我正在尝试在C ++中制作小型电话簿程序。

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/中查看while循环。循环旨在确保两个触点没有相同的名称。当 /

multiline注释 * /到位时,该程序运行良好,而while循环不属于该程序。

,但是,如果我删除 / * * /并将WAIL循环带入程序并尝试添加新联系人,则输出为

Contact added

完整程序如下: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstring> #define length 30 using namespace std; fstream file, file_temp; char * cistrstr (char *, char *); class contact { char name[length]; char number[length]; public: void newcontact (void); void updatecontact (void); void searchphone (void); void searchname (void); void deletecontact (void); void display (void); }; void contact :: newcontact(void) { contact c; int m = 0; cout << "Enter name: "; cin.ignore (1, '\n'); cin.getline (name, length); /* while (1) { file.seekg (m * sizeof (contact), ios :: beg); file.read ((char *) & c, sizeof (c)); if (file.eof() == 1) break; if (strcmp (c.name, name) == 0) { cout << "\nContact already exists.\nChoose another name or use the \"update contact\" option\n"; return; } m++; }*/ strcpy (c.name, name); cout << "Enter phone: "; cin >> c.number; file.seekg(0, ios::end); file.write ((char *) & c, sizeof (c)); cout << "\nContact added\n"; } void contact :: updatecontact(void) { int update_choice, m = 0; contact c; cout << "\nEnter 1 to update name, enter 2 to update contact number\n"; cin >> update_choice; file.seekg(0, ios :: beg); if (update_choice == 1) { cout << "\nEnter phone number: "; cin >> number; cout << "Enter new name: "; cin.ignore (1, '\n'); cin.getline (name, length); } else if (update_choice == 2) { cout << "\nEnter name: "; cin.ignore (1, '\n'); cin.getline (name, length); cout << "Enter new phone number: "; cin >> number; } else cout << "\nInvalid option\n"; while (1) { file.seekg (m * sizeof (contact), ios :: beg); file.read ((char *) & c, sizeof (c)); if ((update_choice == 1 && strcmp (c.number, number) == 0) || (update_choice == 2 && strcmp (c.name, name) == 0)) { strcpy (c.name, name); strcpy (c.number, number); file.seekg (m * sizeof (contact), ios :: beg); file.write ((char *) & c, sizeof (c)); cout << "\nContact updated\n"; break; } if (file.eof() == 1) { cout << "\nContact not found\n"; break; } m++; } } void contact :: searchphone(void) { contact c; int m = 0, found = 0; file.seekg(0, ios ::beg); cout << "\nEnter name: "; cin >> name; while (1) { file.seekg (m * sizeof (contact), ios :: beg); file. read ((char *) & c, sizeof (c)); if (file.eof() == 1) break; if (cistrstr(c.name, name) != 0) { cout << setw(30) << left << c.name << setw(10) << c.number << endl; found = 1; } m++; } if (found == 0) cout << "\nContact not found\n"; } void contact :: searchname(void) { contact c; int m = 0, found = 0; file.seekg(0, ios :: beg); cout << "\nEnter number: "; cin >> number; while (1) { file.seekg (m * sizeof (contact), ios :: beg); file.read ((char *) & c, sizeof (c)); if (file.eof() == 1) break; if (cistrstr(c.number, number) != NULL) { cout << setw(30) << left << c.name << setw(10) << c.number << endl; found = 1; } m++; } if (found == 0) cout << "\nContact not found\n"; } void contact :: deletecontact (void) { contact c; int i = 0; cout << "\nEnter name of contact to be deleted: "; cin >> name; file_temp.open("data_temp", ios ::app); file_temp.close(); file_temp.open ("data_temp", ios :: in | ios :: out); while (1) { file.read ((char *) &c, sizeof (contact)); if (file.eof () == 1) break; if (strcmp (c.name, name) != 0) file_temp.write ((char *) &c, sizeof (contact)); else { cout << "Contact deleted"; i = 1; } } if (i == 0) cout << "Contact not found"; file.close(); file_temp.close(); remove ("data"); rename ("data_temp", "data"); } void contact :: display (void) { char c; file.seekg (0, ios::end); int end = file.tellg(), m = 0; file.seekg (0, ios::beg); while (1) { contact c; file.read ((char *) & c, sizeof (c)); cout << setw(30) << left << c.name << setw(10) << c.number << endl; if (file.tellg() == -1 ||file.tellg() == end) break; m++; } } int main() { char another = 'Y'; int choice, update_return; contact c; file.open("data", ios ::app); file.close(); while (another == 'Y' || another == 'y') { file.open("data", ios ::in | ios ::out); cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H"; cout << "\n\nMAKE A CHOICE...\n\n"; cout << "1. Add a new contact\n"; cout << "2. Update a contact\n"; cout << "3. Search a phone number (using name)\n"; cout << "4. Search a name (using phone number)\n"; cout << "5. Delete a contact\n"; cout << "6. Display entire list\n\n"; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case 1: c.newcontact(); break; case 2: c.updatecontact(); break; case 3: c.searchphone(); break; case 4: c.searchname(); break; case 5: c.deletecontact(); break; case 6: c.display(); break; default: cout << "\nInvalid option\n"; } file.close(); cout << "\nWant to try again? (Y/N)...\n"; cin >> another; } return 0; } char * cistrstr (char *string, char *substring) { int i, j, l_string, l_sub; l_string = strlen (string); l_sub = strlen (substring); char *p, *a, *b; a = (char *) malloc (l_string + 1); b = (char *) malloc (l_sub + 1); for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (string[i] > 96 && string[i] < 123) a[i] = string[i] - 32; else a[i] = string [i]; } a[i] = '\0'; for (i = 0; substring[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (substring[i] > 96 && substring[i] < 123) b[i] = substring[i] - 32; else b[i] = substring[i]; } b[i] = '\0'; for (i = 0; a[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (a[i] == b[0]) { p = &string[i]; for (j = 0; b[j] != '\0'; j++) { if (b[j] != a[i + j]) break; } if (b[j] == '\0') { free (a); free (b); return p; } } } free (a); free (b); return NULL; }


if (file.eof() == 1) { file.clear(); break; }



c++ file phonebook
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