我需要制作 Bland-Altman 图,但我找不到合适的 R 或 Python 包。
到目前为止,我在 Statsmodels 中找到了一个函数,在名为 Pingouin 的包中找到了另一个函数。但这些似乎都没有涵盖具有比例偏差或异方差差异的情况。
是否有 R 或 Python 软件包(或任何其他软件)可以开箱即用地执行此操作?也就是说,测试比例偏差和异方差性,并根据这些测试绘制适当的图。
您可以回归均值、线性或 LOESS 的差异。如果斜率明显不同于零,则存在比例偏差。此外还进行了异方差性的 Breusch-Pagan 检验。像这样的东西:
bland_altman <- function(x, y, alpha=.05, plot=TRUE, legend=TRUE, print=TRUE) {
## Function to create Bland-Altman plot
z <- qt(p=alpha/2, df=Inf)
## Calculate means and differences
means <- (x + y)/2
differences <- x - y
mdif <- mean(differences)
mdif_se <- sd(differences)/sqrt(length(differences))
mdif_ci <- mdif + c(-z, z)*sd(differences)
dif <- c(mean=mdif, se=mdif_se, lower=mdif_ci[1], upper=mdif_ci[2])
## Test for proportional bias
lm_bias <- lm(differences ~ means)
bias_test <- cbind(summary(lm_bias)$coe, confint(lm_bias))
## Test for heteroskedasticity
heteroskedasticity_test <- lmtest::bptest(lm_bias)
if (plot) {
## Plot
lclr <- 'grey62'
pclr <- 'black'
plot(means, differences, pch=1, col=pclr,
ylim=range(c(differences, mdif_ci)),
main="Bland-Altman Plot",
abline(h=mdif, col=lclr) ## Add mean line
abline(h=mdif_ci, col=lclr, lty=2)
abline(lm_bias, col="green", lty=1)
## Use a loess smoothing line to show varying spread
smooth_diff <- loess(differences ~ means)
pred_diff <- predict(smooth_diff, se=TRUE)
ord <- order(means)
lines(means[ord], pred_diff$fit[ord], col='red')
lines(means[ord], pred_diff$fit[ord] + z*pred_diff$se.fit[ord],
col="red", lty=2)
lines(means[ord], pred_diff$fit[ord] - z*pred_diff$se.fit[ord],
col="red", lty=2)
if (legend) {
legend("topright", legend=c('Mean Difference', 'Prop. bias linear',
'Prop. bias LOESS'),
col=c(lclr, "green", "red"), lty=1, cex=.85)
## Add legend
if (print) {
## Print results
message("Mean difference:\n", appendLF=FALSE)
message("\nProportional Bias Test:\n", appendLF=FALSE)
message("\nHeteroskedasticity Test:\n", appendLF=FALSE)
return(invisible(list(dif=dif, bias=lm_bias,
> ## w/o heteroskedasticity
> bland_altman(x, y)
Mean difference:
mean se lower upper
0.903154 1.316731 26.710617 -24.904309
Proportional Bias Test:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 6.75340556 18.470893 0.3656242 0.7154335 -29.9014806 43.4082917
means -0.05814348 0.183104 -0.3175434 0.7515069 -0.4215075 0.3052205
Heteroskedasticity Test:
studentized Breusch-Pagan test
data: lm_bias
BP = 0.0017019, df = 1, p-value = 0.9671
> ## w/ heteroskedasticity
> bland_altman(x, y_het)
Mean difference:
mean se lower upper
-2.922508 2.313701 42.425189 -48.270206
Proportional Bias Test:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 115.693668 8.88446507 13.02202 4.238331e-23 98.062737 133.3246003
means -1.156889 0.08560917 -13.51361 4.061192e-24 -1.326777 -0.9870001
Heteroskedasticity Test:
studentized Breusch-Pagan test
data: lm_bias
BP = 6.8571, df = 1, p-value = 0.008829
> res <- bland_altman(x, y, plot=FALSE, print=FALSE)
> res
mean se lower upper
0.903154 1.316731 26.710617 -24.904309
lm(formula = differences ~ means)
(Intercept) means
6.75341 -0.05814
studentized Breusch-Pagan test
data: lm_bias
BP = 0.0017019, df = 1, p-value = 0.9671
> set.seed(51676818)
> n <- 100
> x <- rnorm(n, 100, 10)
> y <- rnorm(n, 101, 10)
> y_het <- x + rnorm(n, 0, sd=.2*x) ## Increasing standard deviation with x