headers = []
for header in request["headers"]:
header_key = header["name"]
header_value = header["value"]
"key": header_key,
"value" : header_value,
"type": "text"
bodyMode = ""
raw = ""
bodyType = request["body"]["bodyType"]
if (bodyType == "Text"):
bodyMode = "raw"
if (bodyType == "Form"):
if (request["body"]["formBody"]["encoding"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):
bodyMode = "urlencoded"
bodyMode = "formdata"
if ("textBody" in request["body"]):
raw = request["body"]["textBody"]
postman_request = {
"name": name,
"protocolProfileBehavior": {
"disableBodyPruning": "true"
"request": {
"method": method,
"header": headers,
"body": {
"mode": bodyMode,
"raw": raw
"url": {
"raw": str(uri),
"protocol": protocol,
"host": request["uri"]["host"].split("."),
"path": request["uri"]["path"].split("/")[1:]
"response": []
# Create new Postman collection objects
for folder in talend_data:
folder_name = folder["entity"]["name"]
postman_collection = {
"info": {
"name": folder_name,
"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
"item": [] # all subfolders
# Loop through the requests in the Talend collection and add them to the Postman collection
for subfolder in folder["children"]:
handleEntity(subfolder, postman_collection)
# Write the Postman collection JSON to a file
with open('files/' + str(folder_name) + '.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(postman_collection, f)