我一直在制作一棵与兄弟会相邻的大大小小的树,并正在寻找一种方法来使其自动化,以便随着更多人的加入而发生变化。每个人的名字、年龄、大小都在 Excel 电子表格中。我可以用什么来模拟我在这里所做的设计?具体来说,茎的样式和根据年份将节点间隔得更远的能力。
姓名 | 年份 | 仪器 | 额外 | 额外 | 额外 | 额外 | 大 | 小1 | 小2 | 小3 |
T1P1 | 1990 | 小号 | T1P2 | |||||||
T1P2 | 1991 | 小号 | T1P1 | |||||||
T2P1 | 1997 | 小号 | T2P2 | |||||||
T2P2 | 2001 | 小号 | T2P1 | T2P3 | T2P4 | T2P5 | ||||
T2P3 | 2003 | 小号 | T2P2 | |||||||
T2P4 | 2004年 | 小号 | T2P2 | |||||||
T2P5 | 2006年 | 小号 | T2P2 | |||||||
T3P1 | 2000 | 小号 | T3P2 | |||||||
T3P2 | 2004年 | 小号 | T3P1 | T3P3 | T3P4 | |||||
T3P3 | 2005 | 小号 | T3P2 | T3P5 | T3P6 | |||||
T3P5 | 2006年 | 小号 | T3P3 | |||||||
T3P6 | 2007年 | 小号 | T3P3 | |||||||
T3P4 | 2006年 | 小号 | T3P2 | T3P7 | ||||||
T3P7 | 2010 | 长笛 | T3P4 |
这是我使用anytree 的基本方法和结果:
import openpyxl
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import re
from anytree import Node, RenderTree
from collections import Counter
import os
# Create a directory to store the individual name card images
cards_dir = "C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/cards"
os.makedirs(cards_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Load the .xlsx file
file_path = 'C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/sampletrees.xlsx'
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
sheet = workbook.active
# Read the data starting from row 2 to the last row with data (max_row) in columns A to N
people_data = []
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=sheet.max_row, min_col=1, max_col=14):
person_info = [cell.value for cell in row]
# Tree Data Making
# Dictionary to hold people by their names
people_dict = {}
# List to hold the root nodes of multiple trees
root_nodes = []
# Sets to track parents and children
parents_set = set()
children_set = set()
# Dictionary to track parent-child relationships for conflict detection
parent_child_relationships = {}
# List to store the individual trees as objects
family_trees = [] # List to hold each separate family tree
# Iterate over the people data and create nodes for each person
for i, person_info in enumerate(people_data, start=2): # i starts at 2 for row index
name = person_info[0] # Assuming name is in the first column (column A)
column_b_data = person_info[1] # Column B data (second column)
parent_name = person_info[7] # Column H for parent (8th column)
children_names = person_info[8:14] # Columns I to N for children (9th to 14th columns)
# Check if this name is already in the people_dict
if name not in people_dict:
# Create the person node (this is the current node) without column B info at this point
person_node = Node(name) # Create the person node with just the name
# If parent_name is empty, this is a root node for a new tree
if parent_name:
if parent_name in people_dict:
parent_node = people_dict[parent_name]
parent_node = Node(parent_name)
people_dict[parent_name] = parent_node # Add the parent to the dictionary
person_node.parent = parent_node # Set the parent for the current person
# Add to the parents set
# If no parent is referenced, this could be the root or top-level node
root_nodes.append(person_node) # Add to root_nodes list
# Store the person node in the dictionary (this ensures we don't create duplicates)
people_dict[name] = person_node
# Create child nodes for the person and add them to the children set
for child_name in children_names:
if child_name:
# Create child node without modifying its name with additional info from the parent
if child_name not in people_dict:
child_node = Node(child_name, parent=person_node)
people_dict[child_name] = child_node # Store the child in the dictionary
# Add the parent-child relationship for conflict checking
if child_name not in parent_child_relationships:
parent_child_relationships[child_name] = set()
# Print out the family trees for each root node (disconnected trees)
for root_node in root_nodes:
family_tree = []
for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(root_node):
family_trees.append(family_tree) # Save each tree as a separate list of names
print(f"\nFamily Tree starting from {root_node.name}:")
for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(root_node):
# Tree Chart Making
# Extract the years from the first four characters in Column B
years = []
for person_info in people_data:
column_b_data = person_info[1]
if column_b_data:
year_str = str(column_b_data)[:4]
if year_str.isdigit():
# Calculate the range of years (from the minimum year to the maximum year)
min_year = min(years) if years else 0
max_year = max(years) if years else 0
year_range = max_year - min_year + 1 if years else 0
# Create a base image with a solid color (header space)
base_width = 5000
base_height = 300 + (100 * year_range) # Header (300px) + layers of 100px strips based on the year range
base_color = "#B3A369"
base_image = Image.new("RGB", (base_width, base_height), color=base_color)
# Create a drawing context
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base_image)
# Define the text and font for the header
text = "The YJMB Trumpet Section Family Tree"
font_path = "C:/Windows/Fonts/calibrib.ttf"
font_size = 240
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)
# Get the width and height of the header text using textbbox
bbox = draw.textbbox((0, 0), text, font=font)
text_width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
text_height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]
