Azure Api Management 使用arm 将 api 附加到现有 api

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我想知道如何通过 ARM 部署将第二个 api 附加到 Azure api 管理中已注册的 api 中?

如果我在 Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis 资源中使用相同的 name 属性值。它会覆盖整个 api,而不是附加它。我在arm参考文档中找不到属性来指定我想要附加api而不是覆盖它: 01-01/服务/api

我想通过arm实现相同的结果,就像我可以通过Azure门户导入菜单完成的那样Imgur 文档中也对此进行了描述:

azure-resource-manager azure-api-management

目前这显然是不可能的。 “追加”逻辑在 UI 中实现,但它仅依赖于公开可用的 ARM 调用。您可以检查它对 ARM 进行的调用,将一个 API 附加到另一个 API,并尝试“手动”重现它。


当我等待 MS 实施此积压项目时:

我在我们的项目中进行了以下修复,将 Open API jason 文件附加到现有的 jason 文件并将输出保存在压缩的 jason 文件中,因为 loadTextContent 上有 1MB 文件限制,API 管理上载此文件有 4MB 文件限制使生成的 jason 文件小很多。




Write-Output "========================================================================================================================"
Write-Output "Appending operations and schemas from OpenAPI file: $swaggerFileToAppend"
Write-Output "to existing OpenAPI file: $sourceSwaggerFile"
Write-Output "and saving the output in: $outputFile"   

# Load the original Swagger file and the Swagger file to append
$sourceSwaggerContent = Get-Content -Path $sourceSwaggerFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$contentToAppend = Get-Content -Path $swaggerFileToAppend | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach( $pathProperty in $ )
    $propertyName = $
    $propertyValue = $pathProperty.value
    Write-Output "Adding Operation: $propertyName"

    # Add or update the path in $sourceSwaggerContent
    if (-not $$propertyName)) {
        # If the path does not exist, add it
        $sourceSwaggerContent.paths | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propertyName -Value $propertyValue
    } else {
        # If the path already exists, update it
        $sourceSwaggerContent.paths.$propertyName = $propertyValue

foreach( $schemaProperty in $
    $propertyName = $
    $propertyValue = $schemaProperty.value
    Write-Output "Adding Schema: $propertyName"

    # Add or update the schema in $sourceSwaggerContent
    if (-not $$propertyName)) {
        # If the schema does not exist, add it
        $sourceSwaggerContent.components.schemas | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propertyName -Value $propertyValue
    } else {
        # If the schema already exists, update it
        $sourceSwaggerContent.components.schemas.$propertyName = $propertyValue

# Save the modified Swagger JSON back to outputFile, but use -Compress so we stay under the 1048576 characters max size.
# See for more info.
$sourceSwaggerContent | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100 | Set-Content -Path $outputFile
Write-Output "========================================================================================================================"

在 swagger 生成 jason 文件后,我立即从项目 postbuild 项目文件中调用它,如下所示:

<Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">
        <Exec Command="dotnet new tool-manifest --force" />
        <Exec Command="dotnet tool install --local Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli --version 6.4.0" />
        <MakeDir Directories="$(ProjectDir)..\artifacts" />
        <Exec Command="dotnet tool run swagger tofile --output $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\swagger-v9.json $(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).dll internal-v9" />
        <Exec Command="dotnet tool run swagger tofile --output $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\swagger-public-v9.json $(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).dll public-v9" />
        <Exec Command="dotnet tool run swagger tofile --output $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\swagger-v10.json $(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).dll internal-v10" />
        <Exec Command="dotnet tool run swagger tofile --output $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\swagger-public-v10.json $(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).dll public-v10" />
        <Exec Command="xcopy /Y $(ProjectDir)Common\OpenApi\CustomSwaggerJson\swagger-ignore-v10.json $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\" />
        <Exec Command="powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $(ProjectDir)Common\OpenApi\AppendOpenApiOperationsAndSchemas.ps1 -sourceSwaggerFile $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\swagger-v10.json -swaggerFileToAppend $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\swagger-ignore-v10.json -outputFile $(ProjectDir)..\artifacts\swagger-appended-v10.json"/>
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