#include <vector>
//Creation and naming scheme
TString fileName = "binaryTree2.root";//name of file wishing to create.
TString treeName = "Binary Tree 2";//name of tree wishing to create.
TFile *file = new TFile(fileName, "RECREATE");
TTree *bTree = new TTree(treeName,"Binary Tree");
//Connection scheme
TString fileNameCopy = "hodoscopehittree7.root";//name of file you will be accessing.
TString treeNameCopy = "tree";//Name of tree within file you are accessing.
TFile *filePtr = new TFile(fileNameCopy);//points to file with previously created tree
TTree *treePtr = (TTree *) filePtr->Get(treeNameCopy);//Ptr to tree within accessed file.
TObjArray *obj = treePtr->GetListOfBranches();//Ptr to branches.
int branchNum = obj->GetEntries();//Number of branches in accessed tree.
//Vector to hold all of the information from the tree.
vector<vector<int>> dataHolder;
int* inHist;//Ptr to become the entry.
int inVal;
vector <int> entryVec;//Vector of ints that the branches will rely on.
TString branchName;
const int entryNum = treePtr->GetEntries();//Number of entries in each branch.
//This loop creates a branch in the binary tree with the same name as the
//branch in the tree being accessed and fills the dataHolder vector with
for (int i = 0; i < branchNum; i++)
TString temp;
temp = "entryVec[";
temp += (i);
temp += "]/I";
branchName = obj -> At(i)-> GetName();
bTree -> Branch(branchName, &entryVec[i],temp);
vector <int> tempVec;
//This loop reads the entries of each branch within the accessed tree. If the
//value is less than or equal to zero, 0 is added to the dataHolder and if
//not 1 is added to the dataHolder.
for (int i = 0; i < branchNum; i++)
branchName = obj-> At(i)-> GetName(); //Gets name of branch at index i
treePtr -> SetBranchAddress(branchName, &inHist);
for (int j = 0; j < entryNum; j++)
treePtr -> GetEntry(j);
inVal = inHist;
if (inVal <= 0)
//This loop fills the tree. Each inner loop reads the jth element of the
//datHolder and inputs that information int the entryVec. The outer loop fills
//the tree and then loops over all of the entries.
for (int i = 0; i < entryNum; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < branchNum; j++)
entryVec[j] = dataHolder[j][i];
bTree -> Fill();
file -> Write();
cout << "Your program has finished; " << treeName << " has been created.";
cout << endl;
filePtr-> Close();
new TBrowser();
解决方案由我合作的其他人解决。分支创建临时的最后一部分应该是branchName / I,所以当更改为:
temp = branchName; temp + =“/ I”;