算法平衡K-D树与O(kn log n)

问题描述 投票:1回答:2

我尝试使用O(kn log n)实现平衡的K-D树,我使用预先排序的K数组(每个索引的排序数组)得到O(kn log n),并使用中位数得到平衡树。



知道如何用O(kn log n)获得K-D平衡树吗?


来自wiki qazxsw poi的行情

用于构建平衡k-d树的替代算法在构建树之前预先分配数据。然后,它们在树木构造期间保持预分类的顺序,因此消除了在每个细分水平找到中值的昂贵步骤。两个这样的算法构建平衡的k-d树以对三角形进行排序,以便改善三维计算机图形的光线跟踪的执行时间。这些算法在构建k-d树之前预先分配n个三角形,然后在最佳情况下在O(n log n)时间内构建树。[5] [6]构建平衡k-d树以对点进行排序的算法具有最坏情况下的复杂度O(kn log n)。[7]在构建树之前,该算法使用诸如Heapsort或Mergesort之类的O(n log n)排序来预先分析k个维度中的每个k个点。然后它在树构造期间维持这些k预分类的顺序,从而避免在每个细分级别找到中值。





x1 = [(0,7),(1,3),(3,0),(3,1),(6,2)] y1 = [(3,0),(3,1),(6 ,2),(1,3),(0,7)]





这将导致y11 = [(2,1),(1,3),(0,7)] y12 = [(6,2)]

知道如何处理这种情况吗?或者是否还有其他预分类kd树预分类算法O(kn log n)?

arrays algorithm tree kdtree

详细说明我的评论(可能是median=(3,0) The pivot = 3 // is it's the median of x axis y11[],y12[] for(i = 0 ; i < x1.size;i++) if(y1[i].getX()<pivot) y11.add(y1[i]) else if(y1[i].getX()>pivot) y12.add(y1[i]) ):

在构建KD树时预先排序的关键思想是在拆分期间保持顺序。开销看起来很高,重新排序(和k选择)的比较基准似乎是有序的。 一些原理证明Java源代码:

Anony-Mousse's answer

(没有在SE上找到合适的答案/实施而没有投入太多的精力。输出对你的例子来说是不可信的,对于更长的一个,我不得不重新格式化以相信它。 代码看起来很丑陋,很可能因为它是:如果如此倾向于重新阅读关于package net.*.coder.greybeard.sandbox; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; /** finger exercise pre-sorting & split for KD-tree construction * (re. https://stackoverflow.com/q/35225509/3789665) */ public class KDPreSort { /** K-dimensional key, dimensions fixed * by number of coordinates in construction */ static class KKey { public static KKey[] NONE = {}; final Comparable[]coordinates; public KKey(Comparable ...coordinates) { this.coordinates = coordinates; } /** @return {@code Comparator<KKey>} for coordinate {@code n}*/ static Comparator<KKey> comparator(int n) { // could be cached return new Comparator<KDPreSort.KKey>() { @Override public int compare(KKey l, KKey r) { return l.coordinates[n] .compareTo(r.coordinates[n]); } }; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( Arrays.deepToString(coordinates)); sb.setCharAt(0, '('); sb.setCharAt(sb.length()-1, ')'); return sb.toString(); } } // static boolean trimLists = true; // introduced when ArrayList was used in interface /** @return two arrays of {@code KKey}s: comparing smaller than * or equal to {@code pivot} (according to {@code comp)}, * and greater than pivot - * in the same order as in {@code keys}. */ static KKey[][] split(KKey[] keys, KKey pivot, Comparator<KKey> comp) { int length = keys.length; ArrayList<KKey> se = new ArrayList<>(length), g = new ArrayList<>(length); for (KKey k: keys) { // pick List to add to List<KKey>d = comp.compare(k, pivot) <= 0 ? se : g; d.add(k); } // if (trimLists) { se.trimToSize(); g.trimToSize(); } return new KKey[][] { se.toArray(KKey.NONE), g.toArray(KKey.NONE) }; } /** @return two arrays of <em>k</em> arrays of {@code KKey}s: * comparing smaller than or equal to {@code pivot} * (according to {@code comp)}, and greater than pivot, * in the same order as in {@code keysByCoordinate}. */ static KKey[][][] splits(KKey[][] keysByCoordinate, KKey pivot, Comparator<KKey> comp) { final int length = keysByCoordinate.length; KKey[][] se = new KKey[length][], g = new KKey[length][], splits; for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) { splits = split(keysByCoordinate[i], pivot, comp); se[i] = splits[0]; g[i] = splits[1]; } return new KKey[][][] { se, g }; } // demo public static void main(String[] args) { // from https://stackoverflow.com/q/17021379/3789665 Integer [][]coPairs = {// {0, 7}, {1, 3}, {3, 0}, {3, 1}, {6, 2}, {12, 21}, {13, 27}, {19, 5}, {39, 5}, {49, 63}, {43, 45}, {41, 22}, {27, 7}, {20, 12}, {32, 11}, {24, 56}, }; KKey[] someKeys = new KKey[coPairs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < coPairs.length; i++) { someKeys[i] = new KKey(coPairs[i]); } //presort Arrays.sort(someKeys, KKey.comparator(0)); List<KKey> x = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(someKeys)); System.out.println("by x: " + x); KKey pivot = someKeys[someKeys.length/2]; Arrays.sort(someKeys, KKey.comparator(1)); System.out.println("by y: " + Arrays.deepToString(someKeys)); // split by x KKey[][] allOrdered = new KKey[][] { x.toArray(KKey.NONE), someKeys }, xSplits[] = splits(allOrdered, pivot, KKey.comparator(0)); for (KKey[][] c: xSplits) System.out.println("split by x of " + pivot + ": " + Arrays.deepToString(c)); // split "higher x" by y pivot = xSplits[1][1][xSplits[1][1].length/2]; KKey[][] ySplits[] = splits(xSplits[1], pivot, KKey.comparator(1)); for (KKey[][] c: ySplits) System.out.println("split by y of " + pivot + ": " + Arrays.deepToString(c)); } } ,请访问licence of code posted on SE。)(考虑有投票,接受和授予赏金,并重新访问Anony-Mousse的答案。)



例如。使用我们构建的数据Code Review


如果我们现在在x处拆分,我们需要通过x1 = [ (0, 7), (1, 3), (3, 0), (4, 2), (6, 1) ] y1 = [ (3, 0), (6, 1), (3, 2), (1, 3), (0, 7) ] 处的记录过滤这两个集合。



重点是按x值过滤每个排序列表,同时保持排序顺序(因此在每个O(log n)级别中都是O(n * k))。如果仅使用x1,并从x1重建y11和y12,则需要再次排序。必要时,它就像你用x排序一次,y一次排序。除了我们没有再次排序,只选择。


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