import json
import pulp
days = 7 # One week (7 days)
# Number of weeks (modify as needed)
employees = 200 # Replace with the actual number of employees
var_8_16 = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("8_16", (range(days), range(employees)), 0, 1, "Binary")
var_16_24 = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("16_24", (range(days), range(employees)), 0, 1, "Binary")
var_24_8 = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("24_8", (range(days), range(employees)), 0, 1, "Binary")
var_Holiday = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Tatil", (range(days), range(employees)), 0, 1, "Binary")
# Objective function to minimize the difference between workload for fairness
obj = None
for i in range(days):
for j in range(employees):
shifts_worked = var_8_16[i][j] + var_16_24[i][j] + var_24_8[i][j]
difference = shifts_worked - 5 # Desired target is 5 shifts
obj += difference
problem = pulp.LpProblem("Vardiya", pulp.LpMinimize)
problem += obj
## Constraint 0: Every worker has to either work or be on holiday each day
for i in range(days):
for j in range(employees):
c = None
c += var_8_16[i][j] + var_16_24[i][j] + var_24_8[i][j] + var_Holiday [i][j]
problem += c == 1
## Constraint 1: Each shift must have at least c, d, f employees per week
worker_daily_ratio = 0.7
min_worker_ratio = {
"8_16": 0.5,
"16_24": 0.2,
"24_8": 0.3
for i in range(days):
c_min =+ sum(var_8_16[i][j] for j in range(employees))
d_min =+ sum(var_16_24[i][j] for j in range(employees))
f_min =+ sum(var_24_8[i][j] for j in range(employees))
# Defining the lower and upper bounds for the constraint
problem += c_min >= (min_worker_ratio["8_16"] * worker_daily_ratio * employees)
problem += c_min <= (min_worker_ratio["8_16"] * worker_daily_ratio * employees) + 4
problem += d_min >= (min_worker_ratio["16_24"] * worker_daily_ratio * employees)
problem += d_min <= (min_worker_ratio["16_24"] * worker_daily_ratio * employees) + 4
problem += f_min >= (min_worker_ratio["24_8"] * worker_daily_ratio * employees)
problem += f_min <= (min_worker_ratio["24_8"] * worker_daily_ratio * employees) + 4
# Constraint 1: Each employee must work 5 shifts per week
desired_workload = 5
for j in range(employees):
c = None
for i in range(0, days):
c += var_8_16[i][j] + var_16_24[i][j] + var_24_8[i][j]
problem += c == desired_workload
## Constraint 2: Each employee must have 2 days off per week
for j in range(employees):
c = None
for i in range(0, days):
c += var_Holiday[i][j]
problem += c == 2
# Constraint 3: Each employee works on the same shift throughout the week
for j in range(employees):
# If the holidays are back to back
for i in range(days - 3):
a_btb = var_8_16[i][j] + var_16_24[i + 3][j] + var_24_8[i + 3][j]
b_btb = var_16_24[i][j] + var_8_16[i + 3][j] + var_24_8[i + 3][j]
k_btb = var_24_8[i][j] + var_8_16[i + 3][j] + var_16_24[i + 3][j]
problem += a_btb <= 1
problem += b_btb <= 1
problem += k_btb <= 1
# If the holidays are not back to back
for i in range(days - 1):
c_nbtb = var_8_16[i][j] + var_16_24[i + 1][j] + var_24_8[i + 1][j]
d_nbtb = var_16_24[i][j] + var_8_16[i + 1][j] + var_24_8[i + 1][j]
f_nbtb = var_24_8[i][j] + var_8_16[i + 1][j] + var_16_24[i + 1][j]
problem += c_nbtb <= 1
problem += d_nbtb <= 1
problem += f_nbtb <= 1
应该达到什么目的。如所写,每个轮班每周必须至少有 c、d、f 名员工 不会使用 worker_daily_ratio
import pandas as pd
import pulp
n_days = 7
n_workdays = 5
n_workers = 20
worker_idx = pd.RangeIndex(name='worker', start=0, stop=n_workers)
day_idx = pd.RangeIndex(name='day', start=0, stop=n_days)
shift_idx = pd.RangeIndex(name='shift', start=0, stop=24, step=8)
# For each day, shift and worker: are they working?
day_shift_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((worker_idx, day_idx, shift_idx))
day_shift_names = (
'w' + day_shift_idx.get_level_values('worker').astype(str) +
'_d' + day_shift_idx.get_level_values('day').astype(str) +
'_s' + day_shift_idx.get_level_values('shift').astype(str)
day_shifts = (
day_shift_names.to_series(name='day_shift', index=day_shift_idx)
