我有一个查询,使用以下查询输出 7 天内的每日传送带启动时间:
format(min(case when location = 0 and scantime between getdate()-1 and getdate() then scantime end),'hh:mm:ss:tt') [StartTime1]
,format(min(case when location = 0 and scantime between getdate()-2 and getdate()-1 then scantime end),'hh:mm:ss:tt') [StartTime2]
,format(min(case when location = 0 and scantime between getdate()-3 and getdate()-2 then scantime end),'hh:mm:ss:tt') [StartTime3]
,format(min(case when location = 0 and scantime between getdate()-4 and getdate()-3 then scantime end),'hh:mm:ss:tt') [StartTime4]
,format(min(case when location = 0 and scantime between getdate()-5 and getdate()-4 then scantime end),'hh:mm:ss:tt') [StartTime5]
,format(min(case when location = 0 and scantime between getdate()-6 and getdate()-5 then scantime end),'hh:mm:ss:tt') [StartTime6]
,format(min(case when location = 0 and scantime between getdate()-7 and getdate()-6 then scantime end),'hh:mm:ss:tt') [StartTime7]
FROM [BaldorFoods_WcsDb].[dbo].[ScanLog]
where datepart(hour,scantime) in (18,19,20,21,22,23,0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
这会输出图像中的表格:MyTable。我将如何更改此表,以便将行名称标记为 StartTime1、StartTime2、StartTime3.... 等。
select format(scantime, 'hh:mm:ss:tt')
from (values
) as up(n)
cross apply (
select top(1) scantime
from [BaldorFoods_WcsDb].[dbo].[ScanLog]
where datepart(hour,scantime) in (18,19,20,21,22,23,0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
and scantime between getdate() - up.n and getdate() - (up.n-1)
order by scantime
) as d;
select n, getdate() - up.n, getdate() - (up.n-1)
from (values
) as up(n)
cross apply