我正在使用 cs50,尝试运行时遇到此错误。该程序要求用户提供信用卡号,然后使用 luhns 算法和每张卡的要求(通过 printf)报告它是否是有效的 American Express、MasterCard 或 Visa 卡号。源码如下
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
bool validation(long number) {
int i = 10;
int j = 1;
int totalMultiplied = 0;
int totalNotMultiplied = 0;
while (number / i != 0){
totalMultiplied += ((number / i) % 10) * 2;
i *= 100;
while (number / j != 0) {
totalNotMultiplied += (number / j) % 10;
j *= 100;
if ((totalMultiplied + totalNotMultiplied) % 10 == 0) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
int main(void) {
long creditCardNo;
do {
creditCardNo = get_long("Enter credit card number: ");
while (creditCardNo < 0);
int count = 0;
long startNumbers = creditCardNo;
long n = creditCardNo;
do {
n /= 10;
while (n != 0);
while (startNumbers >= 100) {
startNumbers /= 10;
if (validation(creditCardNo)) {
if (count == 15 && ( startNumbers == 34 || startNumbers == 35)) {
else if (count == 16 && ( startNumbers == 51 || startNumbers == 52 || startNumbers == 53 || startNumbers == 54 || startNumbers == 55)) {
else if ((count == 13 || count == 14) && ( startNumbers / 10 == 4)) {
}else {
在利用上面关于对整数变量使用“long long”指定的良好注释来测试您的代码时,以下是代码的初始重构,以在验证函数中传递和使用“long long”变量。
首先,在主函数中,信用卡号被重构为一个“long long”变量。
int main(void)
long long creditCardNo;
creditCardNo = get_long_long("Enter credit card number: ");
bool validation(long long number) /* Refactored to handle large credit card values */
long i = 10;
long j = 1;
int totalMultiplied = 0;
int totalNotMultiplied = 0;
while (number / i != 0)
totalMultiplied += ((number / i) % 10) * 2;
printf("totalMultiplied: %d\n", totalMultiplied); /* Using printf as a manual debug tool */
i *= 100;
while (number / j != 0)
totalNotMultiplied += (number / j) % 10;
printf("totalNotMultiplied: %d\n", totalNotMultiplied); /* Using printf as a manual debug tool */
j *= 100;
if ((totalMultiplied + totalNotMultiplied) % 10 == 0)
return true;
return false;
craig@Vera:~/C_Programs/Console/ValidCC/bin/Release$ ./ValidCC
Enter credit card number: 350000000000006
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 10
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 9
进一步研究 Luhn 校验位算法的工作原理,当计算结果超过“9”时,需要进行调整,如以下链接所述:
考虑到这一点,进行了另一次重构改进以模仿 Luhn 校验位算法。
bool validation(long long number) /* Refactored to handle large credit card values */
long i = 10;
long j = 1;
int totalMultiplied = 0;
int totalNotMultiplied = 0;
while (number / i != 0)
if (((number / i % 10) < 5)) /* Luhn test */
totalMultiplied += ((number / i) % 10) * 2;
totalMultiplied += ((number / i) % 10) * 2 - 9;
printf("totalMultiplied: %d\n", totalMultiplied); /* Using printf as a manual debug tool */
i *= 100;
while (number / j != 0)
totalNotMultiplied += (number / j) % 10;
printf("totalNotMultiplied: %d\n", totalNotMultiplied); /* Using printf as a manual debug tool */
j *= 100;
if ((totalMultiplied + totalNotMultiplied) % 10 == 0)
return true;
return false;
craig@Vera:~/C_Programs/Console/ValidCC/bin/Release$ ./ValidCC
Enter credit card number: 350000000000006
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 0
totalMultiplied: 1
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 6
totalNotMultiplied: 9