
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我已经使用 HSET 函数设置了哈希值

async (userObject) => {
    const { phone } = userObject;
    const key = keyGenerator.getUserAuthKey(phone);

    try {
    for (const [field,value] of Object.entries(userObject)) {
        await redisClient.HSET(key,field,value);
    logger.info(`------ user data cached in redis successfully`);
    return true;
    } catch (error) {
       logger.error(`Error in saving user data in redis : ${error.message}`);
       throw error

我有以下函数来使用 HSCAN 读取哈希值,这给了我一个错误,说

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
我希望我在使用 HSCAN 读取时遗漏了一些要点,有人可以帮助我吗?使用 hscan 读取的函数

async function readRedisHashUsingHScan(hashKey) {
    let cursor = '0';
    const result = {};

    do {
        const reply = await redisClient.hScan(hashKey, cursor);
        const elements = reply[1]; 
        cursor = reply.cursor;
        for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 2) {
            result[elements[i]] = elements[i + 1];
    } while (cursor !== '0');

    return result;

我希望得到一个使用 hscan 和特定键从 Redis 哈希读取的函数

node.js caching redis hash node-redis


async function scanHash(hashKey) {
    const result = {};

    try {
        // Iterate over fields and values in the hash
        for await (const { field, value } of redisClient.hScanIterator(hashKey)) {
            result[field] = value;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error reading Redis hash:', error);
        throw error;

    return result;
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