老师让我们换掉一些没有使用最佳实践的代码。 任务:通过使用文档对象模型方法替换字符串连接和输出来改进代码。
这是老师提供的代码和我从作业 1 中插入的代码的混合体。
这不是我需要帮助的代码。这只是正在被交换的东西。 我需要帮助的代码位于下面的 JavaScript 标题下。
// declare an object Calendar
function Calendar(elem) {
// HTML element in which to display the calendar
this.elem = elem;
// array containing list of names of the days of the week
this.dayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
/** Returns the month name of the year for a given month index.
* @param monthIndex {number} zero-based index of the month of the year (0 = January, 11 = December)
* @returns {string} the name of the given month
this.getMonth = function(monthIndex) {
// replace this with your solution from Assignment 1!
switch(monthIndex) {
case 0:
return "January";
case 1:
return "February";
case 2:
return "March";
case 3:
return "April";
case 4:
return "May";
case 5:
return "June";
case 6:
return "July";
case 7:
return "August";
case 8:
return "September";
case 9:
return "October";
case 10:
return "November";
case 11:
return "December";
if (!isNaN(monthIndex))
/** Returns the number of days in the month for a given zero-based month index and year.
* @param monthIndex {number} zero-based index of the month of the year (0 = January, 11 = December)
* @param year {number} a 4-digit year
* @returns {number} the number of days in the given month and year
this.getDaysInMonth = function(monthIndex, year) {
// replace this with your solution from Assignment 1!
if (monthIndex <= -1) {
return "-1";
if (typeof year == 'string') {
return "-1";
if (monthIndex === 0) {
return "28";
if (monthIndex >= 12) {
return "-1";
if (year % 400 === 0) {
return "29";
if (typeof year == 'string') {
return "-1";
if (monthIndex == 1) {
return "28";
if (monthIndex == 2) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 3) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 4) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 5) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 6) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 7) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 8) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 9) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 10) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 11) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex = typeof str) {
return "-1";
if (year == typeof str) {
return "-1";
if (monthIndex = 0, year = "twenty twenty-three") {
return "-1";
// method display generates calendar HTML
// the displayDate parameter indicates the year and month to render (display)
this.display = function(displayDate = new Date()) {
// clear the calendar element
this.elem.innerHTML = "";
// get the number of days in the month
let daysInMonth = this.getDaysInMonth(displayDate.getMonth(), displayDate.getFullYear());
// get array of days to display
let days = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) {
days.push(new Date(displayDate.getFullYear(), displayDate.getMonth(),i));
let iHTML = '';
// generate tabular calendar
iHTML += '<table>';
iHTML += '<thead>';
// a row containing the previous month button, month name and year, and next month button
// the previous and next month buttons call the cal.display() method when clicked
// with parameters of year displayed, but previous or next month
// dates will "carry forward", increasing or decreasing the year automatically
iHTML += '<tr>';
iHTML += '<td>';
iHTML += '<button \
value="Previous Month" \
onclick="cal.display(new Date(' + displayDate.getFullYear() + ',' + (displayDate.getMonth() - 1) + '));">';
iHTML += '<<';
iHTML += '</button>';
iHTML += '</td>';
iHTML += '<td colspan="5">';
iHTML += '<h1>';
iHTML += this.getMonth(displayDate.getMonth()) + " " + displayDate.getFullYear();
iHTML += '</h1>';
iHTML += '</td>';
iHTML += '<td>';
iHTML += '<button \
value="Next Month" \
onclick="cal.display(new Date(' + displayDate.getFullYear() + ',' + (displayDate.getMonth() + 1) + '));">';
iHTML += '>>';
iHTML += '</button>';
iHTML += '</td>';
iHTML += '</tr>';
// row of weekday name headers
// loop through the array, creating a table header cell for each element in the array
iHTML += "<tr>";
for (const elem of this.dayNames) {
iHTML += '<th>';
iHTML += elem;
iHTML += '</th>';
iHTML += '</tr>';
// end the table head section, and start the table body section
iHTML += '</thead>';
iHTML += '<tbody>';
// calendar table body rows (days of the month)
// start with blank cells until 1st of month
iHTML += '<tr>';
// loop from 0 until the first day of the month (Sunday, until the day of the week of the first day of the month)
// create an empty table cell for each blank day
for (let i = 0; i < days[0].getDay(); i++) {
iHTML += '<td></td>';
// for each day within the month, create a table cell containing the date
for (let i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
// if this day is a Sunday, end the previous week table row, and start a new row
if (days[i].getDay() == 0) {
iHTML += '</tr>';
iHTML += '<tr>';
// create a table cell with the CSS class "day", and the text value of the day of the month
iHTML += '<td class="day">';
iHTML += days[i].getDate();
iHTML += '</td>';
// last week of month empty cells to fill the week
// create an empty table cell for each blank day
for (let i = days.at(-1).getDay() + 1; i < 7; i++) {
iHTML += '<td></td>';
iHTML += '</tr>';
// end the table body section and calendar table
iHTML += '</tbody>';
iHTML += '</table>';
// output the calendar to the HTML element
this.elem.innerHTML += iHTML;
// declare a instance of Calendar
const cal = new Calendar(document.getElementById("calendar"));
// call the display() method
// declare an object Calendar
function Calendar(elem) {
// HTML element in which to display the calendar
this.elem = elem;
// array containing list of names of the days of the week
this.dayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
/** Returns the month name of the year for a given month index.
