ipv6 dst 的 SSH ProxyJump 问题:如何通过 jumphost ssh 到带有 fe80:: 前缀的 ipv6 服务器

问题描述 投票:0回答:0


issue: ssh -J : user@%eth0 // 这行不通

 - ssh -v -J prod60:45719 user@fe80::xxx:xxff:fexx:8718%eth0


              serverA/jumper:port               serverB

本地机器 ------> prod60:45719 ------> fe80::xxx:xxff:fexx:8718%eth0

1. Both serverA and serverB are with ipv4 and ipv6 configured in general and they are under same subset and thus reachable to each other
2. ssh prod60 -p 45719   // this works fine...the jumper is reachable
3. ssh -J prod60:45719 user@<ipv4_of_serverB>     // this works fine...jumper works fine to ipv4_address of serverB
     - ssh -vvv -J prod60:45719 [email protected]
4. on serverA, ssh user@<ipv6_of_serverB>%eth0    // this works fine...jumper and dst are reachable
     - ssh -vvv user@fe80::xxx:xxff:fexx:8718%eth0

虽然有时 serverB 的 ipv4 不可用,但我希望通过 serverA 代理跳转到 ipv6_serverB 作为中间的跳转......这就是问题所在。

补充: 我试过 ssh -v 并比较了 fact4 场景和问题场景的细节,它显示:

 - fact4 scenario (ssh ipv6_serverB from serverA):
 -- Authenticated to fe80::xxx:xxff:fexx:8718%eth0 ([fe80::xxx:xxff:fexx:8718%eth0]:22).
    debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]

 - issue scenario (ssh -J jumper:port user@<ipv6_serverB>%eth0): 
 -- debug1: channel_connect_stdio_fwd: fe80::xxx:xxff:fexx:8718:22
    debug1: channel 0: new [stdio-forward]
    debug1: getpeername failed: Bad file descriptor

很明显有一个 %eth0 的区别,在成功的 fact4 场景中,%eth0 被结转并处理,而在坏问题场景中,%eth0 被忽略,原因不明,后来 getpeername 失败。

我被困在这里,不知道如何进一步排除故障或修复它。 任何人都可以在这里帮忙并详细说明一下吗?谢谢!


ssh -J : 用户@%eth0

  • 已经尝试过 user@[ipv6_serverB%eth0] 有或没有引号....不好
ssh ipv6 jumphost
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