我正在使用Gym版本-'0.9.7'和mujoco_py版本1.50.1.41,Python 3.6.1 | Anaconda 4.4.0,安装在Mac上。
import gym
env = gym.make('Humanoid-v1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/usr/gym/gym/envs/registration.py", line 139, in spec
return self.env_specs[id]
KeyError: 'Humanoid-v1'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/usr/gym/gym/envs/registration.py", line 163, in make
return registry.make(id)
File "/Users/usr/gym/gym/envs/registration.py", line 118, in make
spec = self.spec(id)
File "/Users/usr/gym/gym/envs/registration.py", line 147, in spec
raise error.DeprecatedEnv('Env {} not found (valid versions include {})'.format(id, matching_envs))
gym.error.DeprecatedEnv: Env Humanoid-v1 not found (valid versions include ['Humanoid-v2'])
gym's front page的更改日志中提到以下内容:
2018-01-24:现在,所有连续控制环境都使用mujoco_py> = 1.50。版本已相应更新为-v2,例如HalfCheetah-v2。性能应该相似(请参见https://github.com/openai/gym/pull/834),但由于MuJoCo的变化,可能会有一些差异。
env = gym.make('Humanoid-v2')