需要使其运行得更快,即/用鼠标非常快地画圈,并循环它直到出现一些预定义的键盘输入。 有人可以帮我解决下面的初始代码吗?
import pyautogui as pg
import math
resolution = pg.size()
radius = 100 # Circle radius
duration = 0.00000000000000000000000000001 # Duration of each move(mouse speed)
steps = 20 # Number of 'moves' or points on the circle
mid_x = resolution[0] / 2
mid_y = resolution[1] / 2
def GetXnY(angle):
x = radius * math.sin(math.pi * 2 * angle / 360)
y = radius * math.cos(math.pi * 2 * angle / 360)
return (x, y)
def DoACircle():
angle = 0
while angle <= 360:
x, y = GetXnY(angle)
pg.moveTo((mid_x + x), (mid_y - y), duration = duration)
angle = angle + (360/steps)
mid_x = resolution[0] / 2
mid_y = resolution[1] / 2
def GetXnY(angle):
x = radius * math.sin(math.pi * 2 * angle / 360)
y = radius * math.cos(math.pi * 2 * angle / 360)
return (x, y)
def DoACircle():
angle = 0
while angle <= 360:
x, y = GetXnY(angle)
pg.moveTo((mid_x + x), (mid_y - y), duration=duration)
angle += 360 / steps
# Main loop that runs until 'q' is pressed
while not keyboard.is_pressed('q'):
# Parameters
resolution = pg.size()
radius = 100 # Circle radius
duration = 0 # Duration of each move (mouse speed)
steps = 100 # Number of 'moves' or points on the circle
import keyboard