如何在PowerPoint 2007中使用VBA查找两个文本框或形状是否重叠?

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vba powerpoint



Function ShapesOverlap(oSh1 As Shape, oSh2 As Shape) As Boolean Dim Shp1Left As Single Dim Shp1Right As Single Dim Shp1Top As Single Dim Shp1Bottom As Single Dim Shp2Left As Single Dim Shp2Right As Single Dim Shp2Top As Single Dim Shp2Bottom As Single Dim bHorizontalOverlap As Boolean Dim bVerticalOverlap As Boolean With oSh1 Shp1Left = .Left Shp1Right = .Left + .Width Shp1Top = .Top Shp1Bottom = .Top + .Height End With With oSh2 Shp2Left = .Left Shp2Right = .Left + .Width Shp2Top = .Top Shp2Bottom = .Top + .Height End With ' do they overlap horizontally? If Shp1Left > Shp2Left Then If Shp1Left < Shp2Right Then bHorizontalOverlap = True End If End If If Shp1Left < Shp2Left Then If Shp1Right > Shp2Left Then bHorizontalOverlap = True End If End If ' do they overlap vertically? If Shp1Top > Shp2Top Then If Shp1Top < Shp2Bottom Then bVerticalOverlap = True End If End If ' do they overlap vertically? If Shp1Top < Shp2Top Then If Shp1Bottom > Shp2Top Then bVerticalOverlap = True End If End If ShapesOverlap = bHorizontalOverlap And bVerticalOverlap End Function

除非我缺少这个问题,否则答案是肯定的。 您是否不知道如何访问形状的尺寸,或者您知道如何使用尺寸来确定形状是否重叠?

以下宏,将每个幻灯片上每个形状的尺寸输出到直接的窗口。    有了这些信息,很难检查重叠。

Option Explicit Sub DsplDimensions() Dim InxSlide As Long Dim InxShape As Long With ActivePresentation For InxSlide = 1 To .Slides.Count Debug.Print "Slide " & InxSlide With .Slides(InxSlide) For InxShape = 1 To .Shapes.Count With .Shapes(InxShape) Debug.Print " Shape " & InxShape Debug.Print " Top & left " & .Top & " " & .Left Debug.Print " Height & width " & .Height & " " & .Width End With Next End With Next End With



Public Function ShapesOverlap(aShape As Object, bShape As Object) As Boolean Dim aLeft As Single Dim aRight As Single Dim aTop As Single Dim aBottom As Single aLeft = aShape.Left aRight = aShape.Left + aShape.Width aTop = aShape.Top aBottom = aShape.Top + aShape.Height Dim bLeft As Single Dim bRight As Single Dim bTop As Single Dim bBottom As Single bLeft = bShape.Left bRight = bShape.Left + bShape.Width bTop = bShape.Top bBottom = bShape.Top + bShape.Height Dim DoesOverlapExist As Boolean DoesOverlapExist = False 'First type of overlap If bLeft >= aLeft Then If bLeft <= aRight Then If bTop >= aTop Then If bTop <= aBottom Then DoesOverlapExist = True End If End If End If End If 'Second type of overlap If bLeft >= aLeft Then If bLeft <= aRight Then If bBottom >= aTop Then If bBottom <= aBottom Then DoesOverlapExist = True End If End If End If End If 'Third type of overlap If bRight >= aLeft Then If bRight <= aRight Then If bTop >= aTop Then If bTop <= aBottom Then DoesOverlapExist = True End If End If End If End If 'Fourth type of overlap If bRight >= aLeft Then If bRight <= aRight Then If bBottom >= aTop Then If bBottom <= aBottom Then DoesOverlapExist = True End If End If End If End If ShapesOverlap = DoesOverlapExist End Function

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