.apply(pulp.LpVariable, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
# For each shift and worker across all of their week's work days: are they working?
worker_shift_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((worker_idx, shift_idx))
worker_shift_names = (
'w' + worker_shift_idx.get_level_values('worker').astype(str) +
'_s' + worker_shift_idx.get_level_values('shift').astype(str)
worker_shifts = (
worker_shift_names.to_series(name='worker_shift', index=worker_shift_idx)
.apply(pulp.LpVariable, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
problem = pulp.LpProblem(name='Shifts', sense=pulp.LpMinimize)
# Workers may work at most one shift per day
for (worker, day), total in day_shifts.groupby(['worker', 'day']).sum().items():
constraint=total <= 1,
# Workers must work exactly five shifts
for worker, total in day_shifts.groupby('worker').sum().items():
constraint=total == n_workdays,
# Workers must work exactly one shift type
for worker, total in worker_shifts.groupby('worker').sum().items():
constraint=total == 1,
# Constrain the day shifts based on shift type
for (worker, shift), total in day_shifts.groupby(['worker', 'shift']).sum().items():
shift_type = worker_shifts[(worker, shift)]
constraint=total >= shift_type,
constraint=total <= shift_type*n_days,
# Each shift type must have a minimum number of shifts worked
n_total_shifts = n_workdays * n_workers
min_worker_ratio = {0: 0.3, 8: 0.5, 16: 0.2}
for shift, total in day_shifts.groupby('shift').sum().items():
lower = n_total_shifts * min_worker_ratio[shift]
constraint=total >= lower,
constraint=total <= lower + 4,
assert problem.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal
print('Shift type assignments:')
worker_shifts = worker_shifts.apply(pulp.LpVariable.value).astype(int)
print(worker_shifts.unstack(level='shift'), end='\n\n')
print('Shift day assignments:')
day_shifts = day_shifts.apply(pulp.LpVariable.value).astype(int)
print(day_shifts.unstack(level='day'), end='\n\n')
print('Shift totals:')
shift_totals = day_shifts.groupby('shift').sum()
print(shift_totals, end='\n\n')
dayexcl_w0_d0: w0_d0_s0 + w0_d0_s16 + w0_d0_s8 <= 1
dayexcl_w0_d1: w0_d1_s0 + w0_d1_s16 + w0_d1_s8 <= 1
dayexcl_w0_d2: w0_d2_s0 + w0_d2_s16 + w0_d2_s8 <= 1
week_w0: w0_d0_s0 + w0_d0_s16 + w0_d0_s8 + w0_d1_s0 + w0_d1_s16 + w0_d1_s8
+ w0_d2_s0 + w0_d2_s16 + w0_d2_s8 + w0_d3_s0 + w0_d3_s16 + w0_d3_s8
+ w0_d4_s0 + w0_d4_s16 + w0_d4_s8 + w0_d5_s0 + w0_d5_s16 + w0_d5_s8
+ w0_d6_s0 + w0_d6_s16 + w0_d6_s8 = 5
week_w1: w1_d0_s0 + w1_d0_s16 + w1_d0_s8 + w1_d1_s0 + w1_d1_s16 + w1_d1_s8
+ w1_d2_s0 + w1_d2_s16 + w1_d2_s8 + w1_d3_s0 + w1_d3_s16 + w1_d3_s8
+ w1_d4_s0 + w1_d4_s16 + w1_d4_s8 + w1_d5_s0 + w1_d5_s16 + w1_d5_s8
+ w1_d6_s0 + w1_d6_s16 + w1_d6_s8 = 5
week_w2: w2_d0_s0 + w2_d0_s16 + w2_d0_s8 + w2_d1_s0 + w2_d1_s16 + w2_d1_s8
