我创建了一个名为 Place 的抽象类,它是所有这些类型的父类。每个地点都包含子位置图、父位置以及获取父子位置(也称为邻居)的能力
我考虑过对所有类型进行硬编码,以便 City 的 getParent 返回一个国家/地区,而 getSublocations 返回一个建筑图,但这会在更改类的功能或添加新类时产生一些问题,并且涉及大量的问题代码复制。还有其他方法可以解决这个问题吗?
感谢您的所有回答。这是我到目前为止所拥有的。它并不完美,但也不算太糟糕。我必须复制的唯一代码是 getNeighbors() 的实现。它曾经直接在抽象类中实现(this.getParent().getSublocations().getEdges(this)),但这只是一行代码。
import java.util.HashSet;
public abstract class Place {
//World, Region, City, Building, Room
public enum Direction {
East, Northeast, North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South, Southeast, Invalid;
public static Direction fromInt(int i) {
switch (i) {
case 0: return East;
case 1: return Northeast;
case 2: return North;
case 3: return Northwest;
case 4: return West;
case 5: return Southwest;
case 6: return South;
case 7: return Southeast;
default: return Invalid;
public static Direction fromAngle(double angle) {
return fromInt((int) (angle+22.5)/45);
protected final int locked = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
protected int x, y; //longitude and latitude
public abstract String getName();
public abstract <S extends Place> Graph<S> getSublocations();
public abstract <T extends Place> T getParent();
public abstract <U extends Place> HashSet<Passage<U>> getNeighbors();
public final Direction getDirection(Place otherPlace) {
if (otherPlace == null) {
return Direction.Invalid;
} else if (this.getClass() == otherPlace.getClass()) {
return Direction.fromAngle(Math.atan2(otherPlace.y-y, otherPlace.x-x));
} else {
return Direction.Invalid;
我已经遇到过这个问题好几次了,当你搞乱这样的事情时,我不建议在这种情况下使用泛型,因为你已经知道每个 Place 将返回什么。希望这段代码能有所帮助。
public interface Place {
// Place can be an abstract class if you want.
// Making it abstract could cause some problems because it might make you use generics
// I recommend an interface
List<? extends Place> getSublocations();
Place getParent();
public class World implements Place {
private List<Country> countries;
public List<Country> getSublocations() {
return this.countries;
public Place getParent() {
return null;
public class Country implements Place {
private List<City> cities;
private World parent;
public List<City> getSublocations() {
return this.cities;
public World getParent() {
return this.parent;
public class City implements Place {
private Country parent;
public List<? extends Place> getSublocations() {
return null;
public Country getParent() {
return this.parent;
扩展(而不是像 City extends Country
public class Place<P extends Place<?, ?>, C extends Place<?, ?>> {
// ...
public final P getParent() { ... }
public final Set<C> getChildren() { ... }
public class City extends Place<Country, Building> { ... )
更为灵活,并且避免在类型系统中硬编码层次结构的不同级别之间的关系。如果事情发生变化(例如,您在 State
和 Country
之间引入 City
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