将 XML 解析为 Java 对象

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我正在尝试确定将从 Web 服务调用获得的 XML 响应解析为 Java 对象的最佳方法。 使用 JAXB 似乎是最简单的方法,但我得到的每个示例都要求您有一个模板 Java 类,该类将是 XML 转换成的 Java 类型。 我的xml如下

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <entry_list version="1.0">
      <entry id="main[1]"> <hw highlight="yes" hindex="1">main</hw> <sound><wav>main0001.wav</wav></sound> <pr>ˈmeɪn</pr> <fl>adjective</fl> <lb>always used before a noun</lb> <def><dt>:most important :<sx>chief</sx> <sx>principal</sx> <vi>the <it>main</it> idea/point</vi> <vi>the <it>main</it> goal/purpose</vi> <vi>Speed is the <it>main</it> advantage of this approach.</vi> <vi>The company's <it>main</it> office is located in New York.</vi> <vi>the novel's <it>main</it> character</vi> <vi>driving down the <it>main</it> road/highway</vi> <vi>the <it>main</it> gate/entrance</vi> <vi>This dish can be served as a <phrase>main course</phrase> or appetizer.</vi> <vi>And now for the <phrase>main event</phrase> of the evening!</vi></dt></def> <uro><ure>main*ly</ure> <fl>adverb</fl> <utxt><vi>The reviews have been <it>mainly</it> [=<it>mostly</it>] positive.</vi> <vi>a plant found <it>mainly</it> [=<it>chiefly</it>] in coastal regions</vi> <vi>I don't like the plan, <it>mainly</it> because I think it's too expensive.</vi> <vi>The problems have been <it>mainly</it> minor ones. [=most of the problems have been minor ones]</vi> <vi>They depend <it>mainly</it> on/upon fish for food.</vi></utxt></uro></entry>
      <entry id="main[2]"> <hw hindex="2">main</hw> <altpr>ˈmeɪn</altpr> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>mains</if></in> <def><sn>1</sn> <sgram>count</sgram> <dt>:the largest pipe in a system of connected pipes <vi>a gas <it>main</it></vi> <vi>a water <it>main</it></vi></dt> <sn>2</sn> <bnote>the mains</bnote> <ssl>Brit</ssl> <sn>a</sn> <dt>:the system of pipes or wires for electricity, gas, or water <vi>My radio runs either off batteries or off <it>the mains</it>.</vi> <un>often used as <it>mains</it> before another noun <vi>We haven't had any <it>mains</it> water/electricity since the storm.</vi></un></dt> <sn>b</sn> <dt>:the place where electricity, gas, or water enters a building or room <vi>Turn off the water at <it>the mains</it>.</vi></dt></def> <dro><dre>in the main</dre> <def><dt>:in general <un>used to say that a statement is true in most cases or at most times <vi>The workers are <it>in the main</it> very capable. [=most of the workers are very capable]</vi> <vi>The weather has <it>in the main</it> been quite good. [=has been quite good most of the time]</vi></un></dt></def></dro></entry>
      <entry id="main clause"> <hw>main clause</hw> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>⁓ clauses</if></in> <def><gram>count</gram> <sl>grammar</sl> <dt>:a clause that could be used by itself as a simple sentence but that is part of a larger sentence <ca>called also <cat>independent clause</cat></ca> <dx>compare <dxt>coordinate clause</dxt> <dxt>subordinate clause</dxt></dx></dt></def></entry>
      <entry id="main drag"> <hw>main drag</hw> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>⁓ drags</if></in> <def><gram>count</gram> <sl>US</sl> <sl>informal</sl> <dt>:the main street in a town or city <vi>A carload of teenagers were cruising down the <it>main drag</it>.</vi></dt></def></entry>
      <entry id="main line"> <hw>main line</hw> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>⁓ lines</if></in> <def><gram>count</gram> <dt>:an important highway or railroad line</dt></def></entry>
      <entry id="main man"> <hw>main man</hw> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>⁓ men</if></in> <def><gram>count</gram> <sl>US</sl> <sl>informal</sl> <sn>1</sn> <dt>:someone's best male friend <vi>He's still her <it>main man</it>.</vi></dt> <sn>2</sn> <dt>:the most important or admired man in a group <vi>The team has many good players, but he is clearly the <it>main man</it>.</vi></dt></def></entry>
      <entry id="main squeeze"> <hw>main squeeze</hw> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>⁓ squeezes</if></in> <def><gram>count</gram> <sl>chiefly US slang</sl> <dt>:someone's main girlfriend, boyfriend, or lover <vi>She's my <it>main squeeze</it>.</vi></dt></def></entry>
      <entry id="main street"> <hw>main street</hw> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>⁓ streets</if></in> <def><sn>1</sn> <sgram>count</sgram> <dt>:the most important street of a U.S. town where there are many stores, banks, etc. <un>often used as a name <vi>The restaurant is at 257 <it>Main Street</it>.</vi></un></dt> <sn>2</sn> <bnote>Main Street</bnote> <sgram>noncount</sgram> <ssl>US</ssl> <dt><un>used to refer to middle-class people in the U.S. who have traditional beliefs and values <vi>What does <it>Main Street</it> think of this policy?</vi></un></dt></def></entry>
      <entry id="water main"> <hw>water main</hw> <fl>noun</fl> <in><il>plural</il> <if>⁓ mains</if></in> <def><gram>count</gram> <dt>:a large underground pipe that carries water <vi>The <it>water main</it> burst/broke and flooded the street.</vi></dt></def></entry>

