将 chatGPT markdown 转换为 OpenOffie 样式的 OpenOffice 宏崩溃

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

用途:OpenOffice 宏将

### heading **bold** *italics* and list
以及诸如 - 第一 - 第二个 Markdown 之类的项目转换为 OpenOffice 样式文本


    MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description





Sub convertMarkdown()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Global error handling

    MsgBox "convertMarkdown() started."
    ' Get the current document
    Dim oDoc As Object
    oDoc = ThisComponent
    ' Check if the document is text (Writer)
    If oDoc.SupportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument") Then
        ' Get the text content of the document
        Dim oText As Object
        oText = oDoc.Text
        ' Check if oText is properly initialized
        If IsNull(oText) Then
            MsgBox "oText is not initialized."
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' Create an enumeration for paragraphs
        Dim oParagraphs As Object
        oParagraphs = oText.createEnumeration()
        ' Process each paragraph
        While oParagraphs.hasMoreElements()
            Dim oParagraph As Object
            oParagraph = oParagraphs.nextElement()
            Dim paragraphText As String
            paragraphText = Trim(oParagraph.getString()) ' Trim spaces
            ' Check if oParagraph is properly initialized
            If IsNull(oParagraph) Then
                MsgBox "oParagraph is not initialized."
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Handle ### headings
            If Left(paragraphText, 3) = "###" Then
                MsgBox "### found"
                oParagraph.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
                oParagraph.setString Mid(paragraphText, 4) ' Remove ###
            End If
            ' Handle **bold** text
            Dim startBold As Long
            startBold = InStr(paragraphText, "**")
            While startBold > 0
                Dim endBold As Long
                endBold = InStr(startBold + 2, paragraphText, "**")
                If endBold > 0 Then
                    MsgBox "** found"
                    Dim boldText As String
                    boldText = Mid(paragraphText, startBold + 2, endBold - startBold - 2)
                    paragraphText = Replace(paragraphText, "**" & boldText & "**", boldText)

                    ' Create a new cursor for the bold text
                    Dim oBoldCursor As Object
                    oBoldCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange(oParagraph)
                    ' Check if oBoldCursor is created successfully
                    If Not IsNull(oBoldCursor) Then
                        oBoldCursor.gotoRange(oParagraph, False)
                        oBoldCursor.goRight(startBold, False) ' Move to the start of the bold text
                        oBoldCursor.goRight(Len(boldText), True) ' Move to the end of the bold text
                        oBoldCursor.CharWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
                        MsgBox "Failed to create bold cursor."
                    End If
                End If
                startBold = InStr(startBold + 1, paragraphText, "**") ' Move to next bold
            ' Handle *italics* text
            Dim startItalics As Long
            startItalics = InStr(paragraphText, "*")
            While startItalics > 0
                Dim endItalics As Long
                endItalics = InStr(startItalics + 1, paragraphText, "*")
                If endItalics > 0 Then
                    MsgBox "* found"
                    Dim italicsText As String
                    italicsText = Mid(paragraphText, startItalics + 1, endItalics - startItalics - 1)
                    paragraphText = Replace(paragraphText, "*" & italicsText & "*", italicsText)

                    ' Create a new cursor for the italic text
                    Dim oItalicsCursor As Object
                    oItalicsCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange(oParagraph)
                    ' Check if oItalicsCursor is created successfully
                    If Not IsNull(oItalicsCursor) Then
                        oItalicsCursor.gotoRange(oParagraph, False)
                        oItalicsCursor.goRight(startItalics, False) ' Move to the start of the italic text
                        oItalicsCursor.goRight(Len(italicsText), True) ' Move to the end of the italic text
                        oItalicsCursor.CharPosture = com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC
                        MsgBox "Failed to create italic cursor."
                    End If
                End If
                startItalics = InStr(startItalics + 1, paragraphText, "*") ' Move to next italics
            ' Handle bullet points (-)
            If Left(paragraphText, 2) = "- " Then
                MsgBox "- found"
                oParagraph.setString Mid(paragraphText, 3) ' Remove - and space
                ' Apply bullet formatting to the modified paragraph
                oParagraph.NumberingStyleName = "Numbering 1"
            End If
        Wend ' End of While for paragraphs

