我使用 par() 制作了两个图,但它没有保存

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我创建了一个函数,读取 .csv 文件,将数据处理到数据框中,在 (2, 1) 布局中制作

文件中。如果我运行一个函数,它确实会显示正确的数据框,但绘图不会保存。如果我独立运行绘图代码,Rstudio 会正确显示绘图。

data <- read.csv("file name here", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

F4 <- function(data) {
  data <- data[, !colnames(data) %in% "blank"]
  names(data) <- c("district", "confirmed", "deceased", "recovered")
  data[,"active"] <- data$confirmed - data$recovered - data$deceased
  data <- data[, c("district", "active", "confirmed", "recovered", "deceased")]
  data <- data[1:30, ]
  png("png file name here", width=100, height=500)
  par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(4, 4, 4, 4), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
  boxplot(data$active, data$confirmed, data$recovered, data$deceased, col = "skyblue", ylab = "No. of Cases",
          main = "Boxplot of COVID-19 status")
  axis(1, at = 1, labels = "Active")
  axis(1, at = 2, labels = "Confirmed")
  axis(1, at = 3, labels = "Recovered")
  axis(1, at = 4, labels = "Deceased")
  barplot(data$confirmed, col = "skyblue", ylim = c(0, 200), names.arg = 1:30,
          xlab = "District", ylab = "No. of Cases", main = "COVID-19 status by region")
  barplot(data$recovered, col = "yellowgreen", add = TRUE)
  barplot(data$deceased, col = "tomato", add = TRUE)
  legend("topright", legend = c("Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deceased"), fill=c("skyblue", "yellowgreen", "tomato"), horiz=TRUE, cex = 0.9)

r function plot



F4 <- function(data) {
  data <- data[, !colnames(data) %in% "blank"]
  names(data) <- c("district", "confirmed", "deceased", "recovered")
  data[, "active"] <- data$confirmed - data$recovered - data$deceased
  data <- data[, c("district", "active", "confirmed", "recovered", "deceased")]
  data <- data[1:30, ]
  png("foo.png", width=800, height=1000)
  par(mfrow=c(2, 1), mar=c(4, 4, 4, 4), oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
  boxplot(data$active, data$confirmed, data$recovered, data$deceased,
          col="skyblue", ylab="No. of Cases", 
          main="Boxplot of COVID-19 status")
  axis(1, at=1, labels="Active")
  axis(1, at=2, labels="Confirmed")
  axis(1, at=3, labels="Recovered")
  axis(1, at=4, labels="Deceased")
  barplot(data$confirmed, col="skyblue", ylim=c(0, 200), names.arg=1:30, 
          xlab="District", ylab="No. of Cases",
          main="COVID-19 status by region")
  barplot(data$recovered, col="yellowgreen", add=TRUE)
  barplot(data$deceased, col="tomato", add=TRUE)
  legend("topright", legend=c("Confirmed", "Recovered", "Deceased"), 
         fill=c("skyblue", "yellowgreen", "tomato"), horiz=TRUE, cex=0.9)

> F4(data)
      district active confirmed recovered deceased
1   District 1     -2        98        91        9
2   District 2     27       114        48       39
3   District 3     99       123        20        4
4   District 4     89       195        74       32
5   District 5     61       171        62       48
6   District 6     -1        98        61       38
7   District 7     81       177        61       35
8   District 8    -64        96       116       44
9   District 9    -12        73        44       41
10 District 10    -22       120       134        8
11 District 11     70       149        51       28
12 District 12     27       138       100       11
13 District 13    107       159        33       19
14 District 14    -69        69       130        8
15 District 15     96       163        25       42
16 District 16     64       160        62       34
17 District 17     20       180       132       28
18 District 18    -57        90       132       15
19 District 19     52       138        50       36
20 District 20    -64        76       113       27
21 District 21     88       158        25       45
22 District 22     -7        54        57        4
23 District 23      0       141       114       27
24 District 24    127       153        25        1
25 District 25    -68        52       103       17
26 District 26     50       107        34       23
27 District 27    -10        91        53       48
28 District 28     25        73        31       17
29 District 29    -59        92       147        4
30 District 30     87       192        60       45

enter image description here


> dput(data)
structure(list(district = c("District 1", "District 2", "District 3", 
"District 4", "District 5", "District 6", "District 7", "District 8", 
"District 9", "District 10", "District 11", "District 12", "District 13", 
"District 14", "District 15", "District 16", "District 17", "District 18", 
"District 19", "District 20", "District 21", "District 22", "District 23", 
"District 24", "District 25", "District 26", "District 27", "District 28", 
"District 29", "District 30", "District 31", "District 32", "District 33", 
"District 34", "District 35", "District 36", "District 37", "District 38", 
"District 39", "District 40", "District 41", "District 42", "District 43", 
"District 44", "District 45", "District 46", "District 47", "District 48", 
"District 49", "District 50"), confirmed = c(98L, 114L, 123L, 
195L, 171L, 98L, 177L, 96L, 73L, 120L, 149L, 138L, 159L, 69L, 
163L, 160L, 180L, 90L, 138L, 76L, 158L, 54L, 141L, 153L, 52L, 
107L, 91L, 73L, 92L, 192L, 199L, 107L, 185L, 85L, 117L, 195L, 
158L, 141L, 53L, 148L, 163L, 55L, 183L, 179L, 165L, 52L, 167L, 
198L, 51L, 151L), deceased = c(9L, 39L, 4L, 32L, 48L, 38L, 35L, 
44L, 41L, 8L, 28L, 11L, 19L, 8L, 42L, 34L, 28L, 15L, 36L, 27L, 
45L, 4L, 27L, 1L, 17L, 23L, 48L, 17L, 4L, 45L, 39L, 39L, 20L, 
35L, 35L, 38L, 41L, 17L, 26L, 12L, 18L, 31L, 15L, 28L, 16L, 43L, 
8L, 20L, 42L, 47L), recovered = c(91L, 48L, 20L, 74L, 62L, 61L, 
61L, 116L, 44L, 134L, 51L, 100L, 33L, 130L, 25L, 62L, 132L, 132L, 
50L, 113L, 25L, 57L, 114L, 25L, 103L, 34L, 53L, 31L, 147L, 60L, 
85L, 75L, 117L, 44L, 111L, 126L, 80L, 33L, 143L, 114L, 51L, 47L, 
137L, 56L, 132L, 24L, 54L, 97L, 33L, 141L), blank = c(-1.66109907991481, 
-0.382333726873818, -0.5126502578778, 2.7018910003448, -1.36211623118972, 
0.137256218558607, -1.49362506731629, -1.4704357414368, 0.124702386197007, 
-0.996639134884037, -0.0018226143047082, -0.428258881425815, 
-0.613671606449495, -2.02467784541911, -1.22474795035999, 0.179516441117938, 
0.567620594423535, -0.492877353553475, 6.28840653511241e-05, 
1.12288964337997, 1.43985574297619, -1.09711376840582, -0.117319560250177, 
1.2014984009197, -0.469729580566301, -0.0524694849389963, -0.0861072982370896, 
-0.887679017906432, -0.444684004884738, -0.0294448790882381, 
-0.413868849057924, 1.1133860233682, -0.480992841653982, -0.433169032600729, 
0.696862576552103, -1.05636841317091, -0.0406984751512149, -1.55154482234759, 
1.16716954923568, -0.273645701374081, -0.467845324672254, -1.23825232798621, 
-0.00776203377732663, -0.80028217795166, -0.533492329950436, 
1.28767524558459, -0.175525870242127, -1.07178238415068, 0.163206882467382, 
-0.36273841562795)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
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