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我想创建一个生成 RSA 证书的 dart 库,但我不了解 X.509 格式或如何使用 Distinguished Encoding Rules 对数据进行编码。

有人可以提供分步指南或链接。我尝试使用 Chat GPT 向我解释它,但了解到它使用 X.509 格式并使用 Distinguished Encoding Rules 对数据进行编码是我所能了解的。我需要一些详细到有用但又简单到足以让我的大脑理解的东西。

这是我从 Chat GPT 得到的那种回应。这是一个很好的起点,但我不能走得太远

Generating a X.509 format RSA key pair manually without using any tool is possible but it is a complex process and requires a good understanding of the RSA algorithm and the X.509 standard. Here are the steps involved in manually generating a X.509 format RSA key pair:

Step 1: Generate a prime number
Choose two distinct prime numbers (p and q) that are large enough (at least 2048 bits) and are of similar size. You can generate prime numbers using various algorithms like Miller-Rabin, Sieve of Eratosthenes, etc.

Step 2: Compute the modulus
Calculate the modulus (n) by multiplying p and q. n = p * q.

Step 3: Compute Euler's totient function
Compute the Euler's totient function (φ(n)) of n. φ(n) = (p-1) * (q-1).

Step 4: Choose the public exponent
Choose a public exponent (e) that is relatively prime to φ(n). Typically, the value 65537 (0x10001 in hexadecimal) is used as the public exponent.

Step 5: Compute the private exponent
Compute the private exponent (d) such that (e * d) mod φ(n) = 1. You can use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find d.

Step 6: Encode the public key
Encode the public key using the X.509 standard. The public key consists of the modulus (n) and the public exponent (e).

Step 7: Encode the private key
Encode the private key using the PKCS#8 standard. The private key consists of the modulus (n), the public exponent (e), and the private exponent (d).

Step 8: Generate the self-signed X.509 certificate
Create a self-signed X.509 certificate that contains the public key and other information like the common name, issuer, validity period, etc. The certificate should be signed using the private key.

As you can see, manually generating a X.509 format RSA key pair is a complex process that requires a good understanding of the RSA algorithm and the X.509 standard. Therefore, it is recommended to use a tool like OpenSSL or a similar tool to generate RSA key pairs and X.509 certificates.



security cryptography rsa x509certificate
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