PS > ('1','2','3') | foreach {@{($_+'A') = $_}}
Name Value
---- -----
1A 1
2A 2
3A 3
PS > (('1','2','3') | foreach {@{($_+'A') = $_}}).'1A'
PS > (('1','2','3') | foreach {@{($_+'A') = $_}})['1A']
成员访问枚举 - 即能够访问 collection 级别的属性并返回 elements' 属性值 - 仅适用于
(成员访问运算符) ,不适用于 [...]
请参阅 GitHub 问题 #17514,了解有关这种不对称性的讨论,该不对称性被声明为 设计所致。
# Works, but only due to use of . rather than []
@{ '1A' = 1 }
@{ '2A' = 2 }
@{ '3A' = 3 }
).'1A' # -> 1
('1','2','3') |
foreach { $ht = @{} } { $ht[$_+'A'] = $_ } { $ht }
)['1A'] # -> 1
请注意使用带有 foreach
) 的 Three脚本块,它们分别绑定到
{ $ht; Remove-Variable ht }
[1] 严格来说,它streams多个实例是成功的输出流,当通过(...)
[2] 在成员访问枚举期间,不具有所请求属性的元素将被简单地跳过,但有一个例外
值 - 请参阅GitHub问题#13752。
function ConvertTo-Hashtable {
Converts input objects into a hashtable.
The ConvertTo-Hashtable function converts input objects into a hashtable. It can be used to create a hashtable from an array of values or from pipeline input. The function takes a scriptblock that is used to generate the hashtable values. The scriptblock is executed for each input object and must output a single hashtable. The function can handle duplicate keys in the input objects and provides options for how to handle them.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The scriptblock that is used to generate the hashtable values. The scriptblock is executed for each input object and must output a single hashtable.
An array of input objects to convert to a hashtable.
.PARAMETER InputObject
An input object to convert to a hashtable.
.PARAMETER DuplicateKeyAction
Specifies how to handle duplicate keys in the input objects. Valid values are 'Stop', 'Ignore', 'Overwrite', 'Append', and 'Prepend'. The default value is 'Stop'.
ConvertTo-Hashtable 1, 2, 3
Name Value
---- -----
3 3
2 2
1 1
1, 2, 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable
Name Value
---- -----
3 3
2 2
1 1
1, 2, 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable { @{($_ + 1) = $_ } }
Name Value
---- -----
4 3
3 2
2 1
1, 2, 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable { @{($PSItem + 1) = $PSItem } }
Name Value
---- -----
4 3
3 2
2 1
1, 2, 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable { @{($args[0] + 1) = $args[0] } }
Name Value
---- -----
4 3
3 2
2 1
1, 2, 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable { @{($input[0] + 1) = $input[0] } }
Name Value
---- -----
4 3
3 2
2 1
1, '2', 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable { if ($_ -is [int]) { @{$_ = $_ } } else { [pscustomobject]@{} } }
Scriptblock execution resulted in an error/exception: 'Provided scriptblock must only output a single hashtable, but output type was System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject'
1, '2', 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable { if ($_ -is [int]) { @{$_ = $_ } } else { Write-Error 'Write-Error example' } }
Scriptblock execution resulted in an error/exception: 'Write-Error example'
1, '2', '3' | ConvertTo-Hashtable { if ($_ -is [int]) { @{$_ = $_ } }else { throw 'throw example' } }
Scriptblock execution resulted in an error/exception: 'throw example'
1, $null, 3 | ConvertTo-Hashtable { @{$_ = $_ } }
Scriptblock execution resulted in an error/exception: 'A null key is not allowed in a hash literal.'
$i = 0
ConvertTo-Hashtable 1, 1, 1, 2 { @{$_ = ($_ + $i) } ; $i++; }
Scriptblock execution resulted in an error/exception: Key '1' was found multiple times
$i = 0
ConvertTo-Hashtable 1, 1, 1, 2 { @{$_ = $_ + $i } ; $i++; } -DuplicateKeyAction Stop
Scriptblock execution resulted in an error/exception: Key '1' was found multiple times
$i = 0
ConvertTo-Hashtable 1, 1, 1, 2 { @{$_ = $_ + $i } ; $i++; } -DuplicateKeyAction Ignore
Name Value
---- -----
2 5
1 1
$i = 0
ConvertTo-Hashtable 1, 1, 1, 2 { @{$_ = $_ + $i } ; $i++; } -DuplicateKeyAction Overwrite
Name Value
---- -----
2 5
1 3
$i = 0
ConvertTo-Hashtable 1, 1, 1, 2 { @{$_ = $_ + $i } ; $i++; } -DuplicateKeyAction Append
Name Value
---- -----
2 {5}
1 {1, 2, 3}
$i = 0
ConvertTo-Hashtable 1, 1, 1, 2 { @{$_ = $_ + $i } ; $i++; } -DuplicateKeyAction Prepend
Name Value
---- -----
2 {5}
1 {3, 2, 1}
[CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Call', Position = 1)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline', Position = 0)]
[scriptblock]$ScriptBlock = { @{$_ = $_ } },
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Call')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
[ValidateSet('Stop', 'Ignore', 'Overwrite', 'Append', 'Prepend')]
[string]$DuplicateKeyAction = 'Stop'
begin {
$ht = @{}
process {
try {
$InputObject = switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
'Call' {
'Pipeline' {
$tables = $InputObject | ForEach-Object {
try {
$PreviousErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$table = Invoke-Command -NoNewScope -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -InputObject $_ -ArgumentList $_
$ErrorActionPreference = $PreviousErrorActionPreference
catch {
([System.ArgumentException]::New("Scriptblock execution resulted in an error/exception: '$($PSItem.Exception.Message)'", $_)),
if ($table -isnot [hashtable]) {
([System.ArgumentException]::New("Provided scriptblock must only output a single hashtable, but output type was $($table.GetType())")),
$tables | ForEach-Object {
$table = $_
$table.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$Key = $_.Key
$Value = switch ($DuplicateKeyAction) {
'Stop' {
if (!$ht.ContainsKey($Key)) {
Write-Output -NoEnumerate $table.$key
else {
([System.ArgumentException]::New("Key '$($Key)' was found multiple times")),
'Ignore' {
if (!$ht.ContainsKey($Key)) {
Write-Output -NoEnumerate $table.$key
else {
Write-Output -NoEnumerate $ht.$key
'Overwrite' { Write-Output -NoEnumerate $table.$key }
'Append' {
if (!$ht.ContainsKey($Key)) {
Write-Output -NoEnumerate @($table.$key)
else {
Write-Output -NoEnumerate ($ht.$key + @($table.$key))
'Prepend' {
if (!$ht.ContainsKey($Key)) {
Write-Output -NoEnumerate @(, $table.$key)
else {
Write-Output -NoEnumerate (@(, $table.$key) + $ht.$key)
$ht.$Key = $Value
catch {
end {
return $ht