如果我有一个包含行业名称和所在城市的数据集,有没有办法可以从谷歌地图自动获取地址或坐标?我尝试询问 ChatGPt,后者告诉我使用 Geoocoding。
示例:Smaltimento Rifiuti Ecoiso |那不勒斯。我需要另外两列,其中包含从 Google 地图获取的坐标,或另一列包含地址(第一列更好)
尝试获取 Google api
此代码使用 Google Places API 获取不同城市各个行业的地址和
(纬度和经度)。它迭代包含行业名称和城市的数据集,发出 API 请求来检索地点 ID 和详细信息,然后使用地址和位置信息记录结果。目标是使用 Google Places API 收集每个行业-城市对的地理数据
您需要启用两个Google API 地点 API
您需要从您的Google帐户项目中复制API Key。
const axios = require('axios');
const API_KEY = 'Your Google Maps API key';
// your data sat
const data = [
{ industry: 'Smaltimento Rifiuti Ecoiso', city: 'Napoli' },
{ industry: 'Automotive Manufacturing', city: 'Turin' },
{ industry: 'Fashion Design', city: 'Milan' },
{ industry: 'Wine Production', city: 'Florence' },
{ industry: 'Maritime Shipping', city: 'Genoa' },
{ industry: 'Tourism Hospitality', city: 'Venice' },
{ industry: 'Food Processing', city: 'Bologna' },
{ industry: 'Ceramics Production', city: 'Faenza' },
async function getPlaceDetails(placeId) {
try {
const response = await axios.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json', {
params: {
place_id: placeId,
key: API_KEY
if (response.data.result) {
const { formatted_address, geometry } = response.data.result;
const { lat, lng } = geometry.location;
return { address: formatted_address, location: { latitude: lat, longitude: lng } };
} else {
throw new Error('No details found for place ID: ' + placeId);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Error fetching place details: ' + error.message);
async function searchPlaceId(cityName, industryName) {
try {
const response = await axios.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json', {
params: {
query: industryName + ' in ' + cityName,
key: API_KEY
if (response.data.results.length > 0) {
const placeId = response.data.results[0].place_id;
return placeId;
} else {
throw new Error('No results found for query: ' + industryName + ' in ' + cityName);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Error fetching place ID: ' + error.message);
async function getAddressAndLocationForIndustryAndCity(industryName, cityName) {
try {
const placeId = await searchPlaceId(cityName, industryName);
const { address, location } = await getPlaceDetails(placeId);
return { industry: industryName, city: cityName, address, location };
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Error getting address and location: ' + error.message);
async function fetchData(data) {
const results = [];
for (const { industry, city } of data) {
try {
const result = await getAddressAndLocationForIndustryAndCity(industry, city);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing ${industry}, ${city}: ${error.message}`);
return results;
.then(results => {
console.log('Address and location for each industry:');
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error:', error.message);
{ industry: 'Smaltimento Rifiuti Ecoiso', city: 'Napoli' },
{ industry: 'Automotive Manufacturing', city: 'Turin' },
{ industry: 'Fashion Design', city: 'Milan' },
{ industry: 'Wine Production', city: 'Florence' },
{ industry: 'Maritime Shipping', city: 'Genoa' },
{ industry: 'Tourism Hospitality', city: 'Venice' },
{ industry: 'Food Processing', city: 'Bologna' },
{ industry: 'Ceramics Production', city: 'Faenza' },
industry: 'Smaltimento Rifiuti Ecoiso',
city: 'Napoli',
address: "Cupa Vicinale Sant'Aniello, 96, 80146 Napoli NA, Italy",
location: { latitude: 40.82747369999999, longitude: 14.3224339 }
industry: 'Automotive Manufacturing',
city: 'Turin',
address: "S.da Comunale da Bertolla all'Abbadia di Stura, 132, 10156 Torino TO, Italy",
location: { latitude: 45.1095563, longitude: 7.7345843 }
industry: 'Fashion Design',
city: 'Milan',
address: 'Via Giuseppe Broggi, 7, 20129 Milano MI, Italy',
location: { latitude: 45.4781573, longitude: 9.2103889 }
industry: 'Wine Production',
city: 'Florence',
address: 'Via dei Pepi, 22, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy',
location: { latitude: 43.77029899999999, longitude: 11.263162 }
industry: 'Maritime Shipping',
city: 'Genoa',
address: 'Via Galeazzo Alessi, 1, 16128 Genova GE, Italy',
location: { latitude: 44.4029039, longitude: 8.9384841 }
industry: 'Tourism Hospitality',
city: 'Venice',
address: "Via degli Arditi, 35, 30013 Ca' Ballarin VE, Italy",
location: { latitude: 45.4737973, longitude: 12.5279771 }
industry: 'Food Processing',
city: 'Bologna',
address: 'Via Francesco Zanardi, 54, 40131 Bologna BO, Italy',
location: { latitude: 44.5136966, longitude: 11.3258413 }
industry: 'Ceramics Production',
city: 'Faenza',
address: 'Piazza 2 Giugno, 7/palazzo Muky, 48018 Faenza RA, Italy',
location: { latitude: 44.2887423, longitude: 11.8772864 }
npm install axios
node get-address.js