{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Miniexample where
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
data Term a = F a [Term a]
| V a
data Literal a = P a [Term a]
| E (Term a) (Term a)
class Substitutable b where
substitute :: b -> (Term a -> Maybe (Term a)) -> b
instance Substitutable (Term a) where
substitute x@(V _) σ = M.fromMaybe x (σ x)
substitute f@(F l xs) σ = M.fromMaybe f' (σ f)
where f' = F l (map (flip substitute σ) xs)
instance Substitutable (Literal a) where
substitute (P l xs) σ = P l (map (flip substitute σ) xs)
substitute (E s t) σ = E (substitute s σ) (substitute t σ)
class Substitution σ where
asSub :: σ -> (a -> Maybe a)
applySubstitution σ t = substitute t (asSub σ)
(<|) t σ = applySubstitution σ t
• Couldn't match type ‘a1’ with ‘a’
‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
substitute :: forall a1.
Term a -> (Term a1 -> Maybe (Term a1)) -> Term a
at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:3-12
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration
at /.../Miniexample.hs:15:10-31
Expected type: Term a1
Actual type: Term a
• In the first argument of ‘σ’, namely ‘x’
In the second argument of ‘M.fromMaybe’, namely ‘(σ x)’
In the expression: M.fromMaybe x (σ x)
• Relevant bindings include
σ :: Term a1 -> Maybe (Term a1)
(bound at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:22)
x :: Term a
(bound at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:14)
substitute :: Term a -> (Term a1 -> Maybe (Term a1)) -> Term a
(bound at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:3)
应该能够承担Term a
module Miniexample where
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.List as L
data Term a = F a [Term a]
| V a deriving (Eq)
data Literal a = P a [Term a]
| E (Term a) (Term a) deriving (Eq)
termSubstitute :: (Term a -> Maybe (Term a)) -> Term a -> Term a
termSubstitute σ x@(V _) = M.fromMaybe x (σ x)
termSubstitute σ f@(F l xs) = M.fromMaybe f' (σ f)
where f' = F l (map (termSubstitute σ) xs)
litSubstitute :: (Term a -> Maybe (Term a)) -> Literal a -> Literal a
litSubstitute σ (P l xs) = P l (map (termSubstitute σ) xs)
litSubstitute σ (E s t) = E (termSubstitute σ s) (termSubstitute σ t)
applyTermSub :: (Eq a) => Term a -> [(Term a, Term a)] -> Term a
applyTermSub t σ = termSubstitute (flip L.lookup σ) t
applyLitSub :: (Eq a) => Literal a -> [(Term a, Term a)] -> Literal a
applyLitSub l σ = litSubstitute (flip L.lookup σ) l
-- variables
x = V "x"
y = V "y"
-- constants
a = F "a" []
b = F "b" []
-- functions
fa = F "f" [a]
fx = F "f" [x]
σ = [(x,y), (fx, fa)]
test = (applyLitSub (P "p" [x, b, fx]) σ) == (P "p" [y, b, fa])
你得到的错误是Term a
指定的instance Substitutable (Term a)
与Term a
处理Term a1
。 (是的,您的实例是在所有a
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.List as L
data Term a = F a [Term a]
| V a deriving (Eq)
data Literal a = P a [Term a]
| E (Term a) (Term a) deriving (Eq)
class Substitutable f where
substitute :: f a -> (Term a -> Maybe (Term a)) -> f a
instance Substitutable Term where
substitute x@(V _) σ = M.fromMaybe x (σ x)
substitute f@(F l xs) σ = M.fromMaybe f' (σ f)
where f' = F l (map (flip substitute σ) xs)
instance Substitutable Literal where
substitute (P l xs) σ = P l (map (flip substitute σ) xs)
substitute (E s t) σ = E (substitute s σ) (substitute t σ)
(<|) t σ = substitute t $ flip L.lookup σ
-- variables
x = V "x"
y = V "y"
-- constants
a = F "a" []
b = F "b" []
-- functions
fa = F "f" [a]
fx = F "f" [x]
σ = [(x,y), (fx, fa)]
main = print $ show $ (P "p" [x, b, fx] <| σ) == P "p" [y, b, fa]