使用 Ghostscript 密码保护 PDF - 结果 PDF 文档为空白

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我正在寻求密码保护来自 MS Access(2013 版)的 PDF 报告。

我在 Stack 上找到了这个问题和答案

创建报告后,它包含所有必要的信息。调用该函数后,对 PDF 进行密码保护,名称相同,PDF 受密码保护,但为空。

传递给 Ghostscript 的指令:

-q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOwnerPassword=170284 -sUserPassword=170284 -dCompatibilityLevel=2.0 -sOutputFile=D:\Data\ Report.pdf


Public Function fctPDO_Print_pdf_GhostScript(strSourceFolder As String, strTargetFolder As String, strFile_for_pdf As String, Optional strUserPassword As String = "", Optional strOwnerPassword As String = "") As String

    ' http://www.herber.de/forum/archiv/1164to1168/1165503_Zusammenfuehren_von_PDF_Files.html#1165503
    ' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49953421/ghostscript-with-aes-256-password-protection-for-pdf-2-0-documents

    ' PDO: Prints a pdf (originally multi-pdf). Requires Ghostscript, and read/write rights.
    '      Existing files are overwritten without asking.
    '      Provide both passwords to lock. Ghostscript does rc4 , being comparatively unsafe.

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim fso As Object, WshShell As Object
    Dim strCommand As String
    Dim strGhostScript As String

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Path to gswin32c.exe
        strGhostScript = "C:\Program Files (x86)\gs9.54.0\bin\gswin64c.exe"

    'Shell-command prepare
        strTargetFolder = fso.GetFolder(strTargetFolder).ShortPath
        strGhostScript = fso.GetFile(strGhostScript).ShortPath
    'PDO: Password-Phrase, with Ghostscript only RC4 possible...
        strCommand = strGhostScript & " -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOwnerPassword=" & strOwnerPassword
        strCommand = strCommand & " -sUserPassword=" & strUserPassword & " -dCompatibilityLevel=2.0"
        strCommand = strCommand & " -sOutputFile=" & strTargetFolder & "\" & strFile_for_pdf

        Debug.Print strCommand

        Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        WshShell.Run strCommand, 0, True
        Set WshShell = Nothing

        fctPDO_Print_pdf_GhostScript = strTargetFolder & strFile_for_pdf

    ' Cleanup:

    Set fso = Nothing

End Function
vba ms-access pdf ghostscript

感谢@Kens 的提示。更新后的代码现在可以工作:

Public Function fctPDO_Print_pdf_GhostScript(strSourceFolder As String, strTargetFolder As String, strOriginalFile As String, strTargetFile As String, Optional strUserPassword As String = "", Optional strOwnerPassword As String = "") As String

    ' PDO: Prints a pdf (originally multi-pdf). Requires Ghostscript, and read/write rights.
    '      Existing files are overwritten without asking.
    '      Provide both passwords to lock. Ghostscript does rc4 , being comparatively unsafe.

      On Error Resume Next

      Dim fso As Object, WshShell As Object
      Dim strCommand As String
      Dim strGhostScript As String

      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Path to gswin32c.exe
        strGhostScript = "C:\Program Files (x86)\gs9.54.0\bin\gswin64c.exe"

    'Shell-command prepare
        strTargetFolder = fso.GetFolder(strTargetFolder).ShortPath
        strGhostScript = fso.GetFile(strGhostScript).ShortPath
    'PDO: Password-Phrase, with Ghostscript only RC4 possible...
            strCommand = strGhostScript & " -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOwnerPassword=" & strOwnerPassword
            strCommand = strCommand & " -sUserPassword=" & strUserPassword & " -dCompatibilityLevel=2.0"
            strCommand = strCommand & " -sOutputFile=" & strTargetFolder & "\" & strTargetFile

            strCommand = strCommand & " " & strSourceFolder & "\" & strOriginalFile

            Debug.Print strCommand

            Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                WshShell.Run strCommand, 0, True
            Set WshShell = Nothing

        fctPDO_Print_pdf_GhostScript = strTargetFolder & strTargetFile

    ' Cleanup:


      Set fso = Nothing

    End Function
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