如何更新Sortedset Skip List插入中每个指针的长度?

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我正在实现 Sortset SkipList 的插入。没关系,但现在我需要让我的 get(index) 在 O(logn) 中运行。这意味着我必须结合 Sortedset Skiplist 和 Skiplist list。那么如何更新指针的长度,同时保持集合中元素的顺序?

public boolean add(T x) {

        Node<T> u = sentinel;
        int r = h;
        int comp = 0;
        int j = -1; // Track index position as we traverse
        Node<T> w = new Node<>(x, pickHeight());

        // Traverse the levels from top down to find the correct position for `x`
        while (r >= 0) {
            while (u.next[r] != null && (comp = c.compare(u.next[r].x, x)) < 0) {

                u = u.next[r];
            // Increment length on level `r` to account for the new node
            if (u.next[r] != null && comp == 0) return false; // Duplicate, exit early

            stack[r--] = u; // Store the node `u` in the stack for each level

        // Update height if the new node `w` requires it
        while (h < w.height()) {
            stack[++h] = sentinel;
            sentinel.length[h] = n + 1;

        j++; // `j` now represents the exact insertion index for `w`

        // Insert `w` and update lengths at each level
        for (int i = 0; i < w.next.length; i++) {

            w.next[i] = stack[i].next[i];
            stack[i].next[i] = w;

            // Calculate the lengths for `w` and `stack[i]`


        n++; // Increment node count
        return true;
java algorithm data-structures



删除节点时,对于每个前驱节点,将比要删除的节点与其下一个节点之间覆盖的元素个数少1个添加到前驱节点(如果要删除的节点在本层不存在,则该计数为零) ).


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