        MsgBox "convertMarkdown() ended."
        MsgBox "This is not a Writer document."
    End If
    Exit Sub ' Ensure error handling is exited properly

    MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description
    Resume Next
End Sub

macros markdown openoffice-writer

我放弃了为 OpenOffice 编写宏,而 chatGPT 极大地帮助编写了一个 VBA 宏,以便与 Word 一起使用,以处理将其 Markdown 编码响应转换为 OpenOffice 样式。它将 Markdown 转换为粗体、斜体、下划线、1 2 3 级标题、项目符号列表和编号列表。


以下是有关如何将宏添加到 Word 的简洁说明:

将宏添加到 Microsoft Word 的说明:

  1. 打开 Word:启动 Microsoft Word。

  2. 打开 VBA 编辑器

    • Alt + F11
      打开 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 编辑器。
  3. 插入新模块:

    • 在 VBA 编辑器中,找到“项目”窗口(通常位于左侧)。
    • 右键单击
    • 选择插入>模块。这将创建一个新模块。
  4. 复制并粘贴宏

    • 在新模块窗口中,复制并粘贴提供的宏代码。
    Sub ApplyChatGPTMarkupStyles_WithNumberedLists()
        Dim rng As Range
        Dim paragraph As Paragraph
        Dim strText As String
        Dim startPos As Long, endPos As Long
        ' Loop through each paragraph
        For Each paragraph In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
            Set rng = paragraph.Range
            strText = rng.Text
            ' Handle headings
            If Left(strText, 3) = "###" Then
                rng.Text = Mid(strText, 4) ' Remove ###
                rng.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 3")
            ElseIf Left(strText, 2) = "##" Then
                rng.Text = Mid(strText, 3) ' Remove ##
                rng.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2")
            ElseIf Left(strText, 1) = "#" Then
                rng.Text = Mid(strText, 2) ' Remove #
                rng.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1")
            End If
            ' Handle **bold** (multiple instances)
            Do While InStr(strText, "**") > 0
                startPos = InStr(strText, "**")
                endPos = InStr(startPos + 2, strText, "**")
                If endPos > startPos Then
                    Set rng = paragraph.Range
                    rng.SetRange paragraph.Range.Start + startPos - 1, paragraph.Range.Start + endPos + 1
                    rng.Font.Bold = True
                    rng.Text = Replace(rng.Text, "**", "")
                End If
                strText = paragraph.Range.Text
            ' Handle *italic* (multiple instances)
            Do While InStr(strText, "*") > 0
                startPos = InStr(strText, "*")
                endPos = InStr(startPos + 1, strText, "*")
                If endPos > startPos Then
                    Set rng = paragraph.Range
                    rng.SetRange paragraph.Range.Start + startPos - 1, paragraph.Range.Start + endPos
                    rng.Font.Italic = True
                    rng.Text = Replace(rng.Text, "*", "")
                End If
                strText = paragraph.Range.Text
            ' Handle _underline_ (multiple instances)
            Do While InStr(strText, "_") > 0
                startPos = InStr(strText, "_")
                endPos = InStr(startPos + 1, strText, "_")
                If endPos > startPos Then
                    Set rng = paragraph.Range
                    rng.SetRange paragraph.Range.Start + startPos - 1, paragraph.Range.Start + endPos
                    rng.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
                    rng.Text = Replace(rng.Text, "_", "")
                End If
                strText = paragraph.Range.Text
            ' Handle bullet points: - item
            If Left(strText, 2) = "- " Then
                rng.Text = Mid(strText, 3) ' Remove the dash
            End If
            ' Numbered lists: 1. item
            If IsNumeric(Left(strText, 1)) And Mid(strText, 2, 1) = "." Then
                rng.Text = Mid(strText, 3) ' Remove the number and period
            End If
        Next paragraph
    End Sub
  5. 保存您的宏:

    • Ctrl + S
  6. 关闭 VBA 编辑器:

    • 单击右上角的
      Alt + Q
      关闭 VBA 编辑器。
  7. 运行宏

    • 返回 Word,按
      Alt + F8
    • 从列表中选择
      ,然后单击 运行


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