* @param monthIndex {number} zero-based index of the month of the year (0 = January, 11 = December)
* @returns {string} the name of the given month
this.getMonth = function(monthIndex) {
// replace this with your solution from Assignment 1!
switch(monthIndex) {
case 0:
return "January";
case 1:
return "February";
case 2:
return "March";
case 3:
return "April";
case 4:
return "May";
case 5:
return "June";
case 6:
return "July";
case 7:
return "August";
case 8:
return "September";
case 9:
return "October";
case 10:
return "November";
case 11:
return "December";
if (!isNaN(monthIndex))
/** Returns the number of days in the month for a given zero-based month index and year.
* @param monthIndex {number} zero-based index of the month of the year (0 = January, 11 = December)
* @param year {number} a 4-digit year
* @returns {number} the number of days in the given month and year
this.getDaysInMonth = function(monthIndex, year) {
// replace this with your solution from Assignment 1!
if (monthIndex <= -1) {
return "-1";
if (typeof year == 'string') {
return "-1";
if (monthIndex === 0) {
return "28";
if (monthIndex >= 12) {
return "-1";
if (year % 400 === 0) {
return "29";
if (typeof year == 'string') {
return "-1";
if (monthIndex == 1) {
return "28";
if (monthIndex == 2) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 3) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 4) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 5) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 6) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 7) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 8) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 9) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex == 10) {
return "30";
if (monthIndex == 11) {
return "31";
if (monthIndex = typeof str) {
return "-1";
if (year == typeof str) {
return "-1";
if (monthIndex = 0, year = "twenty twenty-three") {
return "-1";
// the displayDate parameter indicates the year and month to render (display)
this.display = function(displayDate = new Date()) {
// clear the calendar element
this.elem.innerHTML = "";
// get the number of days in the month
let daysInMonth = this.getDaysInMonth(displayDate.getMonth(), displayDate.getFullYear());
// get array of days to display
let days = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) {
days.push(new Date(displayDate.getFullYear(), displayDate.getMonth(), i));
// Creating the table
var table = document.createElement(table);
// Creating the table header within the table
var thead = document.createElement(thead);
// Creating the table header row
var headerRow = document.createElement(tr);
// Creating previous month button
var prevMonthButton = document.createElement(button);
prevMonthButton.value = "Previous Month";
prevMonthButton.onclick = function() {
cal.display(new Date(displayDate.getFullYear(), displayDate.getMonth() - 1));
prevMonthButton.textContent = '<<';
var prevMonthCell = document.createElement(td);
// Creating Month and Year Header
var monthYearCell = document.createElement(td);
monthYearCell.colSpan = "5";
var monthYearHeading = document.createElement(h1)
monthYearHeading.textContent = this.getMonth(displayDate.getMonth()) + " " + displayDate.getFullYear();
// Creating next month button
var nextMonthButton = document.createElement(button);
nextMonthButton.value = "Next Month";
nextMonthButton.onclick = function() {
cal.display(new Date(displayDate.getFullYear(), displayDate.getMonth() + 1));
nextMonthButton.textContent = '>>';
var nextMonthCell = document.createElement(td);
// Create calendar table body element
var tbody = document.createElement(tbody);
// Create row of weekday name headers
var dayNamesRow = document.createElement(tr);
this.dayNames.forEach(function(dayName) {
let th = document.createElement(th);
th.textContent = dayName;
// Create calendar table body rows (days of the month)
var currentRow;
days.forEach(function(day, index) {
if (index % 7 == 0) {
currentRow = document.createElement(tr);
var dayCell = document.createElement(td);
dayCell.textContent = day.getDate();
// Create last week of month empty cells to fill the week
if (currentRow) {
var remainingCells = 7 - currentRow.children.length;
for (let i = 0; i < remainingCells; i++) {
let emptyCell = document.createElement(td);
// declare a instance of Calendar
const cal = new Calendar(document.getElementById("Calendar"));
// call the display() method
我的 HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/calendar.css">
<div id="calendar"></div>
<script src="assets/calendar.js"></script>
我已使用浏览器控制台来确保不存在 JS 错误。
此外,我一直在使用 MDN 的文档资源网页。
我怀疑我有 cal.display 问题或将表附加到 DOM 的问题。
功能一开始就是错误的。人们应该使用 Date
对象和 Intl.DateTimeFormat
和 document.createTextNode
以及文档/元素 .appendChild
而言 - 使用起来非常简单。
第 1 步:弄清楚你想要什么。你追求的最终结果是什么?把它画在一张纸上。然后编码。