如何在 ods 文件中搜索关键字并显示整行,而不仅仅是包含关键字的单元格?

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我有一个 .ods 文件。我需要在所述文件中搜索关键字,并需要结果反映整行,而不仅仅是包含关键字的单元格。 这是有问题的文件:

RO     JOB  REPAIR          TIME
224576   1  DASH HARNESS    26.3
224577   5  APIM FLASH      1.5
224578   3  SUNROOF         11.9
224579   9  OIL CHANGE      0.3

我在这里找到了一个名为 odfgrep 的脚本,效果很好,但返回的结果只是包含关键字的单元格:

./odfgrep DASH FEB23.ods DASH HARNESS

./odfgrep DASH FEB23.ods RO JOB REPAIR TIME 224576 1 DASH HARNESS 26.3
旁注,我打算将其与 zentity 脚本合并。

search grep ods
以下 odfgrep 的改编显示了完整的行,用逗号分隔单元格(然后您可以通过管道传输到 sed 或其他以使用不同的分隔符)

#! /bin/bash ### grep Libreoffice files (temporarily converted to text) ### adapted for LibreOffice from https://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2018/213/Tutorials-odfgrep/(offset)/3 ### note: like original odfgrep, can only be used in a directory in which one can create (and delete) files (and a subdir) OPTIONS=$@ ODFOPTIONS=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.\(odt\|odp\|ods\)\b/\.\1\.odfgrep\.txt/g'` ### explicit initialization FILES2REMOVE="" ### working subdir WORKDIR=.odfgrep ### don't mess with it if pre-existing, let the user clean it up if [ -d "$WORKDIR" ] then echo $WORKDIR already exists exit 1 fi ### try creating it if ! mkdir $WORKDIR then echo $WORKDIR cannot be created exit 1 fi for FF in $OPTIONS do if [ -f "$FF" ] then case "$FF" in *.odt|*odp*|*ods) ### odt2txt not needed any more, but extension cannot be specified, let's put the result in our subdir libreoffice --convert-to txt $FF --outdir $WORKDIR FFBASE=`echo $FF | sed -e 's/\.od[pst]//'` ### then move it to odfgrep expected filename with special extension mv $WORKDIR/$FFBASE.txt $FF.odfgrep.txt FILES2REMOVE="$FILES2REMOVE $FF.odfgrep.txt" ;; *) # non-ODF file found, nothing to do ;; esac fi done ### redirection of error output for case of non-existing file grep $ODFOPTIONS 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\.odfgrep\.txt//' ### extraneous brackets and slashes removed if [ -n "$FILES2REMOVE" ] then rm $FILES2REMOVE fi ### finally, remove the empty working subdir rmdir $WORKDIR exit
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