Element.innerHTML断开DOM中元素和文档之间的连接(isConnected = false)?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

因此,基本上,我试图使错误消息在用户输入错误信息时默认显示为隐藏。但是,该消息没有出现。因此,我使用了调试器,并发现js顶部的错误节点元素。代码成功地在HTML中找到了元素,并且还成功地更改了它的属性。然而什么也没发生。因此,经过一些研究,我发现有一个名为isConnected的属性,该属性显示节点是否已连接到文档。发现我的元素在找到元素后立即已连接(true),但在进入errorHandler()函数时已断开连接(false)。因此,在进行了一些调试之后,我再次发现onPageLoad函数的底线是导致此问题的原因。它曾经是rootUl.innerHTML + = template(countriesObj);但是那打破了它。但是,当我将HTML中的错误元素从ul移到id =“ root” div之外时,它工作正常。只有当元素位于ul内部时,它才破裂。最终,我改用Element.insertAdjacentHTML()修复了该问题,它不会切断error元素和Document之间的连接。因此,经过大约一个小时的努力,我很好奇为什么会发生这种情况,并且rootUl.innerHTML + = template(countriesObj)之间有什么区别?和rootUl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',template(countriesObj));仅需添加,即使被其他未在此处显示的功能使用,rootUl.innerHTML + = template(countriesObj)也会断开连接。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>List Towns</title>
    <script src="../handlebars.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <p style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
        Input in the following format: "{Country}: {town}, {town} {Country}: {town}, {town}" and so on. Matching is case-insensitive. Non-english characters are not supported. Numbers are not supported. Check regex for more info. Reset button deletes entire database and refreshes page. 
    <form action="#" class="content">
        <label for="towns">Towns</label>
        <input id="towns" type="text" placeholder="ex. Bulgaria: Burgas, Varna Turkey: Ankara"/>
        <button id="btnLoadTowns">Load</button>
    <div id="root">
            <!--When the element was here, innerHTML wasn't working correctly-->
            <h4 id="error" style="color: rgb(136, 9, 0); display: none;" >Error. Input string not in correct format. Look at instructions above.</h4>
    <!--When the element was here, innerHTML was working fine-->
    <!-- <h4 id="error" style="color: rgb(136, 9, 0); display: none;" >Error. Input string not in correct format. Look at instructions above.</h4> -->
    <button id="reset">Reset</button>
    <h4 id="empty-database" style="color: rgb(136, 9, 0); display: none;" >Database is currently empty.</h4>
<script src="./app.js"></script>

async function pageApp(){
    let error = document.querySelector('#error');
    let emptyDatabase = document.getElementById('empty-database');
    // Grab the unordered list of countries
    let rootUl = document.querySelector('#root ul');
    // Extract(GET request) data from database
    let database = await getRequestForCountries();
    // Get the two templates: One is for both country and town, another is just for town when country already exists
    let template = await getTemplate();
    let templateTown = await getTemplateTown();
    // Load countries on page load
    //Attach load event to button
    //Reset button for deleting the database

    function errorHandler(){
        error.style.display = 'block';
            error.style.color = 'rgb(136, 9, 0)';
            error.style.background = 'none';
        }, 150)
        error.style.color = 'red';
        error.style.background = 'rgb(136, 9, 0)';

    function onPageLoad(){
        database.forEach(entry => {
            let townsArr = entry.towns;
            let countryName = entry.countryName;
            let townsArrObj = townsArr.reduce((acc, cur) =>{
                let townObj = {
                    name: cur
                return acc;
            let countriesObj = {
                        name: countryName, 
                        towns: townsArrObj
            //Was rootUl.innerHTML += template(countriesObj); But that breaks the DOM of error and makes error.isConnected = false; 
            // rootUl.innerHTML += template(countriesObj);
            rootUl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', template(countriesObj)); 
javascript html dom

[Element.innerHTML +=,在元素内获取HTML代码,并附加一些内容。

document.querySelector('p').innerHTML += `<span>Appended span</span>`;
  Lorem Ipsum
  <span style="color: red">Something</span>

Element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', 'To be inserted node')将在指定元素之前添加新节点。

document.querySelector('p').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div>I am div</div>');
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
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