Swagger:如何记录仅由拦截器/过滤器使用且不会出现在方法签名中的 HTTP 标头参数

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我有一个 Jersey REST 方法,并且有一个自定义过滤器,该过滤器作为 REST 方法的注释应用:

public class UserIdValidatorFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {

    public void filter(final ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
        // checks presence of user-id

        // checks presence of sso-token
        String ssoToken = requestContext.getHeaderString(CustomHttpHeader.SSO_TOKEN);

        // validates SSO token against used ID

这是我的 REST 方法:

        value = "Saves the uploaded image",
        notes = "Returns the unique id of the image.",
        response = String.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "The uploaded image has been saved.", response = String.class),
        @ApiResponse(code = FileTooLargeException.HTTP_STATUS, message = FileTooLargeException.SWAGGER_API_RESPONSE_MESSAGE, response = ErrorInfo.class),
        @ApiResponse(code = InvalidMediaTypeError.HTTP_STATUS, message = InvalidMediaTypeError.SWAGGER_API_RESPONSE_MESSAGE, response = ErrorInfo.class),
        @ApiResponse(code = MissingHttpHeaderException.HTTP_STATUS, message = MissingHttpHeaderException.SWAGGER_API_RESPONSE_MESSAGE, response = ErrorInfo.class),
        @ApiResponse(code = UnauthorizedRequestException.HTTP_STATUS, message = UnauthorizedRequestException.SWAGGER_API_RESPONSE_MESSAGE, response = ErrorInfo.class)})
public String uploadImage(
        @ApiParam(value = "id of the authenticated user", required = true) @HeaderParam(CustomHttpHeader.USER_ID) final Long userId,
        @ApiParam(value = "file to upload", required = true) @FormDataParam("file") final InputStream inputStream,
        @ApiParam(value = "details of the uploaded file", required = true) @FormDataParam("file") final FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail) {

        // do something here...

我的自定义注释 (

) 检查 sso 令牌是否出现在 HTTP 标头上以及它是否有效。

我的问题是,REST 方法不使用此 SSO 令牌,因此它不会出现在方法签名上,但它需要出现在 HTTP 标头上,否则 HTTP 请求将被过滤器阻止。

我无法通过 swagger UI 发出有效的测试请求,因为 SSO_TOKEN 字段没有出现在 Swagger 测试页面上。当然,Swagger 文档中缺少这个重要字段。


使用 Swagger 处理此用例的正确方法是什么?

java jersey jax-rs swagger swagger-ui


@ApiImplicitParam(name = "SSO_TOKEN", value = "Access Token", paramType = "header", defaultValue = "sso_access_token")


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