+ w2_d2_s0 + w2_d2_s16 + w2_d2_s8 + w2_d3_s0 + w2_d3_s16 + w2_d3_s8
+ w2_d4_s0 + w2_d4_s16 + w2_d4_s8 + w2_d5_s0 + w2_d5_s16 + w2_d5_s8
+ w2_d6_s0 + w2_d6_s16 + w2_d6_s8 = 5
shiftexcl_w0: w0_s0 + w0_s16 + w0_s8 = 1
shiftexcl_w1: w1_s0 + w1_s16 + w1_s8 = 1
shiftexcl_w2: w2_s0 + w2_s16 + w2_s8 = 1
shifttype_lo_w0_s0: w0_d0_s0 + w0_d1_s0 + w0_d2_s0 + w0_d3_s0 + w0_d4_s0
+ w0_d5_s0 + w0_d6_s0 - w0_s0 >= 0
shifttype_hi_w0_s0: w0_d0_s0 + w0_d1_s0 + w0_d2_s0 + w0_d3_s0 + w0_d4_s0
+ w0_d5_s0 + w0_d6_s0 - 7 w0_s0 <= 0
shifttype_lo_w0_s8: w0_d0_s8 + w0_d1_s8 + w0_d2_s8 + w0_d3_s8 + w0_d4_s8
+ w0_d5_s8 + w0_d6_s8 - w0_s8 >= 0
shifttype_hi_w0_s8: w0_d0_s8 + w0_d1_s8 + w0_d2_s8 + w0_d3_s8 + w0_d4_s8
+ w0_d5_s8 + w0_d6_s8 - 7 w0_s8 <= 0
shiftratio_lo_s0: w0_d0_s0 + w0_d1_s0 + w0_d2_s0 + w0_d3_s0 + w0_d4_s0
+ w0_d5_s0 + w0_d6_s0 + w10_d0_s0 + w10_d1_s0 + w10_d2_s0 + w10_d3_s0
+ w10_d4_s0 + w10_d5_s0 + w10_d6_s0 + w11_d0_s0 + w11_d1_s0 + w11_d2_s0
+ w11_d3_s0 + w11_d4_s0 + w11_d5_s0 + w11_d6_s0 + w12_d0_s0 + w12_d1_s0
+ w12_d2_s0 + w12_d3_s0 + w12_d4_s0 + w12_d5_s0 + w12_d6_s0 + w13_d0_s0
+ w13_d1_s0 + w13_d2_s0 + w13_d3_s0 + w13_d4_s0 + w13_d5_s0 + w13_d6_s0
+ w14_d0_s0 + w14_d1_s0 + w14_d2_s0 + w14_d3_s0 + w14_d4_s0 + w14_d5_s0
+ w14_d6_s0 + w15_d0_s0 + w15_d1_s0 + w15_d2_s0 + w15_d3_s0 + w15_d4_s0
+ w15_d5_s0 + w15_d6_s0 + w16_d0_s0 + w16_d1_s0 + w16_d2_s0 + w16_d3_s0
+ w16_d4_s0 + w16_d5_s0 + w16_d6_s0 + w17_d0_s0 + w17_d1_s0 + w17_d2_s0
+ w17_d3_s0 + w17_d4_s0 + w17_d5_s0 + w17_d6_s0 + w18_d0_s0 + w18_d1_s0
+ w18_d2_s0 + w18_d3_s0 + w18_d4_s0 + w18_d5_s0 + w18_d6_s0 + w19_d0_s0
+ w19_d1_s0 + w19_d2_s0 + w19_d3_s0 + w19_d4_s0 + w19_d5_s0 + w19_d6_s0
+ w1_d0_s0 + w1_d1_s0 + w1_d2_s0 + w1_d3_s0 + w1_d4_s0 + w1_d5_s0 + w1_d6_s0
+ w2_d0_s0 + w2_d1_s0 + w2_d2_s0 + w2_d3_s0 + w2_d4_s0 + w2_d5_s0 + w2_d6_s0
+ w3_d0_s0 + w3_d1_s0 + w3_d2_s0 + w3_d3_s0 + w3_d4_s0 + w3_d5_s0 + w3_d6_s0
+ w4_d0_s0 + w4_d1_s0 + w4_d2_s0 + w4_d3_s0 + w4_d4_s0 + w4_d5_s0 + w4_d6_s0
+ w5_d0_s0 + w5_d1_s0 + w5_d2_s0 + w5_d3_s0 + w5_d4_s0 + w5_d5_s0 + w5_d6_s0
+ w6_d0_s0 + w6_d1_s0 + w6_d2_s0 + w6_d3_s0 + w6_d4_s0 + w6_d5_s0 + w6_d6_s0
+ w7_d0_s0 + w7_d1_s0 + w7_d2_s0 + w7_d3_s0 + w7_d4_s0 + w7_d5_s0 + w7_d6_s0
+ w8_d0_s0 + w8_d1_s0 + w8_d2_s0 + w8_d3_s0 + w8_d4_s0 + w8_d5_s0 + w8_d6_s0
+ w9_d0_s0 + w9_d1_s0 + w9_d2_s0 + w9_d3_s0 + w9_d4_s0 + w9_d5_s0 + w9_d6_s0
>= 30
shiftratio_hi_s0: w0_d0_s0 + w0_d1_s0 + w0_d2_s0 + w0_d3_s0 + w0_d4_s0
+ w0_d5_s0 + w0_d6_s0 + w10_d0_s0 + w10_d1_s0 + w10_d2_s0 + w10_d3_s0
+ w10_d4_s0 + w10_d5_s0 + w10_d6_s0 + w11_d0_s0 + w11_d1_s0 + w11_d2_s0
+ w11_d3_s0 + w11_d4_s0 + w11_d5_s0 + w11_d6_s0 + w12_d0_s0 + w12_d1_s0
+ w12_d2_s0 + w12_d3_s0 + w12_d4_s0 + w12_d5_s0 + w12_d6_s0 + w13_d0_s0
+ w13_d1_s0 + w13_d2_s0 + w13_d3_s0 + w13_d4_s0 + w13_d5_s0 + w13_d6_s0
+ w14_d0_s0 + w14_d1_s0 + w14_d2_s0 + w14_d3_s0 + w14_d4_s0 + w14_d5_s0
