我在这里尝试了多种搜索和解决方案,但没有任何方法适合我的情况。我尝试根据之前的这些问题和解决方案进行修复。在我的代码中,我试图使创建的窗口 GUI 中的每个按钮都可以单击来为每个按钮提供特定的功能。在下面的代码中,我尝试在单击按钮时调用特定的例程。不幸的是,执行代码后的按钮不可点击,并且调用的点击方法中没有执行任何操作。
def window():
# Create the main window and deside the geometric size of this window
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
win = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
win.resize(700, 650)
importBlockChainButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("CLICK", win)
importBlockChainButton.setGeometry(20, 165, 400, 40)
importBlockChainButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: white;"
"border :2.5px solid ;"
"border-top-color : red;"
"border-left-color :red;"
"border-right-color :red;"
"border-bottom-color : red;"
"color: grey")
def importButtonOnClick():
# creating progress bar #1
pbar1 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar1.setGeometry(23, 365, 96, 15)
pbar1.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
# creating progress bar #2
pbar2 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar2.setGeometry(123, 365, 96, 15)
pbar2.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
# creating progress bar #3
pbar3 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar3.setGeometry(223, 365, 96, 15)
pbar3.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
# creating progress bar #4
pbar4 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar4.setGeometry(323, 365, 96, 15)
pbar4.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
# creating progress bar #5
pbar5 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar5.setGeometry(23, 505, 96, 15)
pbar5.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
# creating progress bar #6
pbar6 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar6.setGeometry(123, 505, 96, 15)
pbar6.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
# creating progress bar #7
pbar7 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar7.setGeometry(223, 505, 96, 15)
pbar7.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
# creating progress bar #8
pbar8 = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(win)
# setting its geometry
pbar8.setGeometry(323, 505, 96, 15)
pbar8.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
# setting for loop to set value of progress bar
for i in range(101):
# The progress for each group of the extracted fingerprints
# // the code block for each group (methode should be used here).
# setting value to progress bar
if importBlockChainButton.clicked:
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
def importButtonOnClick():
# Your progress bar code should go here
def window():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
win = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
win.resize(700, 650)
importBlockChainButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("CLICK", win)
importBlockChainButton.setGeometry(20, 165, 400, 40)
importBlockChainButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: white;"
"border :2.5px solid ;"
"border-top-color : red;"
"border-left-color :red;"
"border-right-color :red;"
"border-bottom-color : red;"
"color: grey")
# Connect the button's clicked signal to the importButtonOnClick function