//g++ 5.4.0
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class C{
int* tab;
C():tab(nullptr){ cout<<"(void)create zilch\n"; }
C(int size):tab(new int[size]){ cout<<"(int)create " << size << "\n"; }
explicit C(double size):tab(new int[(int)size]){ cout<<"(double)create " << size << "\n"; }
~C(){ if(tab) {cout<<"destroy\n"; delete[] tab;} else cout <<"destroy zilch\n"; }
int main()
cout << "start\n";
C o1(1);
C o2 = 2; //ok, implicit conversion allowed
C o3(3.0);
C o4 = 4.0; //ko, implicit conversion to double blocked... but goes to int
cout << "stop\n";
//(int)create 1
//(int)create 2
//(double)create 3
//(int)create 4
嗯! Eljay在注释中得到的速度更快,但这是最终代码,试图隐式使用double会导致编译错误
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class C{
int* tab;
//THE TRICK: block any implicit conversion by default
template <class T> C(T) = delete;
C():tab(nullptr){ cout<<"(void)create zilch\n"; }
C(int size):tab(new int[size]){ cout<<"(int)create " << size << "\n"; }
explicit C(double size):tab(new int[(int)size]){ cout<<"(double)create " << size << "\n"; }
~C(){ if(tab) {cout<<"destroy\n"; delete[] tab;} else cout <<"destroy zilch\n"; }
int main()
cout << "start\n";
C o1(1);
C o2 = 2; //ok, implicit conversion allowed
C o3(3.0);
C o4 = 4.0; //ko, implicit conversion to other types deleted
C o5 = (C)5.0; //ok. explicit conversion
cout << "stop\n";
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
class C{
int* tab;
C():tab(nullptr){ cout<<"(void)create zilch\n"; }
template<typename I, typename = typename enable_if<is_integral<I>::value>::type>
C(I size):tab(new int[size]){ cout<<"(int)create " << size << "\n"; }
explicit C(double size):tab(new int[(int)size]){ cout<<"(double)create " << size << "\n"; }
~C(){ if(tab) {cout<<"destroy\n"; delete[] tab;} else cout <<"destroy zilch\n"; }
int main()
cout << "start\n";
C o1(1);
C o2 = 2; //ok, implicit conversion allowed
C o3(3.0);
C o4 = 4.0; //ko, implicit conversion to double blocked... but goes to int
cout << "stop\n";
test.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
test.cpp:22:16: error: conversion from ‘double’ to non-scalar type ‘C’ requested
C o4 = 4.0; //ko, implicit conversion to double blocked... but goes to int