
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


您有一个包含 N 行和 M 列的网格。该表包含一些红色和一些绿色单元格。目标是找到红色到绿色单元格的分配,使得匹配中红色和绿色单元格之间的总距离最小。此外,两个相邻(具有公共边或顶点)的红色网格单元可以配对在一起并移动到另一对相邻的绿色单元。

假设限制是 N <= 1000, M <= 1000. It is not guaranteed that the number of red cells is equal to the number of green cells, i.e. they are different most of the time. Moving a group into another group that doesn’t have the same look(say two on top of each other into two that are diagonal to each other) is allowed.

我尝试找到类似的问题,很多都接近它,但是没有配对部分。我尝试将其表示为运输问题、分配问题或最大流量问题(容量为 1 的边,可能还包括一个额外的顶点“层”来表示组),但是我还没有找到一种方法来正确包含配对部分。

我已经设法将其表示为 ILP 问题: 红色和绿色单元格表示为完整二分图中的顶点 - R1、R2、.. G1、G2、..,其中 Ri 和 Gj 之间的边权重是网格中这两个单元格之间的欧几里德距离。红色和绿色单元格的所有有效分组形成第二个完整的二部图,其中该组的位置只是两个单元格的平均值。两个图中的每条边都分配有一个布尔变量,该变量表示我们是否将所述单元格/组移动到另一个单元格/组中。约束条件是与 Ri 相关的每条边(即来自 Ri 和包含 Ri 的组的边)的总和等于 1,并且进入 Gi(单元格或组)的边的总和为<= 1. The objective function is the minimum sum of the boolean variable multiplied by the edge weight it is associated with.


import pulp
import math

# manhattan or euclidean
# default or gurobi
SOLVER = "gurobi"

# change these value pairs
red_cell_cords = [(1, 8),(1, 9),(1, 19),(1, 20),(2, 8),(2, 9),(2, 19),(2, 20),(3, 9),(3, 19),(6, 9),(6, 19),(7, 18),(8, 11),(8, 17),(9, 12),(9, 16),(11, 13),(11, 15),(12, 14)]
green_cell_cords = [(0, 6),(0, 21),(0, 22),(1, 6),(1, 23),(2, 5),(2, 6),(2, 23),(2, 24),(3, 4),(3, 5),(3, 6),(3, 24),(3, 25),(4, 4),(4, 5),(4, 9),(4, 19),(4, 25),(5, 5),(5, 25),(6, 5),(6, 7),(6, 21),(6, 25),(7, 4),(7, 5),(7, 25),(8, 4),(8, 25),(9, 4),(9, 6),(9, 22),(9, 26),(10, 5),(10, 27),(11, 5),(11, 27),(12, 27),(14, 24),(17, 25),(19, 25)]

red_cells = [f"R{i}" for i in range(len(red_cell_cords))]
green_cells = [f"G{i}" for i in range(len(green_cell_cords))]

red_group_cords = []
green_group_cords = []

red_groups = []
green_groups = []

# Generate RED groups and coordinates
for r1_idx, r1_cord in enumerate(red_cell_cords):
    for r2_idx, r2_cord in enumerate(red_cell_cords):
        if r1_idx < r2_idx:
            if abs(r1_cord[0] - r2_cord[0]) <= 1 and abs(r1_cord[1] - r2_cord[1]) <= 1:
                red_group_cords.append(((r1_cord[0] + r2_cord[0]) / 2, (r1_cord[1] + r2_cord[1]) / 2))
# Generate GREEN groups and coordinates
for g1_idx, g1_cord in enumerate(green_cell_cords):
    for g2_idx, g2_cord in enumerate(green_cell_cords):
        if g1_idx < g2_idx:
            if abs(g1_cord[0] - g2_cord[0]) <= 1 and abs(g1_cord[1] - g2_cord[1]) <= 1:
                green_group_cords.append(((g1_cord[0] + g2_cord[0]) / 2, (g1_cord[1] + g2_cord[1]) / 2))

costs = {}

# Edge weights for singular cells
for r_idx, r_cord in enumerate(red_cell_cords):
    for g_idx, g_cord in enumerate(green_cell_cords):
        red_label = red_cells[r_idx]
        green_label = green_cells[g_idx]
        if DISTANCE_CALCULATION == "manhattan":
            distance = abs(r_cord[0] - g_cord[0]) + abs(r_cord[1] - g_cord[1])
        elif DISTANCE_CALCULATION == "euclidean":
            distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(abs(r_cord[0] - g_cord[0]), 2) + math.pow(abs(r_cord[1] - g_cord[1]), 2))
            raise BaseException("Invalid parameter as DISTANCE_CALCULATION. Check for typos")
        costs[(red_label, green_label)] = distance

