如何使用Python中的clinicalTrials.gov API获得完整结果?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试能够动态地提取健康状况以访问 clinicaltrials.gov API 并获取相关研究列表以进一步查询。 (我最终会将

变量作为输入,现在只需进行硬编码以测试 API)。我从来没有编写过这样的代码来访问这样的 API,并且我找到了一些适合这个特定网站的示例。我有一些问题:

  1. 是否可以获得完整记录,而不仅仅是第 1 页的记录?如果是的话,怎么办?
  2. 如何合并新的 API 链接而不是旧的链接?我还没有在任何地方看到任何尝试新的例子。

我的代码如下。当我运行它时,我得到 5 行 93 列,这看起来不对。我怎样才能做到这一点?最后我想要一个简单的数据框。

import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import datetime

end_str = '&max_rnk=1000&fmt=json'
search_expression = 'Diabetes{end_str}'
base = f'https://clinicaltrials.gov/api/query/study_fields?expr={search_expression}'


extract_fields = [
    'NCT Number',
    'Study Type',
    'Outcome Measures',
    'Funder type',
    'Study Design',
    'Other IDs',
    'Study Start',
    'Primary Completion',
    'Study Completion',
    'First Posted',
    'Results First Posted',
    'Last Update Posted',
    'Study Documents'

query_url = f'{base}&fields={",".join(extract_fields)}'

r = requests.get(query_url)

# Check we have a successful extract with code 200

## dict
j = json.loads(r.content)

## dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(j)
python python-3.x api


old API
new API
new API
old API
的文档链接 (https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/api/gui/ref /api_urls)所以我脑子里一片混乱。


old API

`旧 API 的最少工作代码:


while True


为每个页面仅显示少量结果 - 这样我就可以轻松查看它们是否不同 - 而且我不会多次获得相同的页面。


old API


get(url, params)
而不是使用 url 和所有参数创建字符串。我使用

import requests

base = 'https://clinicaltrials.gov/api/query/study_fields'   # old API

# old API fields
extract_fields = [

# old API parameter
params = {
    'fields': ",".join(extract_fields), 
    'expr': 'Diabetes',
    'min_rnk': 1,
    'max_rnk': 1000,
    'fmt': 'json', 

for page in range(1, 4):  # use `while True` to get all pages
    print(f'--- page: {page} ---')
    response = requests.get(base, params=params)
    #print('status_code:', response.status_code)
    #print('response.ok:', response.ok)
    if not response.ok:
        print('response.text:', response.text)
    data = response.json()
    #     dict_keys(['APIVrs', 'DataVrs', 'Expression', 'NStudiesAvail', 'NStudiesFound', 'MinRank', 'MaxRank', 'NStudiesReturned', 'FieldList', 'StudyFields'])
    data_responses = data['StudyFieldsResponse']
    #print('APIVrs :',          data_responses['APIVrs'])
    #print('DataVrs:',          data_responses['DataVrs'])
    #print('Expression:',       data_responses['Expression'])
    #print('NStudiesAvail:',    data_responses['NStudiesAvail'])
    #print('NStudiesFound:',    data_responses['NStudiesFound'])
    #print('MinRank:',          data_responses['MinRank'])
    #print('MaxRank:',          data_responses['MaxRank'])
    #print('NStudiesReturned:', data_responses['NStudiesReturned'])
    #print('FieldList:',        data_responses['FieldList'])
    # I use `[:10]` to reduce results on screen
    for index, item in enumerate(data_responses['StudyFields'][:10], 1):
        print(f'{page:2},{index:4}:', item['BriefTitle'])
    params['min_rnk'] += 1000
    params['max_rnk'] += 1000


--- page: 1 ---
 1,   1: ['Diabetes Pueblo Program - Application and Acceptability of Culturally Appropriate Latino Education for Insulin Therapy']
 1,   2: ['Best Practice Study of Diabetes Type 2 Management in Primary Care in Switzerland']
 1,   3: ['Diabetes and Partnership: Evaluation of a Diabetes Education Module']
 1,   4: ['Diabetes and Sports: Evaluation of a Diabetes Education Module']
 1,   5: ['Diabetes and Travel: Evaluation of a Diabetes Education Module - a Randomized Controlled Trial (PRIMO_Travel)']
 1,   6: ['Diabetes and Social Issues: Evaluation of a Diabetes Education Module']
 1,   7: ['Evaluation of a Diabetes-specific Cognitive Behavioural Treatment for Subthreshold Depression']
 1,   8: ['Evaluating the Influence of Diabetes Stigma on Medication Adherence']
 1,   9: ['Diabetes to Go: Inpatient Education Implementation']
 1,  10: ['My Diabetes Care Mobile: A Usability Study']
--- page: 2 ---
 2,   1: ['Left Ventricular DYsfunction in DiAbetes']
 2,   2: ['Glucose Variability in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes With a Sucrose-added Diet']
 2,   3: ['Surgery Versus Best Medical Management for the Long Term Remission of Type 2 Diabetes and Related Diseases (REMISSION)']
 2,   4: ['Evaluation of an Intervention for Young Adults With Diabetes: Resilient, Empowered, Active Living-Telehealth (REAL-T)']
 2,   5: ['Telehealth for Diabetes Self-Management']
 2,   6: ['Comparison of Visceral Adipokines Visfatin, Vaspin and Omentin Levels in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Pregnant Women']
 2,   7: ["Uncovering the 'ORIGINS' of Diabetes"]
 2,   8: ['Using of Ice Cream for Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus']
 2,   9: ['Validation Study of a Peri-intervention Diabetes Management Algorithm (DIAPI) for Endoscopy Procedures']
 2,  10: ['Vaccination Coverage in People Linving With Diabetes']
--- page: 3 ---
 3,   1: ['A Study of People With Type 2 Diabetes Who Have Diseases That Affect the Heart and Blood Vessels. The Study Will Also Look at the Treatment of a Group of These People in Hospitals in Portugal']
 3,   2: ['Randomized, Double-blind, Active-controlled, Study of Rivoglitazone in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus']
 3,   3: ['Establishing Ambulatory Glucose Profiles for People Without Diabetes Using CGM Data']
 3,   4: ['A Pragmatic Approach to Lower Diabetes Risk After Gestational Diabetes']
 3,   5: ['Effect of GLP-1 on Insulin-dose, Risk of Hypoglycemia and Gastric Emptying Rate in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes']
 3,   6: ['The Influence of Glycemic Control and Obesity on Energy Balance and Metabolic Flexibility in Type 1 Diabetes']
 3,   7: ['Efficacy of the Digital Platform for Diabetes Care Compared to Usual Care in Patients Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes.']
 3,   8: ['Effect of Short-Term Beta-Cell Rest in Adolescents and Young Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus']
 3,   9: ['Weight Loss Study for People With Type 2 Diabetes']
 3,  10: ['Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing After Gestational Diabetes']
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