我的问题是,我是否必须定义它将转换成的 Java 对象? 如果是这种情况,我担心的是如果在当前存在的 XML 响应中添加或删除数据会发生什么情况。 我也尝试过将 XML 加载到 DOM 中并以这种方式遍历它,但我再次想知道如果添加或删除元素会发生什么?

java xml xml-parsing jaxb domparser

使用 XML 最简单的方法是将其序列化为对象。

@XmlRootElement(name = "entry_list")
public class EntryList {
    @XmlElement(name = "entry")
    private List<Entry> entities;
    public List<Entry> getEntities() {
        return entities;
    public void setLastName(List<Entry> entities) {
        this.entities = entities;

public class Entry {
    private String id;
    private Sound sound
    public String getId() {
        return id;
    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = id;
    public Sound getSound() {
        return sound;
    public void setSound(Sound sound) {
        this.sound = sound;

带有子元素的每个元素都必须是一个类,如果它像 entryvi 那样重复多次,那么它应该是一个列表。


通常称为 POJO,是的,拥有一个是个好主意(甚至可能是必要的)。它定义了您的数据应如何表示为对象。如果数据丢失,Java 对象的字段将为空。因此,您应该将您的 Java 对象定义为最大程度地覆盖所有可能的属性。

可能有一些库会将附加属性放入 Hashmap 中(至少我知道 Jackson 可以对 JSON 执行此操作,但不确定 XML)



您可以使用 SAX 解析器。这种方法的优点,除了速度快和占用内存少之外,还在于您可以忽略您不想要或不需要的所有内容 - 然后您就不在乎这些部分是否发生变化。您只需在它们经过时捕获您想要的标签即可。

例如,如果您只对“main Clause”标签感兴趣,您的处理程序将类似于:

public class MyHandler extends org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler {

    public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
        if ("entry".equalsIgnoreCase(localName) &&
                "main clause".equalsIgnoreCase(attributes.getValue("id"))) {
            // Set a member variable flag
            // So we know how to process nested tags

    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
        if ("entry".equalsIgnoreCase(localName)) {
            // Unset the flag


根据我的经验,当您必须处理非常复杂的 XML 文档时,可能更容易:

  1. 将其转化为更简单的形式
  2. 将其编组为您可以使用的对象

即假设您有一个非常复杂的 XML:


第 1 步:使用 XSLT 进行简化

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="/">
        <SimpleForm><xsl:value-of select="XML/SomeElement/MoreElements/EvenMoreElements/text()"/></SimpleForm>

第 2 步:将您自己的 SimpleForm XML 编组到 java 对象中



我不认为 JAXB 是最好的解决方案...最好的解决方案是基于 XPath,它允许您在不牺牲代码可维护性的情况下简化编码...正如您在代码中看到的,您的导航只是一个 XPATH 表达式,整个程序大约有 10 多行代码,使用 XPath 和 VTD-XML,顺便说一句,上面发布的 xml 示例格式不正确...

import com.ximpleware.*;
public class extractExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws VTDException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        VTDGen vg = new VTDGen();
        if(!vg.parseFile("d:\\xml\\sample.xml", false)){
        VTDNav vn = vg.getNav();
        AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn);
        int i=0;
            System.out.println(" hw value are "+vn.toNormalizedString(i));

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