
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想测量孔重心 (COG)。

我写了代码。它可以工作,但默认情况下 COG 值是从局部轴获取的。


Sub main()

Dim oPartDoc As document
Set oPartDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Dim selection2 As Selection
Set selection2 = oPartDoc.Selection

selection2.Search ("Type=Hole,all")

For i = 1 To selection2.Count

    Dim ocircle As Variant

    Set ocircle = selection2.Item(i).Value

    Set TheSPAWorkbench = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench("SPAWorkbench")
    Set TheMeasurable = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(ocircle)
    Dim Coordinates(2)
    TheMeasurable.GetCOG Coordinates
    x1 = Coordinates(0)
    y1 = Coordinates(1)
    z1 = Coordinates(2)

    MsgBox "Center of gravity : X = " & _
      CStr(Coordinates(0)) & ", Y = " + CStr(Coordinates(1)) & ", Z = " + CStr(Coordinates(2))


End Sub
vba catia

从 R28 开始有新方法,可让您轻松地在装配环境中进行测量。 不再需要执行转换或玩字符串游戏来制作产品参考。

SPAWorkbench.GetMeasurableInContext(partReference,instanceProduct) 就是执行 COG 所需的全部内容。


Dim oRoot As Product
Set oRoot = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product

Dim oPartProd As Product
Set oPartProd = oRoot.Products.Item("Part2.1") 'this is a specific instance product

Dim oPart As Part
Set oPart = oPartProd.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part 'get the part from the instance product

Dim oBodyRef As Reference
Set oBodyRef = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oPart.Bodies.Item(1)) 'part reference to the PartBody

Dim oSPA As SPAWorkbench
Set oSPA = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench("SPAWorkbench") 'get the SPA workbench from the root assembly

Dim oRefMeasurable As Measurable
Set oRefMeasurable = oSPA.GetMeasurableInContext(oBodyRef, oPartProd) 'measurable in assembly context *NEW in R29*

Dim cog(2)
Dim vMeas As Variant
Set vMeas = oRefMeasurable
Call vMeas.GetCOG(cog)

Debug.Print "PRODUCT COG = " & cog(0) & " " & cog(1) & " " & cog(2)
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