reset session
files = "data.dat reference.dat"
# File "reference.dat" contains only index / block "norm"
ref_blocks = "norm"
# norm
12019.1 444.6 16159.2 62355.9
8256.7 171.9 18879.5 67602.1
7560.4 192.7 15405.6 59350.9
13985.5 542.3 18920 56517.7
5401.5 364.9 13164.1 48907.4
3856.3 375.8 15093 73012.8
9087.7 532.8 15255.4 52057.8
8948.1 313.4 13690.2 53685.8
6511 275.3 11455.2 45066
10404.1 264.6 15223.6 60208.2
# File "data.dat" contains indices / blocks "cross long"
blocks = "cross long"
# cross
date RH LH RA LA
20200203 9500.8 164.3 13004.2 54644.1
20200522 9940.9 203.6 20142.7 49401.3
20210521 11226.3 222.7 14085.7 54759
20220527 13605.5 380.1 19472.8 46403.6
20220701 13206.5 376.3 12784 53552.9
20220706 13148.9 272.6 13455.7 51796.4
20221006 13832.9 311.6 13006.1 52337.4
20230309 13389.8 310.5 12677 54125.9
20230907 13806.3 334.8 13381.2 54700.4
20240919 15376.2 492.4 13050.4 53682.1
# long
date RH LH RA LA
20200203 9070.1 236.9 5505.8 53849.7
20200522 9489.2 258.5 6505.8 54003.9
20220527 13466 441.1 14128.5 50221.7
20220701 12934.3 400.4 14421.3 52927
20220706 12921.9 386.5 14539.9 50843.7
20221006 13440.1 351.2 15709.2 50322.8
20230309 13258.9 362.8 14416.2 52378.4
20210521 10771.3 294.8 14199.1 53795.7
20230907 13369.6 376.7 14974.9 53158.1
20240919 15216 478.7 14213 51990.8
# Both files contain columns with header names / labels "RH LH RA LA"
labels = "RH LH RA LA"
myXtic(n) = sprintf( "%s", word( labels, n ) )
set style fill solid 0.25 border -1
set style boxplot outliers pointtype 7
set style data boxplot
set boxwidth 0.7 absolute
set title "dat -> ref" font "Arial,14"
set xtics 1, 1, words(labels) scale 0
#set datafile separator '\t'
plot for [i=1:words(labels)] $REF index "norm" using (i):( column( word( labels, i ) ) ) notitle
#replot for [label in labels] $DAT index "long" using (i):( column( label ) ) notitle
“手动”完成(检查help keyentry
)logscale y
### overlay boxplots with timedata
reset session
# norm
12019.1 444.6 16159.2 62355.9
8256.7 171.9 18879.5 67602.1
7560.4 192.7 15405.6 59350.9
13985.5 542.3 18920 56517.7
5401.5 364.9 13164.1 48907.4
3856.3 375.8 15093 73012.8
9087.7 532.8 15255.4 52057.8
8948.1 313.4 13690.2 53685.8
6511 275.3 11455.2 45066
10404.1 264.6 15223.6 60208.2
# cross
date RH LH RA LA
20200203 9500.8 164.3 13004.2 54644.1
20200522 9940.9 203.6 20142.7 49401.3
20210521 11226.3 222.7 14085.7 54759
20220527 13605.5 380.1 19472.8 46403.6
20220701 13206.5 376.3 12784 53552.9
20220706 13148.9 272.6 13455.7 51796.4
20221006 13832.9 311.6 13006.1 52337.4
20230309 13389.8 310.5 12677 54125.9
20230907 13806.3 334.8 13381.2 54700.4
20240919 15376.2 492.4 13050.4 53682.1
# long
date RH LH RA LA
20200203 9070.1 236.9 5505.8 53849.7
20200522 9489.2 258.5 6505.8 54003.9
20220527 13466 441.1 14128.5 50221.7
20220701 12934.3 400.4 14421.3 52927
20220706 12921.9 386.5 14539.9 50843.7
20221006 13440.1 351.2 15709.2 50322.8
20230309 13258.9 362.8 14416.2 52378.4
20210521 10771.3 294.8 14199.1 53795.7
20230907 13369.6 376.7 14974.9 53158.1
20240919 15216 478.7 14213 51990.8
myHeaders = "LH RH LA RA"
H = words(myHeaders)
dataHeader(i) = column(word(myHeaders, i))
myBlocks = "cross long"
B = words(myBlocks)
myBlock(i) = word(myBlocks, i)
myBoxwidth = 0.8
myFmt = "%Y%m%d"
t(col,i) = ((timecolumn(col,myFmt)-t0)/(t1-t0) - 0.5)*myBoxwidth + i
stats $DAT u (timecolumn(1,myFmt)) nooutput
t0 = STATS_min
t1 = STATS_max
set title "dat -> ref" font "Arial,14"
set style boxplot outliers pointtype 7
set style data boxplot
set xrange [0.5:H+0.5] noextend
set logscale y
set grid y,my
set style fill solid 1.0 border -1
set boxwidth myBoxwidth absolute
set key left top reverse noautotitle
set linetype 1 lc rgb 0xaaff0000
set linetype 2 lc rgb 0xaa00aa00
set linetype 3 lc rgb 0x77ffff00
plot for [i=1:H] $REF index "norm" u (i):(dataHeader(i)) lt 3, \
for [b=1:B] for [i=1:H] $DAT index myBlock(b) u (t(1,i)):(dataHeader(i)) w lp pt 7 lt b, \
for [b=1:B] keyentry w lp pt 7 lt b ti myBlock(b), \
keyentry w boxes lt 3 ti "Ref", \
for [i=1:H] '+' every ::::0 u (i):(NaN):xtic(word(myHeaders, i))
### end of script