# Edge weights for groups
for r_idx, r_cord in enumerate(red_group_cords):
    for g_idx, g_cord in enumerate(green_group_cords):
        red_label = red_groups[r_idx]
        green_label = green_groups[g_idx]
        if DISTANCE_CALCULATION == "manhattan":
            distance = abs(r_cord[0] - g_cord[0]) + abs(r_cord[1] - g_cord[1])
        elif DISTANCE_CALCULATION == "euclidean":
            distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(abs(r_cord[0] - g_cord[0]), 2) + math.pow(abs(r_cord[1] - g_cord[1]), 2))
            raise BaseException("Invalid parameter as DISTANCE_CALCULATION. Check for typos")
        costs[(red_label, green_label)] = distance

prob = pulp.LpProblem("RedGreenAssignment", pulp.LpMinimize)

# Variables
## Singular movement
vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Assign", (red_cells, green_cells), 0, 1, pulp.LpBinary)
## Group movement
vars_groups = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Assign group", (red_groups, green_groups), 0, 1, pulp.LpBinary)

# Objective function
## Singular movement & Group movement
prob += pulp.lpSum([vars[r][g] * costs[(r, g)] for r in red_cells for g in green_cells]) + pulp.lpSum([vars_groups[r][g] * costs[(r, g)] for r in red_groups for g in green_groups])

# Constraints
## For each red cell, ensure it's either assigned individually or through a group
for i, r in enumerate(red_cells):
    related_groups = [group for group in red_groups if f"R{i}-" in group]
    prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[r][g] for g in green_cells]) + \
             pulp.lpSum([vars_groups[group][g_group] for group in related_groups for g_group in green_groups])) == 1
## For each green cell, ensure it assigned individually or through a group at most once
for i, g in enumerate(green_cells):
    related_groups = [group for group in green_groups if f"G{i}-" in group]
    prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[r][g] for r in red_cells]) + \
             pulp.lpSum([vars_groups[r_group][group] for group in related_groups for r_group in red_groups])) <= 1

# Solve
if SOLVER == "default":
elif SOLVER == "gurobi":
    solver = pulp.GUROBI_CMD(path=r'C:\gurobi1103\win64\bin\gurobi_cl.exe') # include your path to the gurobi solver
    raise BaseException("Invalid parameter as SOLVER. Check for typos")

# Result
for r in red_cells:
    for g in green_cells:
        if pulp.value(vars[r][g]) == 1:
            print(f"{r} is assigned to {g}")

for r in red_groups:
    for g in green_groups:
        if pulp.value(vars_groups[r][g]) == 1:
            print(f"{r} is assigned to {g}")

print(f"Total Cost: {pulp.value(prob.objective)}")

拥有大约 2500 个边,可以在 0.5 秒内给出解决方案,即我当前的解决方案运行得相当快。

用黄色箭头标记的是红色和绿色单元格的“匹配”。成对的分组通过在两个分组之间划一条线来标记。 手动找到 22x29 网格的解决方案(不一定是最优的),无需考虑对: grid of 22x29 with red and green cells, some of which are connected by yellow arrows ILP 求解器针对 22x29 网格找到的解决方案(最佳),并考虑到配对: grid of 22x29 with some red and green cells, some individually connected(red-green) by yellow arrows, other two pairs of red cells connected to pairs or two green cells

我的问题是:与 ILP 解决方案相比,是否有更有效的算法(仍能找到最佳分配)可以处理红绿单元配对约束并在网格大小限制内提高性能?

与我讨论过该问题的人对 ILP 解决方案在合理的时间内有效感到惊讶(因为 ILP 通常是 NP 难的)。

这是我的第一个问题,请随意纠正我的陈述或建议 ILP 公式的正确数学表示。

algorithm graph-theory linear-programming
  • 将代码移至函数中;包括减少代码复制粘贴的实用功能
  • cords
  • 避免循环。应使用矢量化代码来完成构建。有很多方法可以做到这一点;我展示一个。
  • 更喜欢
  • 使用 matplotlib 或其他工具以图形方式自动显示解决方案


import typing

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pulp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def make_colour_frames(
    coord_data: np.ndarray, name: typing.Literal['R', 'G'],
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    coords = pd.DataFrame(
        index=name + pd.RangeIndex(name='name', stop=len(coord_data)).astype(pd.StringDtype()),
        columns=('y', 'x'), data=coord_data,

