C# 抽象类和泛型的组合声明和实例化时的问题

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在努力使用 C# 中的一个应用程序,它是一个文档审阅应用程序,用于在文档中搜索搜索词列表。它需要获取 PDF 或 WORD 文档,将来可能还需要获取其他文档。

我有一个 ENUM DocumentType

public enum DocumentType


和基类 DocumentInterface

public abstract class DocumentInterface<DocumentType>

private string _documentPath;
private readonly DocumentType _document;
private int _pageCount;
private int _currentPage;

// Path to the document being reviewed
public string DocumentPath
    get { return _documentPath; }
    set { _documentPath = value; }

// Document Object will need to be typecast in child classes
public abstract DocumentType Document { get; set; }
//  get { return _document; }
//  set { _document = value; }

// Count of pages in the review document
public int PageCount
    get { return _pageCount; }
    set { _pageCount = value; }

// to keep track of where we are up to in the document
public int CurrentPage
    get { return _currentPage; }
    set { _currentPage = value; }

// reports if there are any more pages after the current position.
public bool HasMorePages { get { return _currentPage < _pageCount; } }

public string GetNextPageContents()
    // Makes sure that there is a next page and if so then uses the abstract method
    // to return the page contents.
    if (HasMorePages)
        return GetPageContents(_currentPage);
    return string.Empty;

#region Constructor & Destructor

public DocumentInterface(string documentpath)
    _document = OpenDocument(documentpath);

    // Make sure we opened the document successfully
    if (_document != null)
        _pageCount = GetPageCount();
        _currentPage = 0;

// Class Destructor, must close the document when going out of scope.
    // Abstract method, must be implemented by child classes.


#region Abstract Methods

// Abstract Class must be implemented by Document Type specific child classes
public abstract DocumentType OpenDocument(string path);
public abstract int GetPageCount();
public abstract string GetPageContents(int pageNumber);
public abstract void CloseDocument();



和派生类 DocumentInterfacePDF

public class DocumentInterfacePDF : DocumentInterface<PdfDocument>
    // Implementation of the abstract base generic as a PdfDocument
    private PdfDocument _document;

    public override PdfDocument Document 
        get => (PdfDocument)_document; 
        set => _document = value as PdfDocument; 

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="documentpath"></param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
    public override PdfDocument OpenDocument(string documentpath)
        if (// All need to be true!                
            documentpath != null
            && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentpath)
            && ".pdf" == documentpath.Substring(documentpath.Length - 4).ToLower()
            // Open the PDF
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(documentpath);

            // return to base class to assign to _document
            return new PdfDocument(reader);
        return null;

    #region Base Class Overrides to implement as a iText7 PDF Interface

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the number of pages in the PDF document
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override int GetPageCount()
        // Return the Page Count
        return Document.GetNumberOfPages();

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the page contents for a specific page number
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pageNumber"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override string GetPageContents(int pageNumber)
        // Set the default scanning extents for the PDF Reader
        // numbers are points which are 72 to the inch
        int A4_width  = 595;    // 210mm
        int A4_height = 842;    // 297mm
        int header    =  57;    //  20mm
        int footer    =  57;    //  20mm
        var rect = new Rectangle(0, header, A4_width, A4_height - footer);

        PdfPage page = Document.GetPage(pageNumber);

        // Read the page contents
        FilteredTextEventListener listener =
                new FilteredTextEventListener(
                new LocationTextExtractionStrategy(),
                new TextRegionEventFilter(rect)

        // Return the page contents
        return PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(page, listener);

    /// <summary>
    /// Closes the PDF Document
    /// </summary>
    public override void CloseDocument()
        // Close the document


    #region Constructor

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// Call the base class constructor to setup everything in the predefined way.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="documentpath"></param>
    public DocumentInterfacePDF(string documentpath) : base(documentpath)
        // all of the implementation is taken care of in the Base Class


在我的 **DocumentParser ** 类中,我想使用基类实例化文档,以便可以在运行时根据用户选择的文档类型决定派生类型。

internal class ReviewDocumentParser
    #region Properties

    private List<SearchTerm> _searchterms;
    private SearchResults _results;
    private string _documentPath;
    private string _searchTermsPath;
    private DocumentInterface<DocumentType> _documentInterface;

    public List<SearchTerm> SearchTerms
        get { return _searchterms; }
        set { _searchterms = value; }

    public SearchResults Results
        get { return _results; }
        set { _results = value; }

    public string DocumentPath
        get { return _documentPath; }
        set { _documentPath = value; }

    public string SearchTermsPath
        get { return _searchTermsPath; }
        set { _searchTermsPath = value; }

    private DocumentType _documentType;

    public DocumentType DocumentType
        get { return _documentType; }
        set { _documentType = value; }

    public DocumentInterface<DocumentType> DocumentInterface
        get { return _documentInterface; }
        set { _documentInterface = value; }


//... unnecessary code ommitted

    #region Constructor

    public ReviewDocumentParser(DocumentType documenttype, string documentpath, string searchtermspath)
        _documentType = documenttype;
        _documentPath = documentpath;
        _searchTermsPath = searchtermspath;

        // Hook the Search Terms element up
        _results = new SearchResults(_searchTermsPath);

        switch (documenttype)
            case DocumentType.PDF:
                _documentInterface = new DocumentInterfacePDF(_documentPath);
            case DocumentType.WORD:
                _documentInterface = new DocumentInterfaceWORD(_documentPath);
            case DocumentType.NotSpecified:
                throw new NoDocumentParserFoundException("No suitable document parser found.");



Error   CS0029  Cannot implicitly convert type 'PDF_Reader_Test.Model.DocumentInterfacePDF' to 'PDF_Reader_Test.Model.DocumentInterface<DocumentType>'

我尝试将类型描述符添加到实例化语句中。 PdfDocument 是 iText7 包中定义的类型,我用它仅从 PDF 文档中提取文本。

case DocumentType.PDF:
            _documentInterface = new DocumentInterfacePDF<PdfDocument>(_documentPath);


我期望基类能够分配一个派生类类型。我想在基类中定义广泛的行为,以便它保持一致,并且只覆盖 PDF 和 WORD 派生类中处理不同文件类型的位。我还没有解决 WORD 版本。

c# generics abstract derived-class


  • 命名约定:不要将你的基类称为“接口”。它不是一个接口,接口通常以“I”为前缀。更好的选择就是简单地

    class DocumentBase<TDocument>

  • 处置。 根据经验,不要依赖终结器(析构函数)。你的班级应该实施



DocumentInterface<DocumentType> _documentInterface



这是我如何解决这个问题的简化版本。 (免责声明:我对itext不熟悉,所以这只是关于类设计。)

public abstract class Document : IDisposable
    public abstract int PageCount { get; }
    public abstract string GetPageContents(int pageNumber);
    // [...]

    public abstract void Dispose();

public sealed class PdfDocument : Document
    // full namespace to avoid name collisions
    private readonly iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfReader _reader;
    private readonly iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument _document;
    private bool _disposed;
    public PdfDocument(string path)
        _reader = new (path);
        _document = new (_reader);
    public override int PageCount => _document.GetNumberOfPages();

    public override string GetPageContents(int pageNumber)
        // [...]
        return null;

    public override void Dispose()
        if (_disposed)
        _disposed = true;

internal class ReviewDocumentParser
    private Document _document;

    public ReviewDocumentParser(DocumentType documenttype, string documentpath, string searchtermspath)
        // [...]
        switch (documenttype)
            case DocumentType.PDF:
                _document = new PdfDocument(_documentPath);
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