来自如下动态 Json
"label": "General",
"data": [
"title": "parameters.deviceInfo.name"
"title": "assetAttributes.manufacturerLabel"
"label": "Associated Device",
"data": [
"title": "assetAttributes.operationsLabel",
"title": "assetAttributes.adapterIpAddress",
"label": "profile.identificationTabLabel",
"data": [
"title": "assetAttributes.assetIdLabel"
"label": "profile.communicationTabLabel",
"data": [
"title": "profile.networkGroupLabel",
"title": "assetAttributes.gtwAddressLabel",
"label": "profile.locationTabLabel",
"data": [
"title": "assetAttributes.latitudeLabel"
"title": "assetAttributes.longitudeLabel"
"label": "profile.customersTabLabel",
"data": [
"title": "assetAttributes.mRidLabel"
"title": "assetAttributes.epsNameLabel"
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, FormArray } from '@angular/forms';
selector: 'app-test',
templateUrl: './test.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./test.component.scss']
export class TestComponent implements OnInit {
form: FormGroup;
data = [
label: "General",
data: [
{ title: "gen 1" },
{ title: "gen 2" }
label: "Associated Device",
data: [
{ title: "dev 1" },
{ title: "dev2" }
label: "Identity",
data: [
{ title: "id1" },
{ title: "id2" }
label: "communication",
data: [
{ title: "network group" },
{ title: "gwt address" }
label: "location",
data: [
{ title: "latitude" },
{ title: "longitude" }
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.form = this.fb.group({
selectAllAll: false,
groups: this.fb.array(this.data.map(group => this.createGroup(group)))
createGroup(group) {
return this.fb.group({
label: group.label,
selectAll: false,
items: this.fb.array(group.data.map(item => this.fb.group({
title: item.title,
selected: false
get groups() {
return this.form.get('groups') as FormArray;
selectAllGroup(groupIndex: number) {
const group = this.groups.at(groupIndex) as FormGroup;
const selectAll = group.get('selectAll').value;
const items = group.get('items') as FormArray;
items.controls.forEach(control => control.get('selected').setValue(selectAll));
selectAllGroups() {
const selectAll = this.form.get('selectAllAll').value;
this.groups.controls.forEach(group => {
const items = group.get('items') as FormArray;
items.controls.forEach(control => control.get('selected').setValue(selectAll));
<form style="color: aliceblue; text-align: center;" [formGroup]="form">
<input type="checkbox" formControlName="selectAllAll" (change)="selectAllGroups()"> Select All
<div class="d-flex">
<div formArrayName="groups" *ngFor="let group of groups.controls; let i = index">
<div [formGroupName]="i">
<input type="checkbox" formControlName="selectAll" (change)="selectAllGroup(i)"> {{ group.get('label').value
<div formArrayName="items" *ngFor="let item of group.get('items').controls; let j = index">
<div [formGroupName]="j">
<input type="checkbox" formControlName="selected"> {{ item.get('title').value }}
现在,如果您选择全部, 所有复选框均被选中
如果您选择选项卡标题, 选择常规选项卡选项