    i, j = np.triu_indices(n=len(coords), k=1)
    combos = pd.concat(
        (coords.iloc[i].reset_index(), coords.iloc[j].reset_index()),
        axis='columns', keys=('1', '2'),
    yx = combos.loc[:, (slice(None), ['y', 'x'])]
    predicates = (
        (yx['2'] - yx['1']).abs() <= 1
    combos = combos[predicates]

    groups = pd.DataFrame(
            'name': combos[('1', 'name')] + '-' + combos[('2', 'name')],
            'name1': combos[('1', 'name')],
            'name2': combos[('2', 'name')],
            'y1': combos[('1', 'y')],
            'y2': combos[('2', 'y')],
            'x1': combos[('1', 'x')],
            'x2': combos[('2', 'x')],
            'y': combos.loc[:, (slice(None), 'y')].mean(axis=1),
            'x': combos.loc[:, (slice(None), 'x')].mean(axis=1),

    return coords, groups

def get_norm(
    combos: pd.DataFrame, norm: typing.Literal['euclidean', 'manhattan'],
) -> pd.Series:
    diff = combos[['y_R', 'x_R']] - combos[['y_G', 'x_G']].values
    match norm:
        case 'euclidean':
            return np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1)
        case 'manhattan':
            return diff.abs().sum(axis=1)
        case _:
            raise ValueError('Invalid norm ' + norm)

def make_combos(
    red: pd.DataFrame, green: pd.DataFrame, norm: typing.Literal['euclidean', 'manhattan'],
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    combos = pd.merge(
        left=red.reset_index(), right=green.reset_index(), how='cross',
        suffixes=('_R', '_G'),
    combos['dist'] = get_norm(combos, norm)
    combos['name'] = combos['name_R'] + '-' + combos['name_G']
    combos.set_index('name', inplace=True)

    # Movement
    combos['assign'] = pulp.LpVariable.matrix(
        name='assign', indices=combos.index, cat=pulp.LpBinary,

    return combos

def make_vars(
    red_coord_data: np.ndarray,
    green_coord_data: np.ndarray,
    norm: typing.Literal['euclidean', 'manhattan'] = 'euclidean',
) -> tuple[
    pd.DataFrame,  # single combos
    pd.DataFrame,  # group combos
    # Generate RED groups and coordinates
    red_coords, red_groups = make_colour_frames(red_coord_data, name='R')
    # Generate GREEN groups and coordinates
    green_coords, green_groups = make_colour_frames(green_coord_data, name='G')

    # Edge weights for singular cells
    single_combos = make_combos(red_coords, green_coords, norm)
    # Edge weights for groups
    group_combos = make_combos(red_groups, green_groups, norm)

    return single_combos, group_combos

def get_cost(combos: pd.DataFrame) -> pulp.LpAffineExpression:
    return pulp.lpDot(combos['dist'], combos['assign'])

def make_problem(
    single_combos: pd.DataFrame, group_combos: pd.DataFrame,
) -> pulp.LpProblem:
    prob = pulp.LpProblem(name='RedGreenAssignment', sense=pulp.LpMinimize)

    # Objective function
    ## Singular movement & Group movement
    prob.setObjective(get_cost(single_combos) + get_cost(group_combos))

    return prob

def add_constraints(
    prob: pulp.LpProblem,
    single_combos: pd.DataFrame,
    group_combos: pd.DataFrame,
) -> None:
    # Each red cell is assigned individually or through a group exactly once
    for name, for_name in single_combos.groupby('name_R'):
        total = pulp.lpSum(for_name['assign']) + pulp.lpSum(
                (group_combos['name1_R'] == name) |
                (group_combos['name2_R'] == name), 'assign',
        prob.addConstraint(name='excl_red_' + name, constraint=total == 1)

    # Each green cell is assigned individually or through a group at most once
    for name, for_name in single_combos.groupby('name_G'):
        total = pulp.lpSum(for_name['assign']) + pulp.lpSum(
                (group_combos['name1_G'] == name) |
                (group_combos['name2_G'] == name), 'assign',
        prob.addConstraint(name='excl_green_' + name, constraint=total <= 1)

def prune(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return df[
        df['assign'].map(pulp.value) > 0.5

def solve(
    prob: pulp.LpProblem,
    single_combos: pd.DataFrame,
    group_combos: pd.DataFrame,
    solver: str = pulp.LpSolverDefault,
    if prob.status != pulp.LpStatusOptimal:
        raise ValueError(prob.status)

    return prune(single_combos), prune(group_combos)

