Excel vba列表框多列多行从14个文本框

问题描述 投票:-1回答:1




Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim arr1, i As Long
Dim arr2(0 To 0, 0 To 13)
arr1 = Array(TB10, TB10, TB0, tb1, cb1, cb2, tb5, tb4, TB10, TB10, TB10,  tb6, tb7, tb8)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1)
    arr2(0, i) = arr1(i)
Next i
ListBox1.List = arr2

End Sub


excel vba excel-vba listbox userform



由于您希望使用每个CommandButton1_Click()事件增加包含的元素行数并保留所有现有数据,理论上您需要增加二维数组的第一维 - 但使用ReDim Preserve是不可能的。



当您在OP中更改代码时,我假设tb0tb1,...对应于枚举的TextBox控件。 (请根据您的需要更改控件阵列arr1中有些奇怪的顺序。)


Option Explicit                         ' declaration head of userform code module
Dim arr2()                              ' make arr2 values disponible for each CommandButton1_Click event

Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' declare/assign variables
  Dim arr1(), i As Long, nxt As Long
  arr1 = Array(tb0, tb1, tb2, tb3, tb4, tb5, tb6, tb7, tb8, tb9, tb10, tb11, tb12, tb13) ' <~~ Change order to your needs
' define index of next row in listbox
  nxt = Me.ListBox1.ListCount  ' ListCount automatically counts upper bound + 1
' a) you can only increment an array's last dimension, so ...
' b) redefine arr2 with new elements in its 2nd dimension
  ReDim Preserve arr2(0 To UBound(arr1), 0 To nxt)
' assign textbox and combobox values to arr2
  For i = 0 To UBound(arr1)
      arr2(i, nxt) = arr1(i)
  Next i
' reassign arr2 to the listboxes .Column property (instead of the .List property)
  ListBox1.Column = arr2
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Layout()
  With Me.ListBox1
       .ColumnCount = 14                                            ' define column count
       .ColumnWidths = "50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50"  ' <~~ change to your needs
  '    .Width = 50 * .ColumnCount + 16
  End With
End Sub

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