# Calculate the position to center the header text horizontally
x = (base_width - text_width) // 2
y = (300 - text_height) // 2 # Vertically center the text in the first 300px
# Add the header text to the image
draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255))
# List of colors for the alternating strips
colors = ["#FFFFFF", "#003057", "#FFFFFF", "#B3A369"]
strip_height = 100
# Font for the year text
year_font_size = 60
year_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, year_font_size)
# Add the alternating colored strips beneath the header
y_offset = 300 # Start just below the header text
for i in range(year_range):
strip_color = colors[i % len(colors)]
# Draw the strip
draw.rectangle([0, y_offset, base_width, y_offset + strip_height], fill=strip_color)
# Calculate the text to display (the year for this strip)
year_text = str(min_year + i)
# Get the width and height of the year text using textbbox
bbox = draw.textbbox((0, 0), year_text, font=year_font)
year_text_width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
year_text_height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]
# Calculate the position to center the year text vertically on the strip
year_text_x = 25 # Offset 25px from the left edge
year_text_y = y_offset + (strip_height - year_text_height) // 2 - 5 # Vertically center the text
# Determine the text color based on the strip color
year_text_color = "#003057" if strip_color == "#FFFFFF" else "white"
# Add the year text to the strip
draw.text((year_text_x, year_text_y), year_text, font=year_font, fill=year_text_color)
# Move the offset for the next strip
y_offset += strip_height
# Font for the names on the name cards (reduced to size 22)
name_font_size = 22
name_font = ImageFont.truetype("C:/Windows/Fonts/arial.ttf", name_font_size)
# Initialize counters for each year (based on the range of years)
year_counters = {year: 0 for year in range(min_year, max_year + 1)}
# Create a list of names from the spreadsheet, split on newlines where appropriate
for i, person_info in enumerate(people_data):
name = person_info[0] # Assuming name is in the first column (column A)
original_name = name
column_b_data = person_info[1] # Column B data (second column)
column_c_data = person_info[2] # Column C data (third column)
# Choose the correct name card template based on Column C
if column_c_data and "Trumpet" not in column_c_data:
# Use the blue name card template if Column C doesn't include "Trumpet"
name_card_template = Image.open("C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/blank_blue_name_card.png")
# Use the default name card template if Column C includes "Trumpet"
name_card_template = Image.open("C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/blank_name_card.png")
if column_b_data:
year_str = str(column_b_data)[:4]
if year_str.isdigit():
year = int(year_str)
year_index = year - min_year # Find the corresponding year index (from 0 to year_range-1)
person_node.year = year
person_node.name = name
# Check if the name contains "VET" or "RAT"
if "VET" in name or "RAT" in name:
# Replace the first space with a newline
name_lines = name.split(' ', 1)
name = name_lines[0] + '\n' + name_lines[1]
elif name == "Special Case":
# Special case for "Special Case"
name_lines = name.split('-')
name = name_lines[0] + '\n' + name_lines[1] # Add newline after the hyphen
# Split on the last space if it doesn't contain "VET" or "RAT"
name_lines = name.split(' ')
if len(name_lines) > 1:
name = ' '.join(name_lines[:-1]) + '\n' + name_lines[-1]
name_lines = [name]
# Create a copy of the name card for each person
name_card_copy = name_card_template.copy()
card_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(name_card_copy)
# Calculate the total height of all the lines combined (with some padding between lines)
line_heights = []
total_text_height = 0
for line in name.split('\n'):
line_bbox = card_draw.textbbox((0, 0), line, font=name_font)
line_height = line_bbox[3] - line_bbox[1]
total_text_height += line_height
# Shift the text up by 8 pixels and calculate the vertical starting position
start_y = (name_card_template.height - total_text_height) // 2 - 6 # Shifted up by 8px
# Draw each line centered horizontally
current_y = start_y
first_line_raised = False # To track if the first line has 'gjpqy' characters
for i, line in enumerate(name.split('\n')):
line_bbox = card_draw.textbbox((0, 0), line, font=name_font)
line_width = line_bbox[2] - line_bbox[0]
# Calculate the horizontal position to center this line
line_x = (name_card_template.width - line_width) // 2
# Draw the line at the correct position
card_draw.text((line_x, current_y), line, font=name_font, fill="black")
if i == 0 and any(char in line for char in 'gjpqy'):
# If the first line contains any of the letters, lower it by 7px (5px padding + 2px extra)
current_y += line_heights[i] + 7 # 5px for space, 2px additional for g, j, p, q, y
first_line_raised = True
elif i == 0:
# If the first line doesn't contain those letters, add 7px space
current_y += line_heights[i] + 7
# For subsequent lines, add the usual space
if first_line_raised:
# If first line was adjusted for 'gjpqy', raise second line by 2px
current_y += line_heights[i] - 2 # Raise second line by 2px
current_y += line_heights[i] + (5 if i == 0 else 0)
# Position for the name card in the appropriate year strip
card_x = 25 + year_text_x + year_text_width # 25px to the right of the year text