def dump(
    prob: pulp.LpProblem,
    single_combos: pd.DataFrame,
    group_combos: pd.DataFrame,
) -> None:
    # already shown in solver output
    # print('Total Cost: ', prob.objective.value())
    pd.options.display.max_columns = 20
    pd.options.display.width = 200
    cols = ['y_R', 'x_R', 'y_G', 'x_G', 'dist']

def graph(
    red_coords: np.ndarray,
    green_coords: np.ndarray,
    single_combos: pd.DataFrame,
    group_combos: pd.DataFrame,
) -> plt.Figure:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    height = 1 + max(red_coords[:, 0].max(), green_coords[:, 0].max())
    width = 1 + max(red_coords[:, 1].max(), green_coords[:, 1].max())

    image = np.full(shape=(height, width, 3), fill_value=255, dtype=np.uint8)
    source = red = 209, 77, 77
    dest_used = green = 115, 218, 80
    dest_unused = dark_green = 71, 142, 47
    image[red_coords[:, 0], red_coords[:, 1]] = source
    image[green_coords[:, 0], green_coords[:, 1]] = dest_unused
    image[single_combos['y_G'], single_combos['x_G']] = dest_used
    image[group_combos['y1_G'], group_combos['x1_G']] = dest_used
    image[group_combos['y2_G'], group_combos['x2_G']] = dest_used

    for name, row in single_combos.iterrows():
            row['x_R'], row['y_R'],
            row['x_G'] - row['x_R'], row['y_G'] - row['y_R'],
            length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.5, head_length=0.8,

    for name, row in group_combos.iterrows():
            row[['x1_R', 'x2_R', 'x2_G', 'x1_G']],
            row[['y1_R', 'y2_R', 'y2_G', 'y1_G']],
            edgecolor='black', facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.5,

    return fig

def main() -> None:
    red_coords = np.array((
        (1, 8), (1, 9), (1, 19), (1, 20), (2, 8), (2, 9), (2, 19), (2, 20), (3, 9), (3, 19), (6, 9),
        (6, 19), (7, 18), (8, 11), (8, 17), (9, 12), (9, 16), (11, 13), (11, 15), (12, 14),
    green_coords = np.array((
        (0, 6), (0, 21), (0, 22), (1, 6), (1, 23), (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 23), (2, 24), (3, 4), (3, 5),
        (3, 6), (3, 24), (3, 25), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 9), (4, 19), (4, 25), (5, 5), (5, 25), (6, 5),
        (6, 7), (6, 21), (6, 25), (7, 4), (7, 5), (7, 25), (8, 4), (8, 25), (9, 4), (9, 6), (9, 22),
        (9, 26), (10, 5), (10, 27), (11, 5), (11, 27), (12, 27), (14, 24), (17, 25), (19, 25),

    single_combos, group_combos = make_vars(
        red_coord_data=red_coords, green_coord_data=green_coords,
    prob = make_problem(single_combos=single_combos, group_combos=group_combos)
        prob=prob, single_combos=single_combos, group_combos=group_combos,
    single_combos, group_combos = solve(prob=prob, single_combos=single_combos, group_combos=group_combos)
    dump(prob=prob, single_combos=single_combos, group_combos=group_combos)
        red_coords=red_coords, green_coords=green_coords,
        single_combos=single_combos, group_combos=group_combos,

if __name__ == '__main__':
Result - Optimal solution found

Objective value:                52.33277240
Enumerated nodes:               0
Total iterations:               0
Time (CPU seconds):             0.05
Time (Wallclock seconds):       0.05

Option for printingOptions changed from normal to all
Total time (CPU seconds):       0.05   (Wallclock seconds):       0.05

         y_R  x_R  y_G  x_G     dist
R8-G16     3    9    4    9  1.00000
R9-G17     3   19    4   19  1.00000
R10-G22    6    9    6    7  2.00000
R18-G32   11   15    9   22  7.28011
                  y_R   x_R  y_G   x_G      dist
R0-R1-G0-G3       1.0   8.5  0.5   6.0  2.549510
R2-R3-G1-G2       1.0  19.5  0.0  21.5  2.236068
R4-R5-G6-G11      2.0   8.5  2.5   6.0  2.549510
R6-R7-G4-G7       2.0  19.5  1.5  23.0  3.535534
R11-R12-G20-G24   6.5  18.5  5.5  25.0  6.576473
R13-R15-G21-G26   8.5  11.5  6.5   5.0  6.800735
R14-R16-G27-G29   8.5  16.5  7.5  25.0  8.558621
R17-R19-G31-G34  11.5  13.5  9.5   5.5  8.246211

graphical map

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