
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个带有选项卡的毛伊岛应用程序。在 DashboardMainPage 上,项目显示在 CollectionView 中。从此页面中,我可以导航到子页面(GoalsPage),其中可以更详细地查看所有项目。在GoalsPage 中,我可以导航到另一个子页面 (CreateGoalPage),其中可以将新目标保存到本地数据库。

导航流程(使用 shell 导航,Shell.Current.GoToAsync):

仪表板主页面 -> 目标页面 -> 创建目标页面

public partial class DashboardMainViewModel : BaseViewModel
    // The repository to handle CRUD to local db
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
    public ObservableCollection<Goal> Goals { get; } = new ObservableCollection<Goal>();

    public DashboardMainViewModel(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    // This is called from OnAppearing of DashboardMainPage
    internal async Task InitializeAsync()
        if (IsInitialized)  // Prevents LoadDataAsync running multiple times when navigate on and navigate back from subpage

        await LoadDataAsync();
    private async Task LoadDataAsync()

        var goalsTask =  _unitOfWork.Goal.GetAllAsync(_ => _.Completed == false);

    private async Task GoToGoalsPage() => await NavigationService.GoToAsync(nameof(GoalsPage));

public partial class GoalsViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
    public ObservableCollection<Goal> OnGoingGoals { get; } = new ObservableCollection<Goal>();
    public ObservableCollection<Goal> CompletedGoals { get; } = new ObservableCollection<Goal>();

    public GoalsViewModel(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;     
    // This is called from OnAppearing of DashboardMainPage
    internal async Task InitializeAsync()
        if (IsInitialized) // Prevents LoadDataAsync running multiple times when navigate on and navigate back from subpage

        await LoadDataAsync();

    private async Task LoadDataAsync()

        var goals = await _unitOfWork.Goal.GetAllAsync();
        var completed = goals.Where(_ => _.IsCompleted).OrderByDescending(_ => _.Completed.Date);

        OnGoingGoals.AddRange(goals.Where(_ => !_.IsCompleted));

    private async Task GoToGoalCreatePage()
        var goal = new Goal();
        var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> {
            { nameof(Goal), goal }
        await NavigationService.GoToAsync(nameof(GoalCreatePage), parameters);

[QueryProperty(nameof(Goal), nameof(Goal))]
[QueryProperty(nameof(IsEdit), nameof(IsEdit))]
public partial class GoalCreateViewModel : BaseViewModel
    // The repository to handle CRUD to local db
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

    private Goal _goal;

    public GoalCreateViewModel(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    private async Task Save()
        var savedGoal = await _unitOfWork.Goal.SaveAsync(Goal);
        if (savedGoal is not null)
            // should I trigger here a weakreference to call item in the both parent vms?
            // Navigate back to GoalsPage
            await NavigationService.GoBackAsync();

问题 当子子页面中添加了新的目标时,如何更新两个父页面?

  • 我应该使用弱引用(似乎反对 mvvm)吗?
  • 事实上我使用了两次相同的列表,有没有办法可以创建一个可以在所有虚拟机中访问的可观察集合? (DashboardMainViewModel,GoalsViewModel和CreateGoalViewModel),当本地保存时,我可以添加为Goals.Add(NewGoal)?它应该是 BaseViewModel 的一部分吗?
mvvm maui

还有另一种选择。您可以创建一个 IDateStore 并准备其数据,然后再移动到新的内容页面并在另一个视图模型中接收它。这是示例代码供参考。

  public interface IDataStore
            void AddCalender(CalendarEvent item);
            CalendarEvent GetCalendarEvent();

 public class DataStore : IDataStore
        private CalendarEvent calendarEvent;
        public void AddCalender(CalendarEvent item)
            calendarEvent = item;
       public CalendarEvent GetCalendarEvent()
            return calendarEvent;

//register singleton
 builder.Services.AddSingleton<IDataStore, DataStore>();

//Prepare data for another viewmodel
var dataStore = serviceProvider.GetService<IDataStore>();
            var popup = serviceProvider.GetService<EventDetailPopup>();

//Received another viewmodel
    public partial class EventDetailsViewModel:BaseViewModel
            private CalendarEvent item;
            public EventDetailsViewModel(IDataStore dataStore)
                Item = dataStore.GetCalendarEvent();
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