card_y = 300 + (strip_height * year_index) + (strip_height - name_card_template.height) // 2 # Vertically center in the strip based on year
# Assign card and y position attributes to each person
person_node.card = name_card_copy
person_node.y = card_y
# print(person_node.y)
# Use the counter for the corresponding year to determine x_offset
x_offset = card_x + year_counters[year] * 170 # Add offset for each subsequent name card
year_counters[year] += 1 # Increment the counter for this year
# print(f"{year_counters[year]}")
card_file_path = os.path.join(cards_dir, f"{original_name}.png")
# Paste the name card onto the image at the calculated position
base_image.paste(name_card_copy, (x_offset, person_node.y), name_card_copy)
# Save the final image with name cards
这是我使用 graphviz 的方法:
import openpyxl
from anytree import Node, RenderTree
import os
from graphviz import Digraph
from PIL import Image
# Create a directory to store the family tree images
trees_dir = "C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/trees"
cards_dir = "C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/cards"
os.makedirs(trees_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Load the .xlsx file
file_path = 'C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/sampletrees.xlsx'
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
sheet = workbook.active
# Read the data starting from row 2 to the last row with data (max_row) in columns A to N
people_data = []
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=sheet.max_row, min_col=1, max_col=14):
person_info = [cell.value for cell in row]
# Tree Data Making
people_dict = {} # Dictionary to hold people by their names
root_nodes = [] # List to hold the root nodes of multiple trees
parents_set = set() # Sets to track parents and children
children_set = set()
parent_child_relationships = {} # Dictionary to track parent-child relationships
# Create nodes for each person
for i, person_info in enumerate(people_data, start=2): # i starts at 2 for row index
name = person_info[0]
parent_name = person_info[7]
children_names = person_info[8:14] # Columns I to N for children
if name not in people_dict:
person_node = Node(name)
# If no parent is mentioned, add as a root node
if parent_name:
parent_node = people_dict.get(parent_name, Node(parent_name))
people_dict[parent_name] = parent_node # Add the parent to the dictionary
person_node.parent = parent_node # Set the parent for the current person
people_dict[name] = person_node # Store the person node
# Create child nodes for the person
for child_name in children_names:
if child_name:
if child_name not in people_dict:
child_node = Node(child_name, parent=person_node)
people_dict[child_name] = child_node
if child_name not in parent_child_relationships:
parent_child_relationships[child_name] = set()
# Function to generate the family tree graph using Graphviz
def generate_tree_graph(root_node):
graph = Digraph(format='png', engine='dot', strict=True)
def add_node_edges(node):
# Image file path
image_path = os.path.join(cards_dir, f"{node.name}.png") # Assuming each person has a PNG image named after them
if os.path.exists(image_path):
# If the image exists, replace the node with the image, and remove any text label
graph.node(node.name, image=image_path, shape="none", label='')
# Fallback to text if no image is found (this can be further adjusted if needed)
graph.node(node.name, label=node.name, shape='rect')
# Add edges (parent-child relationships)
if node.parent:
graph.edge(node.parent.name, node.name)
for child in node.children:
return graph
# Generate and save tree images
tree_images = []
for root_node in root_nodes:
tree_graph = generate_tree_graph(root_node)
tree_image_path = os.path.join(trees_dir, f"{root_node.name}_family_tree")
tree_graph.render(tree_image_path, format='png')
# Resize all tree images to be the same size
target_width = 800 # Target width for each tree image
target_height = 600 # Target height for each tree image
resized_images = []
for image_path in tree_images:
image = Image.open(f"{image_path}.png")
# Create a new image large enough to hold all resized tree images side by side
total_width = target_width * len(resized_images)
max_height = max(image.height for image in resized_images)
# Create a blank white image to paste the resized trees into
combined_image = Image.new('RGB', (total_width, max_height), color='white')
# Paste each resized tree image into the combined image
x_offset = 0
for image in resized_images:
combined_image.paste(image, (x_offset, 0))
x_offset += image.width
# Save the final combined image as a single PNG file
combined_image_path = 'C:/Users/Chris Fitz/Documents/Fun/Trumpet History/trumpettree/final_combined_family_tree.png'
# Show the final combined image
。使用 splines=ortho
DOT 语言的示例脚本:
graph mytree
// create graph of years
node [shape=plaintext]
edge [style=invis]
2011 -- 2012 -- 2013 -- 2014 -- 2015 -- 2016 -- 2017 -- 2018
node [shape=box]
edge [style=""]
// create subgraphs for each year
subgraph y2011 { rank = same; 2011; t1; }
subgraph y2012 { rank = same; 2012; }
subgraph y2013 { rank = same; 2013; t2; }
subgraph y2014 { rank = same; 2014; t3; }
subgraph y2015 { rank = same; 2015; t4; }
subgraph y2016 { rank = same; 2016; t5; }
subgraph y2017 { rank = same; 2017; t6; }
subgraph y2018 { rank = same; 2018; t7; t8; }
// list the relationships
t1 -- t2
t2 -- t3
t2 -- t4
t4 -- t5
t4 -- t6
t6 -- t7
t4 -- t8