+ w14_d6_s0 + w15_d0_s0 + w15_d1_s0 + w15_d2_s0 + w15_d3_s0 + w15_d4_s0
+ w15_d5_s0 + w15_d6_s0 + w16_d0_s0 + w16_d1_s0 + w16_d2_s0 + w16_d3_s0
+ w16_d4_s0 + w16_d5_s0 + w16_d6_s0 + w17_d0_s0 + w17_d1_s0 + w17_d2_s0
+ w17_d3_s0 + w17_d4_s0 + w17_d5_s0 + w17_d6_s0 + w18_d0_s0 + w18_d1_s0
+ w18_d2_s0 + w18_d3_s0 + w18_d4_s0 + w18_d5_s0 + w18_d6_s0 + w19_d0_s0
+ w19_d1_s0 + w19_d2_s0 + w19_d3_s0 + w19_d4_s0 + w19_d5_s0 + w19_d6_s0
+ w1_d0_s0 + w1_d1_s0 + w1_d2_s0 + w1_d3_s0 + w1_d4_s0 + w1_d5_s0 + w1_d6_s0
+ w2_d0_s0 + w2_d1_s0 + w2_d2_s0 + w2_d3_s0 + w2_d4_s0 + w2_d5_s0 + w2_d6_s0
+ w3_d0_s0 + w3_d1_s0 + w3_d2_s0 + w3_d3_s0 + w3_d4_s0 + w3_d5_s0 + w3_d6_s0
+ w4_d0_s0 + w4_d1_s0 + w4_d2_s0 + w4_d3_s0 + w4_d4_s0 + w4_d5_s0 + w4_d6_s0
+ w5_d0_s0 + w5_d1_s0 + w5_d2_s0 + w5_d3_s0 + w5_d4_s0 + w5_d5_s0 + w5_d6_s0
+ w6_d0_s0 + w6_d1_s0 + w6_d2_s0 + w6_d3_s0 + w6_d4_s0 + w6_d5_s0 + w6_d6_s0
+ w7_d0_s0 + w7_d1_s0 + w7_d2_s0 + w7_d3_s0 + w7_d4_s0 + w7_d5_s0 + w7_d6_s0
+ w8_d0_s0 + w8_d1_s0 + w8_d2_s0 + w8_d3_s0 + w8_d4_s0 + w8_d5_s0 + w8_d6_s0
+ w9_d0_s0 + w9_d1_s0 + w9_d2_s0 + w9_d3_s0 + w9_d4_s0 + w9_d5_s0 + w9_d6_s0
<= 34
0 <= w0_d0_s0 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w0_d0_s16 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w0_d0_s8 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w0_d1_s0 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w0_d1_s16 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w1_s0 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w1_s16 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w1_s8 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w2_d0_s0 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w2_d0_s16 <= 1 Integer
0 <= w2_d0_s8 <= 1 Integer
Welcome to the CBC MILP Solver
Version: 2.10.3
Build Date: Dec 15 2019
At line 2 NAME MODEL
At line 3 ROWS
At line 311 COLUMNS
At line 3973 RHS
At line 4280 BOUNDS
At line 4762 ENDATA
Problem MODEL has 306 rows, 481 columns and 2700 elements
Coin0008I MODEL read with 0 errors
Option for timeMode changed from cpu to elapsed
Continuous objective value is 0 - 0.00 seconds
Result - Optimal solution found
Objective value: 0.00000000
Enumerated nodes: 0
Total iterations: 714
Time (CPU seconds): 0.26
Time (Wallclock seconds): 0.26
Option for printingOptions changed from normal to all
Total time (CPU seconds): 0.27 (Wallclock seconds): 0.27
Shift type assignments:
shift 0 8 16
0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 1 0 0
4 1 0 0
5 0 1 0
6 0 1 0
7 0 1 0
8 0 1 0
9 0 0 1
10 0 1 0
11 0 0 1
12 0 1 0
13 0 1 0
14 1 0 0
15 1 0 0
16 1 0 0
17 0 0 1
18 0 1 0
19 1 0 0
Shift day assignments:
day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
worker shift
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shift totals:
0 30
8 50
16 20
Name: day_shift, dtype: int32