x1 <- c(90,7,3)
x2 <- c(70,18,12)
x3 <- c(17,4,30,17,30)
label1 <- c('Physically 90%','Spoke 7%','Never 3%')
label2 <- c('Abrupt Stop 70%','Go Around 18%','Stops Far \nAway 12%')
label3 <- c('None 17','Robot-Robot 4%','Robot-\nHuman 30%','Robot-\nObject 17%','Robot-\nSurface 30%')
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
pie(x1, label1,main="Instances Where Robot Has Been Stuck", col=rainbow(length(x1)))
pie(x2, label2,main="How Robot Avoids Objects", col=rainbow(length(x2)))
pie(x3, label3,main="Collision Types", col=rainbow(length(x3)))
x1 <- c(90,7,3)
x2 <- c(70,18,12)
x3 <- c(17,4,30,17,30)
label1 <- c('Physically 90%','Spoke 7%','Never 3%')
label2 <- c('Abrupt Stop 70%','Go Around 18%','Stops Far \nAway 12%')
label3 <- c('None 17','Robot-Robot 4%','Robot-\nHuman 30%','Robot-\nObject 17%','Robot-\nSurface 30%')
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
pie(x1, label1,main="Instances Where Robot Has Been Stuck", col=rainbow(length(x1)), radius=1.05)
pie(x2, label2,main="How Robot Avoids Objects", col=rainbow(length(x2)), radius=1.05)
pie(x3, label3,main="Collision Types", col=rainbow(length(x3)), radius=1.05)
pie 的文档如下:
the pie is drawn centered in a square box whose sides range from -1−1 to 11.
If the character strings labeling the slices are long
it may be necessary to use a smaller radius.
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