尝试 Pipenv 锁定时出现 pipfile 错误

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我在锁定 pipfile 时遇到错误,因为我有一个 pipfile,这是当前的依赖项

url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

celery = ">=5.1.1,<5.2"
unidecode = ">=1.2.0,<1.3"
django-compressor = ">=2.4.1,<2.5"
csscompressor = ">=0.9.5,<1.0"
python3-memcached = ">=1.51,<1.52"
django-ratelimit = ">=3.0.1,<3.1"
djangorestframework = "<=3.9.0"
django-cors-headers = ">=3.7.0,<3.8"
psycopg2-binary = ">=2.8,<2.9"  # To upgrade need to address: https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/issues/1293
django = "<=2.2"
django-filter = ">=2.4.0,<2.5"
docutils = ">=0.17.1,<0.18"
django-redis = ">=5.0.0,<5.1"
ipython = "<7.17"
django-hijack = ">=2.3.0,<2.4"
django-hijack-admin = ">=2.1.10,<2.2"
sentry-sdk = ">=1.1.0,<1.2"
django-webpack-loader = "<=0.7.0"  # To upgrade need to address: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67808608/django-webpack-loader-assets-keyerror
cryptography = ">=3.4.7,<3.5"
openpyxl = ">=3.0.7,<3.1"
jedi = "<0.18"  # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/12748
pillow = ">=9.2.0,<9.3"

tox = "*"
flake8 = "*"
pytest = "*"
pytest-django = "*"
coverage = "*"
django-debug-panel = "*"
django-debug-toolbar = "*"
factory-boy = "*"
pytest-cov = "*"


enter image description here

我认为这与我的pip和pipenv版本有关,因此我将它们更新为pip 24.2和pipenv,版本2024.2.0,但我仍然收到相同的错误。不知道从这里该去哪里。

pip pipenv pipfile

我找出了问题所在,似乎存在与我当前版本的 pip 、 pipelinenv 和 python 不兼容的依赖项。我需要仔细检查每个版本并在重新运行 pipelinev lock 之前进行检查。

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