您将需要将这些音频文件加载为AudioBuffers并通过Web Audio API进行播放。
您当前拥有的是数据URL,它们确实表示完整的音频文件(带有元数据)。首先,将所有这些都加载到Audio元素中可能并不是一个好主意,因为because some browsers may not let you do so开头,然后因为HTMLMediaElement并不意味着完美的计时。
// would be the same with data-URLs
const urls = [
].map( (path) => 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/' + path );
const audio_ctx = new AudioContext();
Promise.all( urls.map( toAudioBuffer ) )
.then( activateBtn )
.catch( console.error );
async function toAudioBuffer( url ) {
const resp = await fetch( url );
const arr_buffer = await resp.arrayBuffer();
return audio_ctx.decodeAudioData( arr_buffer );
function activateBtn( audio_buffers ) {
const btn = document.getElementById( 'btn' );
btn.onclick = playInSequence;
btn.disabled = false;
// simply play one after the other
// you could add your own logic of course
async function playInSequence() {
await audio_ctx.resume(); // to make noise we need to be allowed by a user gesture
let current = 0;
while( current < audio_buffers.length ) {
// create a bufferSourceNode, no worry, it weights nothing
const source = audio_ctx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = audio_buffers[ current ];
// so it makes noise
source.connect( audio_ctx.destination );
// [optional] promisify
const will_stop = new Promise( (res) => source.onended = res );
source.start(0); // start playing now
await will_stop;
current ++;
<button id="btn" disabled>play all in sequence</button>